论文标题:Towards Deeper Graph Neural Networks
论文作者:Meng Liu, Hongyang Gao, Shuiwang Ji
论文来源:2020, KDD
图卷积是领域聚合的代表,这些邻域聚合方法中的一层只考虑近邻,当进一步深入以实现更大的接受域时,性能会下降,这种性能恶化归因于过平滑问题( over-smoothing),即当感受域增大时,在传播和更新过程中将不同标签的节点的嵌入变得一样。
提出 Deep Adaptive Graph Neural Network (DAGNN) 当感受域增大时,来自适应的接收领域信息。
大多数流行的图卷积操作遵循邻域聚合(或消息传递)的方式,通过传播(propagating)相邻节点的表示并随后应用转换来(transformation)学习节点表示。一般图卷积的第 $l$ 层可以描述为:
$begin{aligned}a_{i}^{(ell)} &=operatorname{PROPAGATION}^{(ell)}left(left{x_{i}^{(ell-1)},left{x_{j}^{(ell-1)}leftlfloor j in mathcal{N}_{i}right}right}right)right.\boldsymbol{x}_{i}^{(ell)} &=operatorname{TRANSFORMATION~}^{(ell)}left(a_{i}^{(ell)}right) .end{aligned}quadquadquad(1)$
典型代表 GCN 的前向传播过程可以表达为 :
$boldsymbol{X}^{(ell)}=sigmaleft(widehat{boldsymbol{A}} boldsymbol{X}^{(ell-1)} W^{(ell)}right) quadquadquad(2)$
在这里,首先定义节点 $i$ 和节点 $j$ 的表示之间的欧氏距离的相似性度量:
$Dleft(boldsymbol{x}_{i}, boldsymbol{x}_{j}right)=frac{1}{2}left|frac{boldsymbol{x}_{i}}{left|boldsymbol{x}_{i}right|}-frac{boldsymbol{x}_{j}}{left|boldsymbol{x}_{j}right|}right| quadquadquad(3)$
注意:$Dleft(boldsymbol{x}_{i}, boldsymbol{x}_{j}right) in [0,1]$ 。
基于 $text{Eq.3}$ 提出的节点 $i$ 平滑度度量 $S M V_{i}$ :
$S M V_{i}=frac{1}{n-1} sumlimits _{j in V, j neq i} Dleft(x_{i}, x_{j}right) quadquadquad(4)$
故图 $G$ 的平滑性度量如下:
$S M V_{G}=frac{1}{n} sumlimits _{i in V} S M V_{i} quadquadquad(4)$
显然,$S M V_{G}$ 和图平滑性呈负相关。
对于深度为 $0$ 的 GNN ,可认为是只考虑了语义信息,没有考虑结构信息的 MLP。从上图观察到测试精度随着层数先增加后下降。
t-SNE 可视化的结果:
节点表示随着层数的增加不断趋于相似,当层数达到 $6$ 层时,节点表示已经很难分离。
本文认为由于转换和传播的纠缠,损害了 GNNs 的性能。论点来源于:首先,他们之间的参数交织在一起,当感受域增大时,需要更多的参数。因此,训练具有大量参数的深度GNN。这可能可以解释为什么 Figure 2 中多个GCN层的性能波动很大。其次,表示的转换和传播应该被视为两个独立的操作。
从 Figure 2 和 Figure 1 所示 发现节点的类可以通过其初始特性完全预测,不使用任何图形结构信息,结果反而好。
为了验证上述论点,解耦了 $text{Eq.2}$ 中的传播和转换 :
$begin{aligned}Z &=operatorname{MLP}(X) \X_{o u t} &=operatorname{softmax}left(widehat{A}^{k} Zright)end{aligned} quadquadquad (6)$
变换后,应用 $k$ 步传播推导出输出特征矩阵 $X_{text {out }} in mathbb{R}^{n times c}$,采用 $softmax$ 计算分类概率。在这项工作中,我们系统地分析了这个方案,并揭示了它可以帮助构建更深层次的模型,而不遭受性能下降。
在 $text{Eq.6}$ 中采用的不同层数表示的测试精度和平滑度度量值 Cora 上的结果如 Figure 4 所示
在解决了特征转换和传播的纠缠之后,更深层次的模型能够利用更大的接受域而不影响性能退化。可以观察到,过度平滑的问题在一个大的接受域开始受影响,如在Cora 数据集上 75 hop 时,才出现平滑度度量值大大下降,度量值接近 $0$。
在实践中,通常不需要一个非常大的接受域,因为在一个被连接的组件中,最大的最短路径距离通常是一个可接受的小数字。因此,训练信号可以用少量的层传播到整个图中。具有 $2$ 个或 $3$ 个GCN层的图神经网络通常具有竞争能力,这就证明了这一点。
