MFC 学习笔记

MFC 学习笔记



MFC 学习笔记


MFC 学习笔记


MFC 学习笔记


MFC 学习笔记



MFC 学习笔记


MFC 学习笔记


MFC 学习笔记

MFC 学习笔记






#include <afxwin.h> class CMyFrameWnd : public CFrameWnd{ }; class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ public: 	CMyWinApp() 	{ 	} 	virtual BOOL InitInstance(){//此函数内部的this为&theApp 		CMyFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMyFrameWnd; 		pFrame->Create(NULL, "MFCBase"); 		this->m_pMainWnd = pFrame; 		pFrame->ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); 		pFrame->UpdateWindow(); 		return TRUE; 	} }; CMyWinApp theApp;//爆破点 


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AFX_MODULE_STATE aaa;//当前程序模块状态信息 AFX_MODULE_THREAD_STATE bbb; //当前程序线程状态信息  CWinApp::CWinApp()//构造全局对象CMyWinApp theApp {   AFX_MODULE_STATE* pModuleState = AfxGetModuleState();                //获取全局变量&aaa   AFX_MODULE_THREAD_STATE* pThreadState = pModuleState->m_thread;                //获取全局变量&bbb   pThreadState->m_pCurrentWinThread = this;//将&theApp保存到bbb的一个成员中      AfxGetThread()   {      AFX_MODULE_THREAD_STATE* pState = AfxGetModuleThreadState();//获取&bbb      CWinThread* pThread = pState->m_pCurrentWinThread;      return pThread;//返回的为&theApp   }   pModuleState->m_pCurrentWinApp = this;//将&theApp保存到aaa的一个成员中   AfxGetApp()   {     return AfxGetModuleState()->m_pCurrentWinApp;//返回&theApp   } } 


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WinMain(...)//程序流程是不是theApp对象指导向哪走 {   AfxWinMain(...)   {     CWinThread* pThread = AfxGetThread();     CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();//这两代码都是获取&theApp      pApp->InitApplication();//利用theApp对象调用应用程序类成员虚函数 初始化     pThread->InitInstance();//利用theApp对象调用应用程序类成员虚函数 创建并显示窗口     pThread->Run()//利用theApp对象调用应用程序类成员虚函数 消息循环     {       	for (;;) 	{           while(没有消息时)               OnIdle(..);//利用theApp对象调用应用程序类成员虚函数 空闲处理           do{               if(GetMessage抓到WM_QUIT)                 return ExitInstance();                  //程序结束前,利用theApp对象调用应用程序类成员虚函数 善后处理。            }while(...)         }     }   } } 



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#include <afxwin.h> class CMyFrameWnd : public CFrameWnd{ public: 	virtual LRESULT WindowProc( UINT msgID, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM ); }; LRESULT CMyFrameWnd::WindowProc( UINT msgID, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ){ 	//此函数内部的this为pFrame 	switch( msgID ){ 	case WM_CREATE: 		AfxMessageBox( "WM_CREATE消息被处理" ); 		break; 	case WM_PAINT: 		{ 			PAINTSTRUCT ps = { 0 }; 			HDC hdc = ::BeginPaint( this->m_hWnd, &ps ); 			::TextOut( hdc, 100, 100, "hello", 5 ); 			::EndPaint( m_hWnd, &ps ); 		} 		break; 	} 	return CFrameWnd::WindowProc(msgID, wParam, lParam); } class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); };  CMyWinApp theApp;//爆破点  BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance( ){ 		CMyFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMyFrameWnd; 		pFrame->Create(NULL, "MFCCreate"); 		m_pMainWnd = pFrame; 		pFrame->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); 		pFrame->UpdateWindow( ); 		return TRUE; } 

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CMyFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMyFrameWnd; pFrame->Create(NULL, "MFCCreate")//函数内部this为pFrame(自己new框架类对象地址) {   //加载菜单   CreateEx(..., NULL,...)//函数内部this为pFrame   {     CREATESTRUCT cs;     ....     cs.lpszClass = NULL;//下面将更改     ...     cs.hInstance = AfxGetInstanceHandle(); //MFC里获取winMain的第一个参数     PreCreateWindow(cs)     {       AfxDeferRegisterClass(...)       { 	//注册窗口类         WNDCLASS wndcls; 	... 	wndcls.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProc;//消息处理存在问题,下面将进行修改         ...         _AfxRegisterWithIcon(&wndcls, "AfxFrameOrView100sd"..)         {           &wndcls->lpszClassName = "AfxFrameOrView100sd";           ::RegisterClass(&wndcls)   //在这里执行窗口注册         }       }       cs.lpszClass = _afxWndFrameOrView; //"AfxFrameOrView100sd"     }     AfxHookWindowCreate(pFrame)     {       _AFX_THREAD_STATE* pThreadState = _afxThreadState.GetData();                        //获取全局变量&ccc(当前程序线程信息)        ::SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT,_AfxCbtFilterHook,...);                        //利用Win32的API函数,埋下一个类型为WH_CBT的钩子        pThreadState->m_pWndInit = pFrame;                        //将自己new的框架类对象pFrame保存到全局变量ccc的一个成员中。     }     ::CreateWindowEx(...);//此函数一旦执行成功,立即转到钩子处理函数。   } }  钩子处理函数 _AfxCbtFilterHook(.wParam.) {   _AFX_THREAD_STATE* pThreadState = _afxThreadState.GetData();//获取&ccc   CWnd* pWndInit = pThreadState->m_pWndInit;//获取pFrame===pWndInit   HWND hWnd = (HWND)wParam;//刚刚创建成功的框架窗口句柄   pWndInit->Attach(hWnd)//函数内部this为pFrame,参数为窗口句柄    {     CHandleMap* pMap = afxMapHWND(TRUE)     {       AFX_MODULE_THREAD_STATE* pState = AfxGetModuleThreadState();//获取&bbb       pState->m_pmapHWND = new CHandleMap(..);                  //new了一个映射类对象,并将对象地址保存到bbb的一个成员中       return pState->m_pmapHWND;                  //返回映射类对象地址     }     pMap->SetPermanent(m_hWnd = hWnd, pFrame)//函数内部this为pMap     {       m_permanentMap[hWnd] = pFrame;     }   }   (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC,AfxWndProc);                //将窗口处理函数更改为AfxWndProc(才是真正的窗口处理函数) } 

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//以WM_CREATE消息为例,捎带想着点WM_PAINT消息 AfxWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT nMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {   CWnd* pWnd = CWnd::FromHandlePermanent(hWnd)   {     CHandleMap* pMap = afxMapHWND()     {       AFX_MODULE_THREAD_STATE* pState = AfxGetModuleThreadState();//获取&bbb       return pState->m_pmapHWND;//返回就是之前保存在bbb中的映射类对象地址     }     pWnd = pMap->LookupPermanent(hWnd)//函数内部this为pMap     {       return m_permanentMap[hWnd];//返回的为pFrame     }   }   AfxCallWndProc(pWnd, hWnd, nMsg, wParam, lParam)//参数pWnd===pFrame   {     pWnd->WindowProc(nMsg, wParam, lParam);//回到自己的代码   } } 


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#include <afxwin.h> class CMyFrameWnd : public CFrameWnd{ 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() protected:  	static const AFX_MSGMAP* PASCAL GetThisMessageMap();  	virtual const AFX_MSGMAP* GetMessageMap() const;  public: 	LRESULT OnCreate( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyFrameWnd, CFrameWnd) 	ON_MESSAGE( WM_CREATE, OnCreate ) END_MESSAGE_MAP()							      LRESULT CMyFrameWnd::OnCreate( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ){ 	AfxMessageBox( "WM_CREATE" ); 	return 0; }  class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); }; CMyWinApp theApp;//爆破点 BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance( ){ 		CMyFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMyFrameWnd; 		pFrame->Create(NULL, "MFCCreate"); 		m_pMainWnd = pFrame; 		pFrame->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); 		pFrame->UpdateWindow( ); 		return TRUE; }  


#include <afxwin.h> class CMyFrameWnd : public CFrameWnd{ //	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() protected:  	static const AFX_MSGMAP* PASCAL GetThisMessageMap();  	virtual const AFX_MSGMAP* GetMessageMap() const;  public: 	LRESULT OnCreate( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); }; //BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyFrameWnd, CFrameWnd) //	ON_MESSAGE( WM_CREATE, OnCreate ) //END_MESSAGE_MAP()    const AFX_MSGMAP* CMyFrameWnd::GetMessageMap() const  {  	return GetThisMessageMap();  }  const AFX_MSGMAP* PASCAL CMyFrameWnd::GetThisMessageMap()  { 				    		static const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY _messageEntries[] =   		{ 			{ WM_CREATE, 0, 0, 0, AfxSig_lwl, (AFX_PMSG)(AFX_PMSGW)  				(static_cast< LRESULT (AFX_MSG_CALL CWnd::*)(WPARAM, LPARAM) > (&OnCreate)) },  			{0, 0, 0, 0, AfxSig_end, (AFX_PMSG)0 }  		};  		static const AFX_MSGMAP messageMap = { &CFrameWnd::GetThisMessageMap, &_messageEntries[0] };  		return &messageMap;  }								      LRESULT CMyFrameWnd::OnCreate( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ){ 	AfxMessageBox( "WM_CREATE" ); 	return 0; }  class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); }; CMyWinApp theApp;//爆破点 BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance( ){ 		CMyFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMyFrameWnd; 		pFrame->Create(NULL, "MFCCreate"); 		m_pMainWnd = pFrame; 		pFrame->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); 		pFrame->UpdateWindow( ); 		return TRUE; } 


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//以WM_CREATE消息为例,捎带想着点WM_PAINT,WM_COMMAND(到了CWnd::OnWndMsg函数路线不一样) AfxWndProc(...) {   CWnd* pWnd = CWnd::FromHandlePermanent(hWnd);              //获取和hWnd绑定在一起的框架类对象地址(pFrame===pWnd)   AfxCallWndProc(pWnd...)//参数pWnd===pFrame   {      pWnd->WindowProc(...)//函数内部this为pFrame===pWnd *************     {       OnWndMsg(...)//函数内部this为pFrame===pWnd       {         const AFX_MSGMAP* pMessageMap = GetMessageMap();                        //获取本类宏站开的静态变量的地址(链表头结点)         const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY* lpEntry;          for (; pMessageMap->pfnGetBaseMap != NULL;//此for就是在遍历链表 			pMessageMap = (*pMessageMap->pfnGetBaseMap)())         {            lpEntry = AfxFindMessageEntry(pMessageMap->lpEntries,message, 0, 0));                            //如果找到返回找到的数组元素的地址,如果没找到返回NULL            if(lpEntry != NULL )            {              goto LDispatch;            }                     }         LDispatch:             lpEntry->pfn; //CMyFrameWnd::OnCreate             调用CMyFrameWnd::OnCreate函数完成消息的处理                }     }   } } 