$widehat{A}_{oplus}=widetilde{D}^{-1} widetilde{A}$ 和 $widehat{A}_{odot}=widetilde{D}^{-frac{1}{2}} widetilde{A} widetilde{D}^{-frac{1}{2}} $,是两种常用的传播机制。行平均归一化 $widehat{A}_{oplus}$ 用于 GraphSAGE [9] 和 DGCNN [38],对称的标准化 $widehat{A}_{odot}$ 用于 GCN 。下面,我们通过证明 $ widehat{A}_{oplus}^{k} $ 和 $widehat{A}_{odot}^{k}$ 在 $k$ 趋于无穷时的收敛性来描述过平滑问题。
假设 $boldsymbol{e}=[1,1, cdots, 1] in mathbb{R}^{1 times n}$ 是一个值全为 $1$ 的行向量,函数 $Psi(boldsymbol{x})=frac{boldsymbol{x}}{operatorname{sum}(boldsymbol{x})} $ 将向量规范化为和为 $1$,函数 $Phi(boldsymbol{x})=frac{boldsymbol{x}}{|boldsymbol{x}|}$ 使一个向量标准化,使其大小为 $1$。
THEOREM 3.1. Given a connected graph $G$, $lim _{k rightarrow infty} widehat{A}_{oplus}^{k}=Pi_{oplus}$ , where $Pi_{oplus}$ is the matrix with all rows are $pi_{oplus}$ and $pi_{oplus}=Psi(e widetilde{D})$ .
THEOREM 3.2. Given a connected graph $G$, $lim _{k rightarrow infty} widehat{A}_{odot}^{k}=Pi_{odot}$ , where $Pi_{odot}=Phileft(widetilde{D}^{frac{1}{2}} boldsymbol{e}^{T}right)left(Phileft(widetilde{D}^{frac{1}{2}} boldsymbol{e}^{T}right)right)^{T} $.
从上述两个定理中,我们可以分别推导出在无限深度模型中 $k$ 趋于无穷时 $widehat{A}_{oplus}^{k} $ 和 $widehat{A}_{odot}^{k} $ 的精确收敛值。因此,应用无限层迭代传播信息相当于利用一步 $Pi_{oplus}$ 或 $Pi_{odot}$ 传播特征。$Pi_{oplus}$ 的行是相同的,$Pi_{odot}$ 的行与相应节点的度的平方根值成正比。因此,$Pi_{oplus}$ 或 $Pi_{odot}$ 的行是线性不可分割的,利用它们作为传播机制会产生难以区分的表示,从而导致过平滑问题。
Lemma 3.3. Given a graph $G$, $lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $widehat{boldsymbol{A}}_{oplus}$ with left eigenvector $boldsymbol{v}_{l} in mathbb{R}^{1 times n}$ and right eigenvector $boldsymbol{v}_{r} in mathbb{R}^{n times 1}$ if and only if $lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $widehat{boldsymbol{A}}_{odot}$ with left eigenvector $boldsymbol{v}_{l} widetilde{mathbf{D}}^{-frac{1}{2}} in mathbb{R}^{1 times n}$ and right eigenvector $widetilde{boldsymbol{D}}^{frac{1}{2}} boldsymbol{v}_{r} in mathbb{R}^{n times 1}$ .
Lemma 3.4. Given a connected graph $G$, $widehat{A}_{oplus}$ and $widehat{A}_{odot}$ always have an eigenvalue $1$ with unique associated eigenvectors and all other eigenvalues $lambda$ satisfy $|lambda|<1$ . The left and right eigenvectors of $widehat{boldsymbol{A}}_{oplus}$ associated with eigenvalue $1$ are $boldsymbol{e} widetilde{D} in mathbb{R}^{1 times n}$ and $boldsymbol{e}^{T} in mathbb{R}^{n times 1} $, respectively. For $widehat{boldsymbol{A}}_{odot}$ , they are $boldsymbol{e} widetilde{D}^{frac{1}{2}} in mathbb{R}^{1 times n}$ and $widetilde{boldsymbol{D}}^{frac{1}{2}} boldsymbol{e}^{T} in mathbb{R}^{n times 1}$ .