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#include <afxwin.h> #define WM_MYMESSAGE WM_USER+1001 class CMyFrameWnd : public CFrameWnd{ 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() public: 	int OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs); 	void OnPaint( ); 	void OnMouseMove( UINT nKey, CPoint pt ); 	LRESULT OnMyMessage( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); 	int m_x; 	int m_y; }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyFrameWnd, CFrameWnd) 	ON_WM_CREATE() 	ON_WM_PAINT() 	ON_WM_MOUSEMOVE() 	ON_MESSAGE( WM_MYMESSAGE,  OnMyMessage) END_MESSAGE_MAP()  LRESULT CMyFrameWnd::OnMyMessage( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ){ 	CString str; 	str.Format( "wParam=%d,lParam=%d", wParam, lParam ); 	AfxMessageBox( str ); 	return 0; } void CMyFrameWnd::OnMouseMove( UINT nKey, CPoint pt){ 	m_x = pt.x; 	m_y = pt.y; 	::InvalidateRect( this->m_hWnd, NULL, TRUE ); } void CMyFrameWnd::OnPaint( ){ 	PAINTSTRUCT ps = { 0 }; 	HDC hdc = ::BeginPaint( this->m_hWnd, &ps ); 	::TextOut( hdc, m_x, m_y, "hello", 5); 	::EndPaint( m_hWnd, &ps ); } int CMyFrameWnd::OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ){ 	AfxMessageBox("WM_CREATE消息被处理"); 	::PostMessage( this->m_hWnd, WM_MYMESSAGE, 1, 2 ); 	return CFrameWnd::OnCreate( pcs ); } class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); }; CMyWinApp theApp;//爆破点 BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance( ){ 		CMyFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMyFrameWnd; 		pFrame->Create(NULL, "MFCCreate"); 		m_pMainWnd = pFrame; 		pFrame->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); 		pFrame->UpdateWindow( ); 		return TRUE; } 

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#include <afxwin.h> #include "resource.h" class CMyFrameWnd : public CFrameWnd{	 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP( ) public: 	afx_msg int OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ); 	afx_msg void OnNew( ); public: 	CMenu menu; }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMyFrameWnd, CFrameWnd ) 	ON_COMMAND( ID_NEW, OnNew ) 	ON_WM_CREATE( ) END_MESSAGE_MAP( )  void CMyFrameWnd::OnNew( ){ 	AfxMessageBox( "框架类处理了新建菜单项被点击" ); } int CMyFrameWnd::OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ){ 	//调用api(win32)的loadmenu方法拿到句柄,将菜单句柄和menu对象建立一对一的关系。 	menu.LoadMenu( IDR_MENU1 ); //	this->SetMenu( &menu ); 	::SetMenu( this->m_hWnd, menu.m_hMenu); 	return CFrameWnd::OnCreate( pcs ); } class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); 	afx_msg void OnNew( ); }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyWinApp, CWinApp) 	ON_COMMAND( ID_NEW , OnNew ) END_MESSAGE_MAP( ) void CMyWinApp::OnNew( ){ 	AfxMessageBox( "应用程序类处理了新建被点击" ); } BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance( ){ 		CMyFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMyFrameWnd; 		pFrame->Create(NULL, "MFCCreate"); 		m_pMainWnd = pFrame; 		pFrame->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); 		pFrame->UpdateWindow( ); 		return TRUE; } CMyWinApp theApp;  




框架类 ——> 应用程序处理类


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#include <afxwin.h> #include "resource.h" class CMyFrameWnd : public CFrameWnd{	 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP( ) public:     //afx_msg  占位符 标识这个方法是处理消息的 	afx_msg int OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ); 	afx_msg void OnNew( ); 	afx_msg void OnInitMenuPopup( CMenu *pPopup, UINT nPos, BOOL i ); 	afx_msg void OnContextMenu( CWnd* pWnd, CPoint pt ); public: 	CMenu menu; }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMyFrameWnd, CFrameWnd ) //	ON_COMMAND( ID_NEW, OnNew ) 	ON_WM_CREATE( ) 	ON_WM_INITMENUPOPUP() 	ON_WM_CONTEXTMENU( ) END_MESSAGE_MAP( ) void CMyFrameWnd::OnContextMenu( CWnd* pWnd, CPoint pt ){     //获取整个大菜单顶层为0的子菜单 //	HMENU hPopup = ::GetSubMenu(menu.m_hMenu,0); //	::TrackPopupMenu( hPopup, TPM_LEFTALIGN|TPM_TOPALIGN, pt.x, pt.y, //										0, this->m_hWnd, NULL ); 	CMenu* pPopup = menu.GetSubMenu(0); 	pPopup->TrackPopupMenu( TPM_LEFTALIGN|TPM_TOPALIGN, pt.x, pt.y, this ); } void CMyFrameWnd::OnInitMenuPopup( CMenu* pPopup, UINT nPos, BOOL i){ //	pPopup->CheckMenuItem( ID_NEW, MF_CHECKED ); 	::CheckMenuItem( pPopup->m_hMenu, ID_NEW, MF_CHECKED ); }  class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); }; BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance( ){ 		CMyFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMyFrameWnd; 		pFrame->Create(NULL, "MFCCreate"); 		m_pMainWnd = pFrame; 		pFrame->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); 		pFrame->UpdateWindow( ); 		return TRUE; } CMyWinApp theApp;  


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  #include <afxwin.h> #include "resource.h" #include <afxext.h> class CMyFrameWnd : public CFrameWnd{ 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP( ) public: 	afx_msg void OnNew( ); 	afx_msg void OnSet( ); 	afx_msg int OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ); public: 	CToolBar toolbar; }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyFrameWnd, CFrameWnd ) 	ON_COMMAND( ID_SET, OnSet) 	ON_COMMAND( ID_NEW, OnNew ) 	ON_WM_CREATE() END_MESSAGE_MAP() void CMyFrameWnd::OnSet( ){ 	AfxMessageBox( "绿色工具按钮被点击" ); } int CMyFrameWnd::OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ){ 	toolbar.CreateEx( this, TBSTYLE_FLAT, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|CBRS_ALIGN_TOP|CBRS_GRIPPER); 	toolbar.LoadToolBar( IDR_TOOLBAR1 ); 	//想停哪儿 	toolbar.EnableDocking( CBRS_ALIGN_ANY  ); 	//允许停哪儿 	this->EnableDocking( CBRS_ALIGN_ANY ); 	//临时停哪儿 	this->DockControlBar( &toolbar, AFX_IDW_DOCKBAR_BOTTOM ); 	return CFrameWnd::OnCreate( pcs ); } void CMyFrameWnd::OnNew(){ 	AfxMessageBox( "新建菜单项被点击" ); } class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); }; BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance(){ 	CMyFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMyFrameWnd; 	pFrame->Create( NULL, "MFCToolBar", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CFrameWnd::rectDefault, 									NULL, (CHAR*)IDR_MENU1); 	m_pMainWnd = pFrame; 	pFrame->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); 	pFrame->UpdateWindow( ); 	return TRUE; } CMyWinApp theApp; 



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#include <afxwin.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class CAnimal : public CObject{ 	DECLARE_DYNAMIC( CAnimal ) }; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC( CAnimal, CObject )  class CDog : public CAnimal{ //	DECLARE_DYNAMIC( CDog ) public:  	static const CRuntimeClass classCDog;  	virtual CRuntimeClass* GetRuntimeClass() const;  }; //IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC( CDog, CAnimal ) //IMPLEMENT_RUNTIMECLASS(CDog, CAnimal, 0xFFFF, NULL, NULL) AFX_COMDAT const CRuntimeClass CDog::classCDog = {  		"CDog",  		sizeof(class CDog),  		0xFFFF,  		NULL,  //		RUNTIME_CLASS(CAnimal),  		 ((CRuntimeClass*)(&CAnimal::classCAnimal)), 		NULL,  		NULL };  CRuntimeClass* CDog::GetRuntimeClass() const  {  //	return RUNTIME_CLASS(CDog);  	return ((CRuntimeClass*)(&CDog::classCDog)); }  int main(){ 	CDog yellowdog; 	if( yellowdog.IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS(CWnd) ) ){ 		cout << "yellowdog is CWnd" << endl; 	}else{ 		cout << "yellowdog isnot CWnd" << endl; 	} 	return 0; } 


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yellowdog.IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS(CDog))//函数内部this为&yellowdog,参数为链表头 {   CRuntimeClass* pClassThis = GetRuntimeClass();                      //利用&yellowdog调用宏展开虚函数,获取链表头结点    return pClassThis->IsDerivedFrom(RUNTIME_CLASS(CDog)) 				//函数内部this为链表头,参数也为链表头   {     const CRuntimeClass* pClassThis = this;//获取链表头     while (pClassThis != NULL)     {       	if (pClassThis == RUNTIME_CLASS(CDog)) 	    return TRUE;         pClassThis = pClassThis->m_pBaseClass;     }     return FALSE;   } } 



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#include <afxwin.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class CAnimal : public CObject{ 	DECLARE_DYNAMIC( CAnimal ) }; IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC( CAnimal, CObject ) class CDog : public CAnimal{ //	DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CDog ) public:  	static const CRuntimeClass classCDog;  	virtual CRuntimeClass* GetRuntimeClass() const;  	static CObject* PASCAL CreateObject(); }; //IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE( CDog, CAnimal ) CObject* PASCAL CDog::CreateObject()  {  	return new CDog;  }  AFX_COMDAT const CRuntimeClass CDog::classCDog = {  		"CDog",  		sizeof(class CDog),  		0xFFFF,  		CDog::CreateObject,  		RUNTIME_CLASS(CAnimal),  		NULL,  		NULL  };  CRuntimeClass* CDog::GetRuntimeClass() const  {  	return RUNTIME_CLASS(CDog); }  int main(){ 	CObject* pob = RUNTIME_CLASS(CDog)->CreateObject( );//对象加工厂 	if( pob ){ 		cout << pob << endl; 	}else{ 		cout << "对象创建失败" << endl; 	} 	return 0; } 


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RUNTIME_CLASS(CDog)->CreateObject()//函数内部this为本类(CDog)的静态变量地址(链表头 {   CObject* pObject = (*m_pfnCreateObject)() //CDog::CreateObject   {     return new CDog;    }   return pObject; } 







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视图类 -> 框架类 ->应用程序类


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#include <afxwin.h> #include "resource.h" class CMyView : public CView{ 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP( ) public: 	void OnDraw(CDC* pDC); 	afx_msg void OnPaint( ); 	afx_msg void OnNew( ); }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMyView, CView ) //	ON_COMMAND( ID_NEW, OnNew ) //	ON_WM_PAINT() END_MESSAGE_MAP() void CMyView::OnNew( ){ 	AfxMessageBox( "视图类处理了WM_COMMAND消息" ); } void CMyView::OnPaint( ){ 	PAINTSTRUCT ps = { 0 }; 	HDC hdc = ::BeginPaint( this->m_hWnd, &ps ); 	::TextOut( hdc, 200, 200, "CMyView::OnPaint", strlen("CMyView::OnPaint") ); 	::EndPaint( this->m_hWnd, &ps ); } void CMyView::OnDraw( CDC* pDC ){ 	pDC->TextOut( 100, 100, "CMyView::OnDraw" ); } class CMyFrameWnd : public CFrameWnd{ 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() public: 	afx_msg void OnPaint( ); 	afx_msg int OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ); 	afx_msg void OnNew( ); }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMyFrameWnd, CFrameWnd ) 	ON_WM_PAINT( ) //	ON_COMMAND( ID_NEW, OnNew ) 	ON_WM_CREATE( ) END_MESSAGE_MAP( ) void CMyFrameWnd::OnNew( ){ 	AfxMessageBox( "框架类处理了WM_COMMAND消息" ); } int CMyFrameWnd::OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ){ 	CMyView* pView = new CMyView; 	pView->Create( NULL, "MFCView", WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_BORDER, CRect(0,0,200,200), this,  									AFX_IDW_PANE_FIRST ); 	this->m_pViewActive = pView; //视图类对象地址 	return CFrameWnd::OnCreate( pcs ); } void CMyFrameWnd::OnPaint( ){ 	PAINTSTRUCT ps = { 0 }; 	HDC hdc = ::BeginPaint( this->m_hWnd, &ps ); 	::TextOut( hdc, 100, 100, "我是框架窗口客户区", strlen("我是框架窗口客户区")); 	::EndPaint( this->m_hWnd, &ps ); } class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP( ) public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); 	afx_msg void OnNew( ); }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyWinApp,CWinApp) 	ON_COMMAND( ID_NEW, OnNew ) END_MESSAGE_MAP( ) void CMyWinApp::OnNew( ){ 	AfxMessageBox( "应用程序类处理了WM_COMMAND消息" ); } BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance( ){ 	CMyFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMyFrameWnd; 	pFrame->Create( NULL, "MFCView", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CFrameWnd::rectDefault, 										NULL, (CHAR*)IDR_MENU1); 	this->m_pMainWnd = pFrame; 	pFrame->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); 	pFrame->UpdateWindow( ); 	return TRUE; } CMyWinApp theApp; 

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CMyFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMyFrameWnd; CMyDoc* pDoc = new CMyDoc;  CCreateContext cct; cct.m_pCurrentDoc = pDoc;//文档类对象地址 cct.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyView);//&CMyView::classCMyView  pFrame->LoadFrame(... &cct)//函数内部this为pFrame {   Create(...,&cct)//函数内部this为pFrame   {     CreateEx(...&cct)//函数内部this为pFrame     {       CREATESTRUCT cs;       ....       cs.lpCreateParams = &cct;       ::CreateWindowEx(...,&cct);//创建主框架窗口     }   } } //处理框架窗口的WM_CREATE消息 CFrameWnd::OnCreate( pcs )//函数内部this为pFrame,参数可以获取::CreateWindowEx的12个参数 {   CCreateContext* pContext = (CCreateContext*)pcs->lpCreateParams;//获取&cct   OnCreateHelper(pcs, pContext)//函数内部this为pFrame,pContext===&cct   {     OnCreateClient(pcs, pContext)//函数内部this为pFrame,pContext===&cct     {       CreateView(pContext..)//函数内部this为pFrame,pContext===&cct       {         CWnd* pView = pContext->m_pNewViewClass->CreateObject();                             //动态创建视图类对象,并返回对象地址         pView->Create(..,pContext)//函数内部this为pView,pContext===&cct         {           CreateEx(..,pContext)//函数内部this为pView,pContext===&cct           {             CREATESTRUCT cs;             ....             cs.lpCreateParams = pContext;//pContext===&cct             ::CreateWindowEx(...,pContext);//创建视图窗口                    }         }       }     }   } }  //处理视图窗口的WM_CREATE消息 CView::OnCreate( pcs )//函数内部this为pView,参数可以获取::CreateWindowEx函数的12个参数 {   CCreateContext* pContext = (CCreateContext*)lpcs->lpCreateParams;//获取&cct   pContext->m_pCurrentDoc->AddView(pView)//函数内部this为pDoc,参数为视图类对象地址   {     m_viewList.AddTail(pView);//文档类对象用一个链表成员变量,保存视图类对象地址     pView->m_pDocument = this;//视图类对象用一个普通成员变量,保存文档类对象地址   } } 


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#include <afxwin.h> #include <afxext.h> #include "resource.h" class CMyDoc : public CDocument{ };  class CMyView : public CView{ 	DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CMyView ) //动态创建机制 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP( ) public: 	virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC); 	afx_msg int OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ); }; IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE( CMyView, CView ) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMyView, CView) 	ON_WM_CREATE( ) END_MESSAGE_MAP()  int CMyView::OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ){ 	return CView::OnCreate( pcs ); //将文档类对象和视图类对象建立关联关系。 } void CMyView::OnDraw( CDC* pDC ){ 	pDC->TextOut( 100, 100, "我是视图窗口" ); }  class CMyFrameWnd : public CFrameWnd{ 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP( ) public: 	afx_msg int OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ); 	afx_msg void OnPaint( ); 	virtual BOOL OnCreateClient( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs, CCreateContext* pContext); 	CSplitterWnd split;//不规则框架窗口 }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMyFrameWnd, CFrameWnd ) 	ON_WM_PAINT( ) 	ON_WM_CREATE( ) END_MESSAGE_MAP( ) BOOL CMyFrameWnd::OnCreateClient( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs, CCreateContext* pContext ){ 	//创建两个视图窗口 	split.CreateStatic( this, 1, 2 );//创建倒日型框架 	split.CreateView( 0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyView), CSize(100,100), pContext ); 	split.CreateView( 0, 1, pContext->m_pNewViewClass, CSize(100,100), pContext ); 	return TRUE; } void CMyFrameWnd::OnPaint( ){ 	PAINTSTRUCT ps = { 0 }; 	HDC hdc = ::BeginPaint( this->m_hWnd, &ps ); 	::TextOut( hdc, 200, 200, "我是框架窗口客户区", strlen("我是框架窗口客户区")); 	::EndPaint( this->m_hWnd, &ps ); } int CMyFrameWnd::OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ){ 	return CFrameWnd::OnCreate( pcs );//动态创建视图类对象,并创建视图窗口 } class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); }; BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance( ){ 	CMyFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMyFrameWnd; 	CMyDoc* pDoc = new CMyDoc;  	CCreateContext cct; 	cct.m_pCurrentDoc = pDoc;//文档类对象地址 	cct.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyView);//&CMyView::classCMyView  	pFrame->LoadFrame( IDR_MENU1, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, NULL,  &cct); 	m_pMainWnd = pFrame; 	pFrame->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); 	pFrame->UpdateWindow( ); 	return TRUE; } CMyWinApp theApp; 


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//WM_COMMAND消息的路线 OnCommand(wParam, lParam)//函数内部this为pFrame {   CWnd::OnCommand(..)//函数内部this为pFrame   {     OnCmdMsg(...)//函数内部this为pFrame   *****CFrameWnd::OnCmdMsg 起点     {       CView* pView = GetActiveView()//函数内部this为pFrame       {         return this->m_pViewActive;//活动视图窗口对象地址       }对象       pView->OnCmdMsg(..) ===>终点 CCmdTarget::OnCmdMsg 此函数内部this为pView       m_pDocument->OnCmdMsg(.)==>终点CCmdTarget::OnCmdMsg 此函数内部this为文档类对象       CWnd::OnCmdMsg(..)==>终点 CCmdTarget::OnCmdMsg 此函数内部this为pFrame        CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();//获取&theApp       pApp->OnCmdMsg(..)==>终点 CCmdTarget::OnCmdMsg 此函数内部this为&theApp            }   } } 


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#include <afxwin.h> #include <afxext.h> #include "resource.h" class CMyDoc : public CDocument{ 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP( ) public: 	afx_msg void OnNew( ); 	CString str; }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMyDoc, CDocument ) 	ON_COMMAND( ID_NEW, OnNew ) END_MESSAGE_MAP( ) void CMyDoc::OnNew( ){ 	this->str = "hello world"; //接受到的数据。 //	this->UpdateAllViews( NULL );//刷新和这个文档类对象(this)关联的所有视图窗口  	//this->m_viewList; 	POSITION pos = this->GetFirstViewPosition(); //GetFirstXXXPosition 	CView* pView = this->GetNextView(pos);   //GetNextXXX 	this->UpdateAllViews( pView );//刷新和这个文档类对象(this)关联的除了pView指向的视图窗口 } class CMyView : public CView{ 	DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CMyView ) //动态创建机制 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP( ) public: 	virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pDC); 	afx_msg int OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ); 	afx_msg void OnNew( ); }; IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE( CMyView, CView ) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMyView, CView) //	ON_COMMAND( ID_NEW, OnNew ) 	ON_WM_CREATE( ) END_MESSAGE_MAP()  void CMyView::OnNew( ){ 	AfxMessageBox( "视图类处理的WM_COMMAND消息" ); } int CMyView::OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ){ 	return CView::OnCreate( pcs ); //将文档类对象和视图类对象建立关联关系。 } void CMyView::OnDraw( CDC* pDC ){ //	CMyDoc* pDoc = (CMyDoc*)this->m_pDocument; 	CMyDoc* pDoc = (CMyDoc*)this->GetDocument( ); 	pDC->TextOut( 100, 100, pDoc->str ); }  class CMyFrameWnd : public CFrameWnd{ 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP( ) public: 	afx_msg int OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ); 	afx_msg void OnPaint( ); 	virtual BOOL OnCreateClient( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs, CCreateContext* pContext); 	CSplitterWnd split;//不规则框架窗口 	afx_msg void OnNew( ); }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMyFrameWnd, CFrameWnd ) //	ON_COMMAND( ID_NEW, OnNew) 	ON_WM_PAINT( ) 	ON_WM_CREATE( ) END_MESSAGE_MAP( ) void CMyFrameWnd::OnNew( ){ 	AfxMessageBox( "框架类处理了新建被点击" ); } BOOL CMyFrameWnd::OnCreateClient( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs, CCreateContext* pContext ){ 	//创建两个视图窗口 	split.CreateStatic( this, 1, 2 ); 	split.CreateView( 0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyView), CSize(100,100), pContext ); 	split.CreateView( 0, 1, pContext->m_pNewViewClass, CSize(100,100), pContext ); 	m_pViewActive = (CView*)split.GetPane(0,0); 	return TRUE; } void CMyFrameWnd::OnPaint( ){ 	PAINTSTRUCT ps = { 0 }; 	HDC hdc = ::BeginPaint( this->m_hWnd, &ps ); 	::TextOut( hdc, 200, 200, "我是框架窗口客户区", strlen("我是框架窗口客户区")); 	::EndPaint( this->m_hWnd, &ps ); } int CMyFrameWnd::OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT pcs ){ 	return CFrameWnd::OnCreate( pcs );//动态创建视图类对象,并创建视图窗口 } class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP( ) public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); 	afx_msg void OnNew( ); }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMyWinApp, CWinApp ) //	ON_COMMAND( ID_NEW, OnNew ) END_MESSAGE_MAP( ) void CMyWinApp::OnNew( ){ 	AfxMessageBox( "应用程序类处理了WM_COMMAND消息" ); } BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance( ){ 	CMyFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMyFrameWnd; 	CMyDoc* pDoc = new CMyDoc;  	CCreateContext cct; 	cct.m_pCurrentDoc = pDoc;//文档类对象地址 	cct.m_pNewViewClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyView);//&CMyView::classCMyView  	pFrame->LoadFrame( IDR_MENU1, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, NULL,  &cct); 	m_pMainWnd = pFrame; 	pFrame->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); 	pFrame->UpdateWindow( ); 	return TRUE; } CMyWinApp theApp; 