上述定理表明,过平滑将使节点表示不可分割,并提供了常用传播机制的精确收敛值。理论上,我们已经证明了在超平滑模型中是不可避免的。此外,收敛速度是我们在实践中应该考虑的一个更重要的因素。在数学上,根据 $Eq.7$ 的说法,收敛速度依赖于除传播矩阵的 $1$ 以外的其他特征值,特别是第二大特征值。直观地说,传播矩阵由相应图的拓扑信息决定的。这可能是我们在第2.2节中观察到的稀疏连通图只有在应用极深模型时,稀疏连接图才会出现过度平滑的原因。
该框架分解为:转换(transformation)、 传播(propagation)、自适应调整(adaptive adjustment)
$begin{array}{ll}Z=operatorname{MLP}(boldsymbol{X}) & in mathbb{R}^{n times c} \H_{ell}=widehat{A}^{ell} Z, ell=1,2, cdots, k & in mathbb{R}^{n times c} \H=operatorname{stack}left(Z, H_{1}, cdots, H_{k}right) & in mathbb{R}^{n times(k+1) times c} \S=sigma(H s) & in mathbb{R}^{n times(k+1) times 1} \widetilde{S}=operatorname{reshape}(S) & in mathbb{R}^{n times 1 times(k+1)} \X_{text {out }}=operatorname{softmax}(text { squeeze }(widetilde{S} H)) & in mathbb{R}^{n times c}end{array}quadquadquad(8)$
$S=sigma(H s)$ 利用这种自适应调整机制,DAGNN可以自适应地平衡来自每个节点的本地和全局邻域的信息。显然,转换过程 $Z=operatorname{MLP}(X)$ 和自适应调整过程 $S=sigma(H s)$ 具有可训练的参数,而在传播过程 $H_{ell}=widehat{A}^{ell} Z, ell=1,2, cdots, k$ 中没有可训练的参数,从而形成了一个参数高效的模型。
在 DAGNN 中,最终的表示形式 $X_{text {out }}$ 被用作最终的预测。因此,所有带标签的样本的交叉熵损失都可以计算为
$mathcal{L}=-sumlimits_{i in V_{L}} sumlimits_{p=1}^{c} Y_{[i, p]} ln X_{o u t}[i, p]quadquadquad(9)$
Lemma 3.3 证明:
If $lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $widehat{A}_{oplus}$ with left eigenvector $v_{l}$ and right eigenvector $boldsymbol{v}_{r}$
thus ,we have $boldsymbol{v}_{l} widehat{A}_{oplus}=lambda boldsymbol{v}_{l} $ and $widehat{A}_{oplus} boldsymbol{v}_{r}= lambda boldsymbol{v}_{r}$
then, We right multiply the first eigenvalue equation with $widetilde{D}^{-frac{1}{2}}$ and left multiply the second eigenvalue equation with $widetilde{D}^{frac{1}{2}} $
so, $left(boldsymbol{v}_{l} widetilde{D}^{-frac{1}{2}}right) widetilde{D}^{-frac{1}{2}} widetilde{A} widetilde{D}^{-frac{1}{2}}=lambdaleft(boldsymbol{v}_{l} widetilde{D}^{-frac{1}{2}}right)$ 、$widetilde{D}^{-frac{1}{2}} widetilde{A}_{D}^{-frac{1}{2}}left(widetilde{D}^{frac{1}{2}} boldsymbol{v}_{r}right)= lambdaleft(widetilde{D}^{frac{1}{2}} boldsymbol{v}_{r}right)$
hence, $lambda$ is also an eigenvalue of $widehat{A}_{odot}$ with left eigenvector $boldsymbol{v}_{l} widetilde{D}^{-frac{1}{2}}$ and right eigenvector $widetilde{D}^{frac{1}{2}} boldsymbol{v}_{r} $.
Lemma 3.4 证明:
首先,证明:“ $widehat{A}_{oplus}$ and $widehat{A}_{odot}$ always have an eigenvalue $1$ with unique associated eigenvectors and all other eigenvalues $lambda$ satisfy $|lambda|<1$ . ”
We have $widehat{A}_{oplus} boldsymbol{e}^{T}=boldsymbol{e}^{T}$ because each row of $widehat{A}_{oplus}$ sums to $1$ .Therefore, 1 is an eigenvalue of $widehat{A}_{oplus}$ .
Suppose that there exists an eigenvalue $lambda$ that $|lambda|>1$ with eigenvector $boldsymbol{v}$ , then the length of the right side in $widehat{A}_{oplus}^{k} boldsymbol{v}=lambda^{k} boldsymbol{v}$ grows exponentially when $k$ goes to infinity. This indicates that some entries of $widehat{A}_{oplus}^{k}$ shoulde be larger than $1$ . Nevertheless, all entries of $widehat{A}_{oplus}^{k}$ are positive and each row of $widehat{A}_{oplus}^{k}$ always sums to $1$ , hence no entry of $widehat{A}_{oplus}^{k}$ can be larger than $1$, which leads to contradiction.