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#include <afxwin.h> #include "resource.h" class CMyDoc : public CDocument{ 	DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CMyDoc ) }; IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE( CMyDoc, CDocument )  class CMyView : public CView{ 	DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CMyView ) public: 	virtual void OnDraw( CDC* pDC ); }; IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE( CMyView, CView ) void CMyView::OnDraw( CDC* pDC ){ 	pDC->TextOut( 100, 100, "我是视图窗口" ); }  class CMyFrameWnd : public CFrameWnd{ 	DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CMyFrameWnd ) }; IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE( CMyFrameWnd, CFrameWnd )  class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); }; BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance( ){ 	CSingleDocTemplate* pTemplate = new CSingleDocTemplate( IDR_MENU1,  																										RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyDoc), 																										RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyFrameWnd), 																										RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyView) ); 	AddDocTemplate( pTemplate ); 	OnFileNew( ); 	m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); 	m_pMainWnd->UpdateWindow( ); 	return TRUE; } CMyWinApp theApp; 


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OnFileNew( )//函数内部this为&theApp {   m_pDocManager->OnFileNew()//函数内部this为文档管理类对象地址   {     CDocTemplate* pTemplate = m_templateList.GetHead();//取出单文档模板类对象地址     pTemplate->OpenDocumentFile()//函数内部this为单文档模板类对象地址     {       OpenDocumentFile(..)//函数内部this为单文档模板类对象地址       {         pDocument = CreateNewDocument()//函数内部this为单文档模板类对象地址         {           CDocument* pDocument = m_pDocClass->CreateObject();                                //动态创建文档类对象,并返回对象地址           AddDocument(pDocument)//函数内部this为单文档模板类对象地址           {             m_pOnlyDoc = pDocument;           }         }         pFrame = CreateNewFrame(pDocument..)//函数内部this为单文档模板类对象地址         {           CCreateContext context; 	  ... 	  context.m_pCurrentDoc = pDocument;//文档类对象地址 	  context.m_pNewViewClass = m_pViewClass;//RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyView)           CFrameWnd* pFrame = (CFrameWnd*)m_pFrameClass->CreateObject();                                //动态创建框架类对象,并返回对象地址           pFrame->LoadFrame(...., &context);//创建框架窗口                       //后续过程看前一天的伪代码         }       }     }   } } 



选择: 位置 ->类向导

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可以管理多个文档 (可以有多个文档类对象)


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#include <afxwin.h> #include "resource.h" class CMyDoc : public CDocument{ 	DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CMyDoc ) }; IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE( CMyDoc, CDocument ) class CMyView : public CView{ 	DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CMyView ) public: 	virtual void OnDraw( CDC* pDC ); }; IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE( CMyView, CView ) void CMyView::OnDraw( CDC* pDC ){ 	pDC->TextOut( 100, 100, "我是视图窗口" );  } class CMyChild : public CMDIChildWnd{  	DECLARE_DYNCREATE( CMyChild ) }; IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE( CMyChild, CMDIChildWnd ) class CMyFrameWnd : public CMDIFrameWnd{ //自己造主框架窗口类的对象 }; class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{//自己造应用程序类的对象 public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); }; BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance( ){ 	CMyFrameWnd* pFrame = new CMyFrameWnd; 	pFrame->LoadFrame( IDR_MENU1 ); 	m_pMainWnd = pFrame; 	pFrame->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); 	pFrame->UpdateWindow( );  	CMultiDocTemplate* pTemplate = new CMultiDocTemplate( IDR_MENU2,  																										RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyDoc), 																										RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyChild), 																										RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyView)); 	AddDocTemplate( pTemplate );  	OnFileNew( );//创建文档类对象,创建子框架类对象,创建子框架窗口,创建视图类对象,创建视图窗口,文档类对象和视图类对象关联 	OnFileNew( );//创建文档类对象,创建子框架类对象,创建子框架窗口,创建视图类对象,创建视图窗口,文档类对象和视图类对象关联 	OnFileNew( );//创建文档类对象,创建子框架类对象,创建子框架窗口,创建视图类对象,创建视图窗口,文档类对象和视图类对象关联  	return TRUE; } CMyWinApp theApp; 

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绘图相关的 *********************************************** CPaintDC dc(pView) === CPaintDC::CPaintDC(...)//函数内部this为&dc {   Attach(::BeginPaint(pView->m_hWnd, &m_ps))//函数内部this为&dc   {     m_hDC = hDC;//将BeginPaint获取的绘图设备句柄  保存到dc对象的一个成员变量中     SetAttribDC(m_hDC)//函数内部this为&dc     {       m_hAttribDC = m_hDC;//dc对象的另一个成员变量也保存了绘图设备句柄     }   } }  CPen pen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(255,0,0)) === CPen::CPen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(255,0,0)) //函数内部this &pen {   Attach(::CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(255,0,0)))//函数内部this &pen   {     m_hObject = hObject;//将::CreatePen获取的画笔句柄,保存到pen对象的一个成员变量中   } } 


 // MFCDrawView.cpp : implementation of the CMFCDrawView class //  #include "stdafx.h" // SHARED_HANDLERS can be defined in an ATL project implementing preview, thumbnail // and search filter handlers and allows sharing of document code with that project. #ifndef SHARED_HANDLERS #include "MFCDraw.h" #endif  #include "MFCDrawDoc.h" #include "MFCDrawView.h"  #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif   // CMFCDrawView  IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CMFCDrawView, CView)  BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMFCDrawView, CView) 	// Standard printing commands 	ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_PRINT, &CView::OnFilePrint) 	ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_PRINT_DIRECT, &CView::OnFilePrint) 	ON_COMMAND(ID_FILE_PRINT_PREVIEW, &CView::OnFilePrintPreview) 	ON_WM_PAINT() 	ON_COMMAND(ID_CLIENT, &CMFCDrawView::OnClient) 	ON_COMMAND(ID_PEN, &CMFCDrawView::OnPen) 	ON_COMMAND(ID_BRUSH, &CMFCDrawView::OnBrush) 	ON_COMMAND(ID_FONT, &CMFCDrawView::OnFont) 	ON_COMMAND(ID_BMP, &CMFCDrawView::OnBmp) END_MESSAGE_MAP()  // CMFCDrawView construction/destruction  CMFCDrawView::CMFCDrawView() { 	// TODO: add construction code here  }  CMFCDrawView::~CMFCDrawView() { }  BOOL CMFCDrawView::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs) { 	// TODO: Modify the Window class or styles here by modifying 	//  the CREATESTRUCT cs  	return CView::PreCreateWindow(cs); }  // CMFCDrawView drawing  void CMFCDrawView::OnDraw(CDC* /*pDC*/) { 	CMFCDrawDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); 	ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); 	if (!pDoc) 		return;  	// TODO: add draw code for native data here }   // CMFCDrawView printing  BOOL CMFCDrawView::OnPreparePrinting(CPrintInfo* pInfo) { 	// default preparation 	return DoPreparePrinting(pInfo); }  void CMFCDrawView::OnBeginPrinting(CDC* /*pDC*/, CPrintInfo* /*pInfo*/) { 	// TODO: add extra initialization before printing }  void CMFCDrawView::OnEndPrinting(CDC* /*pDC*/, CPrintInfo* /*pInfo*/) { 	// TODO: add cleanup after printing }   // CMFCDrawView diagnostics  #ifdef _DEBUG void CMFCDrawView::AssertValid() const { 	CView::AssertValid(); }  void CMFCDrawView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { 	CView::Dump(dc); }  CMFCDrawDoc* CMFCDrawView::GetDocument() const // non-debug version is inline { 	ASSERT(m_pDocument->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMFCDrawDoc))); 	return (CMFCDrawDoc*)m_pDocument; } #endif //_DEBUG   // CMFCDrawView message handlers   void CMFCDrawView::OnPaint() { 	CPaintDC dc(this); //::BeginPaint //	dc.Rectangle( 100, 100, 300, 300 );//::Rectangle(...) //	::Rectangle( dc.m_hDC, 100, 100, 300, 300 ); }  void CMFCDrawView::OnClient() { 	CClientDC dc(this); 	dc.Ellipse( 300, 300, 500, 500 ); }   void CMFCDrawView::OnPen() { 	CClientDC dc( this ); 	CPen pen(PS_SOLID, 2, RGB(255,0,0));  //	CPen* oldpen = dc.SelectObject( &pen ); 	HGDIOBJ nOldPen = ::SelectObject( dc.m_hDC, pen.m_hObject );  //	dc.Rectangle( 100, 100, 300, 300 ); 	::Rectangle( dc.m_hDC, 100, 100, 300, 300 );  //	dc.SelectObject( oldpen ); 	::SelectObject( dc.m_hDC, nOldPen );  //	pen.DeleteObject( ); 	::DeleteObject( pen.m_hObject ); }   void CMFCDrawView::OnBrush() { 	CClientDC dc(this); 	CBrush brush(RGB(0,255,0)); 	CBrush* oldbrush = dc.SelectObject( &brush ); 	dc.Rectangle( 100, 100, 300, 300 ); 	dc.SelectObject( oldbrush ); 	brush.DeleteObject( ); }   void CMFCDrawView::OnFont() { 	CClientDC dc( this ); 	CFont font; 	font.CreatePointFont(300, "黑体");//::CreateFont(..............) 	CFont* oldfont = dc.SelectObject( &font ); 	dc.TextOut( 100, 100, "hello"); 	dc.SelectObject( oldfont ); 	font.DeleteObject(); }   void CMFCDrawView::OnBmp() { 	//添加位图资源(操作资源无需写代码)  	//创建一个和当前DC,相匹配的内存DC 	CClientDC dc( this ); 	CDC memdc; 	memdc.CreateCompatibleDC( &dc ); //::CreateCompatibleDC 	//将位图的数据送给内存DC 	CBitmap bmp; 	bmp.LoadBitmap( IDB_BITMAP1 ); //::LoadBitmap   	CBitmap* oldbmp = memdc.SelectObject( &bmp );//::SelectObject 	//成像 	dc.BitBlt( 100, 100, 48, 48, &memdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY );//::BitBlt 	//将位图数据要回来 	memdc.SelectObject( oldbmp );//::SelectObject 	//销毁位图 	bmp.DeleteObject( );//::DeleteObject 	//销毁内存DC 	memdc.DeleteDC( );//::DeleteDC }  




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代码 :

#include <afxwin.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; void File( ){ 	CFile file; 	file.Open( "E:/MFC/Day07/file.txt", CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeReadWrite ); 	char str[] = "hello file"; 	file.Write( str, strlen(str) ); 	file.SeekToBegin( ); 	char buf[256] = { 0 }; 	long nLen = file.Read( buf, 255 ); 	cout << buf << ' ' << nLen << endl; 	file.Close( ); } int main(){ 	File( ); 	return 0; } 

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#include <afxwin.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; void Store( ){//序列化(存储、写)数据 	CFile file; 	file.Open( "E:/MFC/Day07/serial.txt", CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite ); 	CArchive ar(&file, CArchive::store, 4096);//归档类对象,维护缓冲区。 	long age = 18; 	ar << age;//将18保存当前指向的位置,并向后移动当前指向,相应字节数。 	float score = 88.5; 	ar << score;//将88.5保存当前指向的位置,并向后移动当前指向,相应字节数。 	CString name = "zhangsan";   	ar << name; 	ar.Close( ); 	file.Close( ); } void Load( ){//反序列化(加载/读) 	CFile file; 	file.Open( "E:/MFC/day07/serial.txt", CFile::modeRead ); 	CArchive ar( &file, CArchive::load, 4096 );//维护一个buff,大小4096字节 	long age; 	ar >> age;//当反序列化第一个数据时候,内部将文件中所有数据读入ar维护的buff中 	float score; 	ar >> score;//当反序列化后续数据时候,不需要到硬盘文件中读取,直接到ar维护的buff中读取 	CString name; 	ar >> name;//当反序列化后续数据时候,不需要到硬盘文件中读取,直接到ar维护的buff中读取 	ar.Close( ); 	file.Close( ); 	cout << age << ' ' << score << ' ' << name << endl; } int main(){ 	Store( ); 	Load( ); 	return 0; } 


MFC 学习笔记


MFC 学习笔记


class CArchive{                 enum Mode { store = 0, load = 1…}; 	BOOL m_nMode;  //访问方式 	int m_nBufSize;    //buff的大小 	CFile* m_pFile;     //操作的文件对象 	BYTE* m_lpBufCur;  //当前指向 	BYTE* m_lpBufMax;  //终止指向 	BYTE* m_lpBufStart;  //开始指向 	…. }	 CFile file; file.Open( "E:/MFC/Day07/serial.txt", CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite ); CArchive ar(&file, CArchive::store, 4096) === CArchive::CArchive(&file,0, 4096) {   m_nMode = CArchive::store; // 0   m_pFile = &file;//“E:/....serial.txt”   m_nBufSize = 4096;   m_lpBufStart = new BYTE[m_nBufSize];   m_lpBufMax = m_lpBufStart + 4096;   m_lpBufCur =  m_lpBufStart; }  long age = 18; ar << age === CArchive::operator<<(age)//函数内部this为&ar {   if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(LONG) > m_lpBufMax)    {     Flush();   }   *m_lpBufCur = age;   m_lpBufCur += sizeof(LONG);  }  float score = 88.5; ar << score === CArchive::operator<<(score)//函数内部this为&ar {   if (m_lpBufCur + sizeof(float) > m_lpBufMax)    {     Flush();   }   *m_lpBufCur = score;//88.5    m_lpBufCur += sizeof(float); }  CString name = "zhangsan";   ar << name === CArchive::operator<<(name)//函数内部this为&ar {   AfxWriteStringLength(ar, 8 )   {     ar<<(unsigned char)nLength;//8   }   Write(name, 8)//函数内部this为&ar   {     memcpy_s(m_lpBufCur, (size_t)(m_lpBufMax - m_lpBufCur), name, 8);     m_lpBufCur += 8;   } }  ar.Close( )//函数内部this为&ar {   Flush()//函数内部this为&ar   {     &file->Write(m_lpBufStart, ULONG(m_lpBufCur - m_lpBufStart));     m_lpBufCur = m_lpBufStart;//重置当前指向   } }                m_lpBufCur   18 88.5 8 zhangsan| |--------------------------------------------------------------------| |                                                                    | m_lpBufStart                                                       m_lpBufMax  


MFC 学习笔记




MFC 学习笔记


CFile file; file.Open("E:/MFC/Day08/serial.txt", CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite); CArchive ar(&file, CArchive::store, 4096);//归档类对象,维护缓冲区。 CMyDoc data(18, 88.5, "zhangsan"); ar << &data === operator<<(ar, const &data) {   ar.WriteObject(&data)//函数内部this为&ar   {     CRuntimeClass* pClassRef = &data->GetRuntimeClass();//文档类静态变量     WriteClass(pClassRef);//将类的相关信息(类名/类大小/类版本)存入ar维护的buff中     (&data)->Serialize(ar)//函数内部this为&data     {       ar << this->m_age << this->m_score << this->m_name; //序列化基本类型变量     }   } }  CFile file; file.Open( "E:/MFC/day08/serial.txt", CFile::modeRead ); CArchive ar( &file, CArchive::load, 4096 );//维护一个buff,大小4096字节 CMyDoc* pdata = NULL;//???????????? ar >> pdata === operator>>(ar, pdata)  {   pdata = ar.ReadObject(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyDoc))//函数内部this为&ar   {     CRuntimeClass* pClassRef = ReadClass(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyDoc),...);            //从文件读取 类的相关信息,和 RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyDoc)中信息进行比对,            //如果相同返回RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyDoc),如果不同返回NULL     CObject*pOb = RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyDoc)->CreateObject();            //动态创建CMyDoc类的对象,并返回对象地址     pOb->Serialize(ar)//函数内部this为刚刚创建的CMyDoc类对象(pOb)     {       ar >> m_age >> m_score >> m_name;//反序列化基本类型变量     }     return pOb;   } } 


#include <afxwin.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std;  class CMyDoc : public CDocument{ //	DECLARE_SERIAL( CMyDoc ) 	_DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CMyDoc) //动态创建机制的声明宏 	AFX_API friend CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, CMyDoc* &pOb);//操作符重载函数 public: 	CMyDoc(int age=0, float score=0.0, CString name=""):m_age(age),m_score(score),m_name(name){} 	int m_age; 	float m_score; 	CString m_name; 	virtual void Serialize( CArchive& ar ); }; IMPLEMENT_SERIAL( CMyDoc, CDocument, 1 ) /* 动态创建机制实现宏站出来的东西 CArchive& AFXAPI operator>>(CArchive& ar, CMyDoc* &pOb)  {  	pOb = (class_name*) ar.ReadObject(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyDoc));  			return ar;  } */ void CMyDoc::Serialize( CArchive& ar ){ 	if( ar.IsStoring() ){  		ar << this->m_age << this->m_score << this->m_name; //序列化基本类型变量   	}else{ 		ar >> m_age >> m_score >> m_name;//反序列化基本类型变量 	} } void Store( ){//序列化(存储、写)数据 	CFile file; 	file.Open("E:/MFC/Day08/serial.txt", CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite); 	CArchive ar(&file, CArchive::store, 4096);//归档类对象,维护缓冲区。 	CMyDoc data(18, 88.5, "zhangsan"); 	ar << &data; //序列化对象,就是将对象的各个成员变量序列化。 	ar.Close( ); 	file.Close( ); } void Load( ){//反序列化(加载/读) 	CFile file; 	file.Open( "E:/MFC/day08/serial.txt", CFile::modeRead ); 	CArchive ar( &file, CArchive::load, 4096 );//维护一个buff,大小4096字节 	CMyDoc* pdata = NULL; 	ar >> pdata; 	ar.Close( ); 	file.Close( ); 	cout << pdata->m_age << ' ' << pdata->m_score << ' ' << pdata->m_name << endl; } int main(){ 	Store( ); 	Load( ); 	return 0; } 


#include <windows.h> #include "resource.h" HINSTANCE g_hInstance = 0; INT CALLBACK DlgProc( HWND hwndlg, UINT msgID, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ){ 	switch( msgID ){ 	case WM_DESTROY: 		MessageBox( NULL, "我要死了", "Infor", MB_OK ); 		break; 	case WM_SYSCOMMAND: 		if( wParam == SC_CLOSE ){ 			HWND hWnd = GetParent( hwndlg ); 			EnableWindow(  hWnd ,TRUE ); 			DestroyWindow( hwndlg );//销毁无模式对话框, 切忌不能EndDialog //			EndDialog( hwndlg, 1001 );//只能隐藏无模式对话框, 可以销毁模式对话框 		} 		break; 	} 	return FALSE;//对话框的消息交给真正对话框窗口处理函数处理。 } void OnNoModel( HWND hWnd ){ 	EnableWindow( hWnd, FALSE ); //	HWND hDlg = CreateDialog( g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1), hWnd, DlgProc );//直接创建 	 	HRSRC hRs = FindResource( g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1), RT_DIALOG ); 	HGLOBAL hGl = LoadResource( g_hInstance, hRs ); 	LPCDLGTEMPLATE pTemplate = (LPCDLGTEMPLATE)LockResource( hGl ); 	HWND hDlg = CreateDialogIndirect( g_hInstance, pTemplate, hWnd, DlgProc );  	ShowWindow( hDlg, SW_SHOW ); } void OnCommand( HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam ){ 	switch(LOWORD(wParam)){ 	case ID_NOMODEL: 		OnNoModel( hWnd ); 		break; 	} } //窗口处理函数( 自定义,处理消息) LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msgID, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ){ 	switch(msgID){ 	case WM_COMMAND: 		OnCommand( hWnd, wParam ); 		break; 	case WM_DESTROY: 		PostQuitMessage( 0 ); 		break; 	} 	return DefWindowProc( hWnd, msgID, wParam, lParam ); } //入口函数 int CALLBACK WinMain(HINSTANCE hIns, HINSTANCE hPreIns, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow){ 	g_hInstance = hIns; 	//注册窗口类 	WNDCLASS wc = { 0 }; 	wc.cbClsExtra = 0; 	wc.cbWndExtra = 0; 	wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1); 	wc.hCursor = NULL; 	wc.hIcon = NULL; 	wc.hInstance = hIns; 	wc.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; 	wc.lpszClassName = "Main"; 	wc.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MENU1);//(CHAR*)IDR_MENU1; = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; 	RegisterClass( &wc );//将以上所有赋值全部写入操作系统。 	//在内存创建窗口 	HWND hWnd = CreateWindowEx( 0, "Main", "window", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 																		100, 100, 500, 500, NULL, NULL, hIns, NULL ); 	//显示窗口 	ShowWindow( hWnd, SW_SHOW ); 	UpdateWindow( hWnd ); 	//消息循环 	MSG nMsg = { 0 }; 	while( GetMessage(&nMsg,NULL,0,0) ){ 		TranslateMessage( &nMsg ); 		DispatchMessage( &nMsg );//将消息交给窗口处理函数来处理。 	} 	return 0; } 