From Lemma 3.3, $widehat{A}_{oplus}$ and $widehat{A}_{odot}$ have the same eigenvalues. Therefore, $widehat{A}_{oplus}$ and $widehat{A}_{odot}$ always have an eigenvalue $1$ and all eigenvalues $lambda$ satisfy $|lambda| leq 1 $.
其次,证明 “The left and right eigenvectors of $widehat{boldsymbol{A}}_{oplus}$ associated with eigenvalue $1$ are $boldsymbol{e} widetilde{D} in mathbb{R}^{1 times n}$ and $boldsymbol{e}^{T} in mathbb{R}^{n times 1} $, respectively. For $widehat{boldsymbol{A}}_{odot}$ , they are $boldsymbol{e} widetilde{D}^{frac{1}{2}} in mathbb{R}^{1 times n}$ and $widetilde{boldsymbol{D}}^{frac{1}{2}} boldsymbol{e}^{T} in mathbb{R}^{n times 1}$ .”
We then compute the eigenvectors associated with eigenvalue $1$. Obviously, $boldsymbol{e}^{T}$ is the right eigenvector of $widehat{A}_{oplus} $ associated with eigenvalue $1$ .
Next, assume $boldsymbol{v}_{l}$ is the left eigenvector of $widehat{A}_{oplus}$ associated with eigenvalue $1$ and thus $ boldsymbol{v}_{l} widetilde{D}^{-frac{1}{2}}$ is the left eigenvector of $widehat{A}_{odot}$ associated with eigenvalue $1$ .
We know $widehat{A}_{odot}$ is a symmetric matrix, whose left and right eigenvectors associated with the same eigenvalue are simply each other's transpose. Hence, we utilize $boldsymbol{v}_{l} widetilde{D}^{-frac{1}{2}}=left(widetilde{D}^{frac{1}{2}} boldsymbol{e}^{T}right)^{T}$ to obtain $boldsymbol{v}_{l}=boldsymbol{e} widetilde{D}$ . After deriving the eigenvectors of $widehat{A}_{oplus}$ associated with eigenvalue $1 $, corresponding eigenvectors of $ widehat{A}_{odot}$ can be computed by Lemma 3.3.
Theorem 3.1 证明:
$widehat{A}_{oplus}$ can be viewed as a transition matrix because all entries are nonnegative and each row sums to $1$ . The graph $G$ can be further regarded as a Markov chain, whose transition matrix $boldsymbol{P}$ is $widehat{boldsymbol{A}}_{oplus}$ . This Markov chain is irreducible and aperiodic because the graph $G$ is connected and self-loops are included in the connectivity. If a Markov chain is irreducible and aperiodic, then $lim _{k rightarrow infty} P^{k}=Pi$ , where $Pi$ is the matrix with all rows equal to $pi$ and $pi$ can be computed by $pi P=pi$ , s.t. $sum_{i} pi_{i}=1$ . It is obvious that $pi$ is the unique left eigenvector of $P$ and is normalized such that all entries sum to $1$ . Hence, $lim _{k rightarrow infty} widehat{A}_{oplus}^{k}=Pi_{oplus}$ , where $Pi_{oplus}$ is the matrix with all rows are $pi_{oplus}$ and $pi_{oplus}=Psi(e widetilde{D})$ from Lemma 3.4 .
Theorem 3.2 证明:
Although $widehat{boldsymbol{A}}_{odot}$ cannot be processed as a transition matrix like $ widehat{A}_{oplus}$ , it is a symmetric matrix, which is diagonalizable. We have $widehat{A}_{odot}=Q Lambda Q^{T}$ , where $Q$ is an orthogonal matrix whose columns are normalized eigenvectors of $widehat{boldsymbol{A}}_{odot}$ and $Lambda$ is the diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are the eigenvalues. Then the $k -th$ power of $widehat{boldsymbol{A}}_{odot}$ can be computed by
$widehat{A}_{odot}^{k}=Q Lambda Q^{T} cdots Q Lambda Q^{T}=Q Lambda^{k} Q^{T}=sum_{i=1}^{k} lambda_{i}^{n} boldsymbol{v}_{i} boldsymbol{v}_{i}^{T} quadquadquadquad(7)$
where $boldsymbol{v}_{i}$ is the normalized right eigenvector associated with $lambda_{i}$ . From Lemma 3.4, $widehat{boldsymbol{A}}_{odot}$ always has an eigenvalue $1$ with unique associated eigenvectors and all other eigenvalues $ lambda$ satisfy $|lambda|<1$ . Hence, $lim _{k rightarrow infty} widehat{A}_{odot}^{k}=Phileft(widetilde{D}^{frac{1}{2}} boldsymbol{e}^{T}right)left(Phileft(widetilde{D}^{frac{1}{2}} boldsymbol{e}^{T}right)right)^{T} $.