参与架构的类: CDialog、CWinApp



MFC 学习笔记


AFX_MODULE_STATE aaa;//当前程序模块状态信息 AFX_MODULE_THREAD_STATE bbb; //当前程序线程状态信息  CWinApp::CWinApp()//构造全局对象CMyWinApp theApp {   AFX_MODULE_STATE* pModuleState = AfxGetModuleState();                //获取全局变量&aaa   AFX_MODULE_THREAD_STATE* pThreadState = pModuleState->m_thread;                //获取全局变量&bbb   pThreadState->m_pCurrentWinThread = this;//将&theApp保存到bbb的一个成员中      AfxGetThread()   {      AFX_MODULE_THREAD_STATE* pState = AfxGetModuleThreadState();//获取&bbb      CWinThread* pThread = pState->m_pCurrentWinThread;      return pThread;//返回的为&theApp   }   pModuleState->m_pCurrentWinApp = this;//将&theApp保存到aaa的一个成员中   AfxGetApp()   {     return AfxGetModuleState()->m_pCurrentWinApp;//返回&theApp   } } 进入入口函数 WinMain(...) {   AfxWinMain(..)   {     CWinThread* pThread = AfxGetThread();     CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();//获取&theApp     pApp->InitApplication();//利用theApp调用应用程序类的成员 虚函数(初始化)     pThread->InitInstance()//利用theApp调用应用程序类的成员 虚函数(创建并显示无模式对话框)     {       CMyDlg* pdlg = new CMyDlg;       pdlg->Create( IDD_DIALOG1 )//函数内部this为pdlg(自己new的对话框类对象地址)       {         CDialog::Create(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1), ..)//函数内部this为pdlg         {           HRSRC hResource = ::FindResource(hInst, lpszTemplateName, RT_DIALOG); 	  HGLOBAL hTemplate = LoadResource(hInst, hResource);                      //以上两行代码,查找并加载对话框资源           CreateIndirect(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DIALOG1), ...)           {             LPCDLGTEMPLATE lpDialogTemplate = LockResource(hDialogTemplate);             CreateIndirect(lpDialogTemplate..)             {               CreateDlgIndirect(...)               {                 ::CreateDialogIndirect(...);//以间接方式创建无模式对话框               }             }           }          }       }     }     pThread->Run()//函数内部this为&theApp     {       CWinThread::Run()//函数内部this为&theApp       {         for (;;)         {           while(没有消息时)           {             OnIdle(..);//空闲处理(虚函数)           }           do           {             if(::GetMessage抓到WM_QUIT消息)                return ExitInstance(..);//善后处理(虚函数)            }while(...)         }       }     }   } } ****************************** 父类,处理点击OK按钮发出的WM_COMMAND消息 ****************************** CDialog::OnOK() {   EndDialog(IDOK)   {     ::EndDialog(m_hWnd, nResult);//只能将无模式对话框隐藏   } } 


#include <afxwin.h> #include "resource.h" class CMyDlg : public CDialog{ 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() public: 	void OnZjwOK(); 	void OnZjwCancel( ); }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyDlg, CDialog) 	ON_COMMAND( IDOK, OnZjwOK ) 	ON_COMMAND( IDCANCEL, OnZjwCancel ) END_MESSAGE_MAP() void CMyDlg::OnZjwCancel( ){ //	CDialog::OnCancel( ); 	this->DestroyWindow( ); } void CMyDlg::OnZjwOK(){ //	CDialog::OnOK();//只能将无模式对话框隐藏,并没有销毁。 	::DestroyWindow( this->m_hWnd ); } class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); }; BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance( ){ 	CMyDlg* pdlg = new CMyDlg; 	pdlg->Create( IDD_DIALOG1 ); 	m_pMainWnd = pdlg; 	pdlg->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); 	return TRUE; } CMyWinApp theApp; 



MFC 学习笔记

MFC 学习笔记


AFX_MODULE_STATE aaa;//当前程序模块状态信息 AFX_MODULE_THREAD_STATE bbb; //当前程序线程状态信息  CWinApp::CWinApp()//构造全局对象CMyWinApp theApp {   AFX_MODULE_STATE* pModuleState = AfxGetModuleState();                //获取全局变量&aaa   AFX_MODULE_THREAD_STATE* pThreadState = pModuleState->m_thread;                //获取全局变量&bbb   pThreadState->m_pCurrentWinThread = this;//将&theApp保存到bbb的一个成员中      AfxGetThread()   {      AFX_MODULE_THREAD_STATE* pState = AfxGetModuleThreadState();//获取&bbb      CWinThread* pThread = pState->m_pCurrentWinThread;      return pThread;//返回的为&theApp   }   pModuleState->m_pCurrentWinApp = this;//将&theApp保存到aaa的一个成员中   AfxGetApp()   {     return AfxGetModuleState()->m_pCurrentWinApp;//返回&theApp   } } 进入入口函数 WinMain(...) {   AfxWinMain(..)   {     CWinThread* pThread = AfxGetThread();     CWinApp* pApp = AfxGetApp();//获取&theApp     pApp->InitApplication();//利用theApp调用应用程序类的成员 虚函数(初始化)     pThread->InitInstance()     {       	CMyDlg dlg===CDialog(IDD)//函数内部this为&dlg         {           m_lpszTemplateName=MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD)//将对话框资源ID保存dlg的一个成员中         } 	m_pMainWnd = &dlg; 	dlg.DoModal( )//函数内部this为&dlg         {           HRSRC hResource = ::FindResource(hInst, m_lpszTemplateName, RT_DIALOG); 	  hDialogTemplate = LoadResource(hInst, hResource); 	  lpDialogTemplate = (LPCDLGTEMPLATE)LockResource(hDialogTemplate);                  //以上三行代码,查找加载并锁定对话框资源           HWND hWndParent = PreModal();//获取父窗口的句柄           ::EnableWindow(hWndParent, FALSE);//将父窗口设置为不可用状态           CreateDlgIndirect(...);//间接方式创建无模式对话框            RunModalLoop(...)//函数内部this为&dlg           {             for (;;)  //消息循环             {               while(没有消息){ 空闲处理 }               do{                 消息循环的相关函数;                 if (!ContinueModal())//函数内部this为&dlg(m_nFlags(24/8) & 0x0010) 		  goto ExitModal;                 }while(....);             }             ExitModal:                return m_nModalResult;           }          }         ::EnableWindow(hWndParent, TRUE);//将父窗口设置为可用         DestroyWindow();//销毁无模式对话框         return m_nModalResult;//????dlg的一个成员变量     }   } } 01000 10000 -------- 00000   ****************************** 父类,处理点击OK按钮发出的WM_COMMAND消息 ****************************** CDialog::OnOK()//函数内部this为&dlg {   EndDialog(IDOK) //参数为1   {     EndModalLoop(IDOK)//函数内部this为&dlg     {       m_nModalResult = IDOK; // 1       m_nFlags = 8;     }     ::EndDialog(m_hWnd, nResult);//只能将无模式对话框隐藏   } }  CDialog::OnCancel()//函数内部this为&dlg {   EndDialog(IDCANCEL) //参数为2   {     EndModalLoop(IDCANCEL)//函数内部this为&dlg     {       m_nModalResult = IDCANCEL; // 1       m_nFlags = 8;     }     ::EndDialog(m_hWnd, nResult);//只能将无模式对话框隐藏   } } 


#include <afxwin.h> #include "resource.h" class CMyDlg : public CDialog{ public: 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP( ) 	enum{IDD=IDD_DIALOG1}; public: 	afx_msg void OnOK(); 	CMyDlg() : CDialog(IDD){ 	} }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMyDlg, CDialog ) 	ON_COMMAND( IDOK, OnOK ) END_MESSAGE_MAP( ) void CMyDlg::OnOK( ){ 	CDialog::OnOK(); } class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); }; BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance( ){ 	CMyDlg dlg;//栈空间 	m_pMainWnd = &dlg; 	int nRet = dlg.DoModal( ); 	return FALSE;//不再执行MFC库中安排的Run函数 } CMyWinApp theApp; 




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MFC 学习笔记


#include <afxwin.h> #include "resource.h" class CMyDlg : public CDialog{ public: 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP( ) 	enum{IDD=IDD_DIALOG1}; public: 	afx_msg void OnOK(); 	afx_msg void OnBtn1(); 	afx_msg void OnBtn2(); 	afx_msg void OnDblClk( ); 	CMyDlg() : CDialog(IDD){ 	} public: 	CString m_strEdit;//数据类型对象 	CEdit m_ctrlEdit;//控件类型对象 	virtual void DoDataExchange( CDataExchange* pDX ); }; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP( CMyDlg, CDialog ) 	ON_BN_CLICKED( IDC_BUTTON1, OnBtn1 ) 	ON_BN_CLICKED( IDC_BUTTON2, OnBtn2 ) /*	{ WM_COMMAND, (WORD)BN_CLICKED, (WORD)IDC_BUTTON2, (WORD)IDC_BUTTON2, AfxSigCmd_v,  		(static_cast< AFX_PMSG > (OnBtn1)) },*/ 	ON_BN_CLICKED( IDOK, OnOK) 	ON_BN_DOUBLECLICKED( IDC_BUTTON2, OnDblClk) /*	{ WM_COMMAND, (WORD)BN_DOUBLECLICKED, (WORD)IDC_BUTTON2, (WORD)IDC_BUTTON2, AfxSigCmd_v,  		(static_cast< AFX_PMSG > (OnDblClk)) },*/ END_MESSAGE_MAP( ) void CMyDlg::OnDblClk( ){ 	AfxMessageBox( "双击了按钮" ); } void CMyDlg::OnBtn1(){//控件--》数据对象 	UpdateData( TRUE ); 	AfxMessageBox( m_strEdit ); } void CMyDlg::OnBtn2(){//数据对象--》控件 	m_strEdit = "hello world"; 	UpdateData( FALSE ); } void CMyDlg::DoDataExchange( CDataExchange* pDX ){ 	DDX_Text( pDX, IDC_EDIT1, m_strEdit );//调用一系列DDX_xxx函数(类向导自动添加) 	DDX_Control( pDX, IDC_EDIT1, m_ctrlEdit ); } void CMyDlg::OnOK( ){ 	m_ctrlEdit.MoveWindow(0, 0, 200, 200); //	CDialog::OnOK(); } class CMyWinApp : public CWinApp{ public: 	virtual BOOL InitInstance( ); }; BOOL CMyWinApp::InitInstance( ){ 	CMyDlg dlg;//栈空间 	m_pMainWnd = &dlg; 	int nRet = dlg.DoModal( ); 	return FALSE;//不再执行MFC库中安排的Run函数 } CMyWinApp theApp; 

控件介绍 :

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 // MFCCtrl2Dlg.cpp : implementation file //  #include "stdafx.h" #include "MFCCtrl2.h" #include "MFCCtrl2Dlg.h" #include "afxdialogex.h"  #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif   // CMFCCtrl2Dlg dialog  CMFCCtrl2Dlg::CMFCCtrl2Dlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) 	: CDialogEx(CMFCCtrl2Dlg::IDD, pParent) { 	m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME); }  void CMFCCtrl2Dlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { 	CDialogEx::DoDataExchange(pDX); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK1, m_check); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON1, m_btn); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO1, m_r1); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RADIO2, m_r2); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_GROUP, m_group); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ST, m_st); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PS, m_ps); }  BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMFCCtrl2Dlg, CDialogEx) 	ON_WM_PAINT() 	ON_WM_QUERYDRAGICON() 	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON1, &CMFCCtrl2Dlg::OnClickedButton1) 	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECK1, &CMFCCtrl2Dlg::OnClickedCheck1) 	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RADIO1, &CMFCCtrl2Dlg::OnClickedRadio1) 	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RADIO2, &CMFCCtrl2Dlg::OnClickedRadio2) END_MESSAGE_MAP()   // CMFCCtrl2Dlg message handlers  BOOL CMFCCtrl2Dlg::OnInitDialog() { 	CDialogEx::OnInitDialog();  	// Set the icon for this dialog.  The framework does this automatically 	//  when the application's main window is not a dialog 	SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);			// Set big icon 	SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE);		// Set small icon  	// TODO: Add extra initialization here 	m_check.SetCheck( TRUE ); 	m_r1.SetCheck( TRUE ); 	return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control }  // If you add a minimize button to your dialog, you will need the code below //  to draw the icon.  For MFC applications using the document/view model, //  this is automatically done for you by the framework.  void CMFCCtrl2Dlg::OnPaint() { 	if (IsIconic()) 	{ 		CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting  		SendMessage(WM_ICONERASEBKGND, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(dc.GetSafeHdc()), 0);  		// Center icon in client rectangle 		int cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON); 		int cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON); 		CRect rect; 		GetClientRect(&rect); 		int x = (rect.Width() - cxIcon + 1) / 2; 		int y = (rect.Height() - cyIcon + 1) / 2;  		// Draw the icon 		dc.DrawIcon(x, y, m_hIcon); 	} 	else 	{ 		CDialogEx::OnPaint(); 	} }  // The system calls this function to obtain the cursor to display while the user drags //  the minimized window. HCURSOR CMFCCtrl2Dlg::OnQueryDragIcon() { 	return static_cast<HCURSOR>(m_hIcon); }    void CMFCCtrl2Dlg::OnClickedButton1() { 	/* 	if( m_check.GetCheck() ) 		m_check.SetCheck( FALSE ); 	else 		m_check.SetCheck( TRUE );*/ 	m_check.SetCheck( !m_check.GetCheck() ); 	m_st.SetWindowText( "hello" ); 	m_ps.SetBitmap( ::LoadBitmap( AfxGetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BITMAP2)));  }  void CMFCCtrl2Dlg::OnClickedCheck1() { 	int nState = m_check.GetCheck( ); 	CString sState; 	sState.Format( "%d", nState ); 	m_btn.SetWindowText( sState ); }   void CMFCCtrl2Dlg::OnClickedRadio1()//男 { 	m_r1.SetCheck( TRUE ); 	m_r2.SetCheck( FALSE ); }   void CMFCCtrl2Dlg::OnClickedRadio2()//女 { 	m_r2.SetCheck( TRUE ); 	m_r1.SetCheck( FALSE ); } 


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MFC 学习笔记


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MFC 学习笔记

MFC 学习笔记


 // MFCCtrl3Dlg.cpp : implementation file //  #include "stdafx.h" #include "MFCCtrl3.h" #include "MFCCtrl3Dlg.h" #include "afxdialogex.h"  #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif   // CMFCCtrl3Dlg dialog     CMFCCtrl3Dlg::CMFCCtrl3Dlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) 	: CDialogEx(CMFCCtrl3Dlg::IDD, pParent) { 	m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME); }  void CMFCCtrl3Dlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { 	CDialogEx::DoDataExchange(pDX); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DROPDOWN, m_dropdown); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DROPLIST, m_droplist); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SIMPLE, m_simple); }  BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMFCCtrl3Dlg, CDialogEx) 	ON_WM_PAINT() 	ON_WM_QUERYDRAGICON() 	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CLEAR, &CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnBnClickedClear) 	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DEL, &CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnBnClickedDel) 	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_TEXT, &CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnBnClickedText) 	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DATA, &CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnBnClickedData) 	ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_SIMPLE, &CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnSelchangeSimple) 	ON_CBN_EDITCHANGE(IDC_SIMPLE, &CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnEditchangeSimple) END_MESSAGE_MAP()   // CMFCCtrl3Dlg message handlers  BOOL CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnInitDialog() { 	CDialogEx::OnInitDialog();  	// Set the icon for this dialog.  The framework does this automatically 	//  when the application's main window is not a dialog 	SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);			// Set big icon 	SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE);		// Set small icon  	for( int i=0; i<100; i++ ){ 		char szItem[256]; 		sprintf(szItem, "Item%d", i); 		m_simple.AddString( szItem );//追加选项 		m_simple.SetItemData( i, 1000+i );  		m_dropdown.AddString( szItem ); 		m_droplist.AddString( szItem ); 	} 	m_simple.SetCurSel( 99 ); 	m_dropdown.SetCurSel( 99 ); 	m_droplist.SetCurSel( 99 ); 	return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control }  // If you add a minimize button to your dialog, you will need the code below //  to draw the icon.  For MFC applications using the document/view model, //  this is automatically done for you by the framework.  void CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnPaint() { 	if (IsIconic()) 	{ 		CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting  		SendMessage(WM_ICONERASEBKGND, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(dc.GetSafeHdc()), 0);  		// Center icon in client rectangle 		int cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON); 		int cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON); 		CRect rect; 		GetClientRect(&rect); 		int x = (rect.Width() - cxIcon + 1) / 2; 		int y = (rect.Height() - cyIcon + 1) / 2;  		// Draw the icon 		dc.DrawIcon(x, y, m_hIcon); 	} 	else 	{ 		CDialogEx::OnPaint(); 	} }  // The system calls this function to obtain the cursor to display while the user drags //  the minimized window. HCURSOR CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnQueryDragIcon() { 	return static_cast<HCURSOR>(m_hIcon); }    void CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnBnClickedClear() { 	// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here 	m_simple.ResetContent( ); 	m_dropdown.ResetContent( ); 	m_droplist.ResetContent( ); }  void CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnBnClickedDel() { 	m_simple.DeleteString( m_simple.GetCurSel() ); 	m_dropdown.DeleteString( m_dropdown.GetCurSel() ); 	m_droplist.DeleteString( m_droplist.GetCurSel() ); }   void CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnBnClickedText() { 	//获取选项的文本内容 	CString str; 	m_simple.GetLBText( m_simple.GetCurSel(), str ); 	AfxMessageBox( str ); }   void CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnBnClickedData() { 	DWORD nData = m_simple.GetItemData( m_simple.GetCurSel() ); 	CString strData; 	strData.Format( "附加数据:%d", nData ); 	AfxMessageBox( strData ); }   void CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnSelchangeSimple() { 	int nSel = m_simple.GetCurSel(); 	m_dropdown.SetCurSel( nSel ); 	m_droplist.SetCurSel( nSel ); }   void CMFCCtrl3Dlg::OnEditchangeSimple() { 	AfxMessageBox( "内容被修改" ); } 


MFC 学习笔记


 // MFCCtrlDlg.cpp : implementation file //  #include "stdafx.h" #include "MFCCtrl.h" #include "MFCCtrlDlg.h" #include "afxdialogex.h"  #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif   // CMFCCtrlDlg dialog     CMFCCtrlDlg::CMFCCtrlDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) 	: CDialogEx(CMFCCtrlDlg::IDD, pParent) { 	m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME); }  void CMFCCtrlDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { 	CDialogEx::DoDataExchange(pDX); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SLIDER1, m_slider); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PROGRESS1, m_pro); }  BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMFCCtrlDlg, CDialogEx) 	ON_WM_PAINT() 	ON_WM_QUERYDRAGICON() 	ON_NOTIFY(NM_CUSTOMDRAW, IDC_SLIDER1, &CMFCCtrlDlg::OnCustomdrawSlider1) END_MESSAGE_MAP()   // CMFCCtrlDlg message handlers  BOOL CMFCCtrlDlg::OnInitDialog() { 	CDialogEx::OnInitDialog();  	// Set the icon for this dialog.  The framework does this automatically 	//  when the application's main window is not a dialog 	SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);			// Set big icon 	SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE);		// Set small icon  	// TODO: Add extra initialization here 	m_slider.SetRange( 0, 100 ); 	m_slider.SetPos( 50 ); 	m_pro.SetRange( 0, 100 ); 	m_pro.SetPos( 50 ); 	return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control }  // If you add a minimize button to your dialog, you will need the code below //  to draw the icon.  For MFC applications using the document/view model, //  this is automatically done for you by the framework.  void CMFCCtrlDlg::OnPaint() { 	if (IsIconic()) 	{ 		CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting  		SendMessage(WM_ICONERASEBKGND, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(dc.GetSafeHdc()), 0);  		// Center icon in client rectangle 		int cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON); 		int cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON); 		CRect rect; 		GetClientRect(&rect); 		int x = (rect.Width() - cxIcon + 1) / 2; 		int y = (rect.Height() - cyIcon + 1) / 2;  		// Draw the icon 		dc.DrawIcon(x, y, m_hIcon); 	} 	else 	{ 		CDialogEx::OnPaint(); 	} }  // The system calls this function to obtain the cursor to display while the user drags //  the minimized window. HCURSOR CMFCCtrlDlg::OnQueryDragIcon() { 	return static_cast<HCURSOR>(m_hIcon); }  void CMFCCtrlDlg::OnCustomdrawSlider1(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { 	LPNMCUSTOMDRAW pNMCD = reinterpret_cast<LPNMCUSTOMDRAW>(pNMHDR); 	int nPos = m_slider.GetPos( ); 	CString strPos; 	strPos.Format( "滑块位置:%d", nPos ); 	this->SetWindowText( strPos );  	m_pro.SetPos( nPos ); 	*pResult = 0; } 

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MFC 学习笔记


#include "stdafx.h" #include "MFCFind.h" using namespace std; void Find( CString path ){ 	CString strPath = path; 	strPath += "/*.*";    	CFileFind find;//文件搜索类对象 	BOOL goFind = find.FindFile( strPath ); //开启查找 	while( goFind ){ 		goFind = find.FindNextFile( );//找到当前文件,将文件信息保存find对象的成员变量中 		CString filename = find.GetFileName( );	 		CString filepath = find.GetFilePath(); 		if( find.IsDirectory() && !find.IsDots() ){ 			cout << "[" << filename << "]" << endl; 			Find( filepath ); 		}else{ 			cout << filename << endl; 		} 	} 	find.Close( ); } int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[]) { 	Find( "c:" ); 	return 0; } 


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MFC 学习笔记


 // MFCListDlg.cpp : implementation file //  #include "stdafx.h" #include "MFCList.h" #include "MFCListDlg.h" #include "afxdialogex.h"  #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif   // CAboutDlg dialog used for App About  class CAboutDlg : public CDialogEx { public: 	CAboutDlg();  // Dialog Data 	enum { IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX };  	protected: 	virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX);    // DDX/DDV support  // Implementation protected: 	DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() };  CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg() : CDialogEx(CAboutDlg::IDD) { }  void CAboutDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { 	CDialogEx::DoDataExchange(pDX); }  BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAboutDlg, CDialogEx) END_MESSAGE_MAP()   // CMFCListDlg dialog     CMFCListDlg::CMFCListDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) 	: CDialogEx(CMFCListDlg::IDD, pParent) { 	m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME); }  void CMFCListDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { 	CDialogEx::DoDataExchange(pDX); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_COMBO1, m_combox); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST1, m_list); }  BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMFCListDlg, CDialogEx) 	ON_WM_SYSCOMMAND() 	ON_WM_PAINT() 	ON_WM_QUERYDRAGICON() 	ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_COMBO1, &CMFCListDlg::OnSelchangeCombo1) 	ON_NOTIFY(NM_DBLCLK, IDC_LIST1, &CMFCListDlg::OnDblclkList1) END_MESSAGE_MAP()   // CMFCListDlg message handlers  BOOL CMFCListDlg::OnInitDialog() { 	CDialogEx::OnInitDialog();  	// Add "About..." menu item to system menu.  	// IDM_ABOUTBOX must be in the system command range. 	ASSERT((IDM_ABOUTBOX & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX); 	ASSERT(IDM_ABOUTBOX < 0xF000);  	CMenu* pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE); 	if (pSysMenu != NULL) 	{ 		BOOL bNameValid; 		CString strAboutMenu; 		bNameValid = strAboutMenu.LoadString(IDS_ABOUTBOX); 		ASSERT(bNameValid); 		if (!strAboutMenu.IsEmpty()) 		{ 			pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR); 			pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu); 		} 	}  	// Set the icon for this dialog.  The framework does this automatically 	//  when the application's main window is not a dialog 	SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);			// Set big icon 	SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE);		// Set small icon  	// TODO: Add extra initialization here 	m_combox.AddString( "图标" ); 	m_combox.AddString( "小图标" ); 	m_combox.AddString( "列表" ); 	m_combox.AddString( "报表" ); 	m_combox.SetCurSel( 0 );  	m_list.InsertColumn( 0, "名称", LVCFMT_LEFT, 150 ); 	m_list.InsertColumn( 1, "修改日期", LVCFMT_LEFT, 150 ); 	m_list.InsertColumn( 2, "类型", LVCFMT_LEFT, 150 ); 	m_list.InsertColumn( 3, "大小", LVCFMT_LEFT, 150 ); 	m_list.SetExtendedStyle( LVS_EX_GRIDLINES );//经纬线  	CImageList* pImgLst = new CImageList; 	pImgLst->Create( IDB_BITMAP1, 24, 1, RGB(255,255,255) );  	m_list.SetImageList( pImgLst, LVSIL_NORMAL );//将图像链表应用在列表控件的图标风格中 	m_list.SetImageList( pImgLst, LVSIL_SMALL );//将图像链表应用在列表控件的其他风格中  	ShowFile("c:"); /*//测试数据 	m_list.InsertItem( 0, "目录", 0 ); 	m_list.SetItemText( 0, 1, "2100.5.7" ); 	m_list.SetItemText( 0, 2, "Dir" ); 	m_list.SetItemText( 0, 3, "3M" );  	m_list.InsertItem( 1, "文件", 1 ); 	m_list.SetItemText( 1, 1, "2100.12.17" ); 	m_list.SetItemText( 1, 2, "File" ); 	m_list.SetItemText( 1, 3, "13K" );*/  	return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control } void CMFCListDlg::ShowFile( CString path ){ 	m_list.DeleteAllItems( ); 	CString strPath = path; 	strPath += "/*.*";    	CFileFind find;//文件搜索类对象 	BOOL goFind = find.FindFile( strPath ); //开启查找 	int i = 0; 	while( goFind ){ 		goFind = find.FindNextFile( );//找到当前文件,将文件信息保存find对象的成员变量中 		CString filename = find.GetFileName( );	 		CString *filepath = new CString; 		*filepath = find.GetFilePath(); 		if( find.IsDirectory() ){ 			m_list.InsertItem( i, filename, 0 ); 			m_list.SetItemData( i, (DWORD)filepath);  		}else{ 			m_list.InsertItem( i, filename, 1 ); 		} 		i++; 	} 	find.Close( ); 	 } void CMFCListDlg::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam) { 	if ((nID & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX) 	{ 		CAboutDlg dlgAbout; 		dlgAbout.DoModal(); 	} 	else 	{ 		CDialogEx::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam); 	} }  // If you add a minimize button to your dialog, you will need the code below //  to draw the icon.  For MFC applications using the document/view model, //  this is automatically done for you by the framework.  void CMFCListDlg::OnPaint() { 	if (IsIconic()) 	{ 		CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting  		SendMessage(WM_ICONERASEBKGND, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(dc.GetSafeHdc()), 0);  		// Center icon in client rectangle 		int cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON); 		int cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON); 		CRect rect; 		GetClientRect(&rect); 		int x = (rect.Width() - cxIcon + 1) / 2; 		int y = (rect.Height() - cyIcon + 1) / 2;  		// Draw the icon 		dc.DrawIcon(x, y, m_hIcon); 	} 	else 	{ 		CDialogEx::OnPaint(); 	} }  // The system calls this function to obtain the cursor to display while the user drags //  the minimized window. HCURSOR CMFCListDlg::OnQueryDragIcon() { 	return static_cast<HCURSOR>(m_hIcon); }    void CMFCListDlg::OnSelchangeCombo1() { 	switch( m_combox.GetCurSel() ){ 	case 0://图标 		m_list.ModifyStyle( LVS_SMALLICON|LVS_LIST|LVS_REPORT, LVS_ICON ); 		break; 	case 1://小图标 		m_list.ModifyStyle( LVS_ICON|LVS_LIST|LVS_REPORT, LVS_SMALLICON ); 		break; 	case 2://列表 		m_list.ModifyStyle( LVS_ICON|LVS_SMALLICON|LVS_REPORT, LVS_LIST ); 		break; 	case 3://报表 		m_list.ModifyStyle( LVS_ICON|LVS_LIST|LVS_SMALLICON, LVS_REPORT ); 		break; 	} }   void CMFCListDlg::OnDblclkList1(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { 	LPNMITEMACTIVATE pNMItemActivate = reinterpret_cast<LPNMITEMACTIVATE>(pNMHDR); 	*pResult = 0; 	DWORD nData = m_list.GetItemData( pNMItemActivate->iItem );//双击选项 	CString* filepath = (CString*)nData; 	if( filepath != NULL ) 		ShowFile( *filepath ); } 


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 // MFCTreeDlg.cpp : implementation file //  #include "stdafx.h" #include "MFCTree.h" #include "MFCTreeDlg.h" #include "afxdialogex.h"  #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif   // CMFCTreeDlg dialog     CMFCTreeDlg::CMFCTreeDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) 	: CDialogEx(CMFCTreeDlg::IDD, pParent) { 	m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDR_MAINFRAME); }  void CMFCTreeDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { 	CDialogEx::DoDataExchange(pDX); 	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TREE1, m_tree); }  BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMFCTreeDlg, CDialogEx) 	ON_WM_PAINT() 	ON_WM_QUERYDRAGICON() 	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DEL, &CMFCTreeDlg::OnBnClickedDel) 	ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_TEXT, &CMFCTreeDlg::OnBnClickedText) END_MESSAGE_MAP()   // CMFCTreeDlg message handlers  BOOL CMFCTreeDlg::OnInitDialog() { 	CDialogEx::OnInitDialog();  	// Set the icon for this dialog.  The framework does this automatically 	//  when the application's main window is not a dialog 	SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE);			// Set big icon 	SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE);		// Set small icon  	// TODO: Add extra initialization here 	CImageList* pImgLst = new CImageList; 	pImgLst->Create( IDB_BITMAP1, 12, 1, RGB(255,255,255));  	m_tree.SetImageList( pImgLst, LVSIL_NORMAL );  	HTREEITEM nRoot = m_tree.InsertItem( "达内集团", 0, 1, NULL ); 	m_tree.InsertItem( "中关村中心", 2, 3, nRoot ); 	m_tree.InsertItem( "亚运村中心", 2, 3, nRoot ); 	m_tree.InsertItem( "天坛中心", 2, 3, nRoot ); 	m_tree.SetItemHeight( 50 ); 	return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control }  // If you add a minimize button to your dialog, you will need the code below //  to draw the icon.  For MFC applications using the document/view model, //  this is automatically done for you by the framework.  void CMFCTreeDlg::OnPaint() { 	if (IsIconic()) 	{ 		CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting  		SendMessage(WM_ICONERASEBKGND, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(dc.GetSafeHdc()), 0);  		// Center icon in client rectangle 		int cxIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON); 		int cyIcon = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON); 		CRect rect; 		GetClientRect(&rect); 		int x = (rect.Width() - cxIcon + 1) / 2; 		int y = (rect.Height() - cyIcon + 1) / 2;  		// Draw the icon 		dc.DrawIcon(x, y, m_hIcon); 	} 	else 	{ 		CDialogEx::OnPaint(); 	} }  // The system calls this function to obtain the cursor to display while the user drags //  the minimized window. HCURSOR CMFCTreeDlg::OnQueryDragIcon() { 	return static_cast<HCURSOR>(m_hIcon); }  void CMFCTreeDlg::OnBnClickedDel() { 	m_tree.DeleteItem(m_tree.GetSelectedItem( )); }   void CMFCTreeDlg::OnBnClickedText() { 	AfxMessageBox( m_tree.GetItemText( m_tree.GetSelectedItem() ) ); } 

