


你如果是从中间插过来看的,请仔细阅读 羽夏看Linux系统内核——简述 ,方便学习本教程。


  1. 绘制执行进入保护模式的时候的内存布局状态。
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  1. 用表格的形式展示setup.s程序在内存中保存的数据。
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  1. .word 0x00eb,0x00eb的作用是啥?
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其实就是个 jmp 指令的二进制,由于每个指令执行都需要耗费几个机器时间,这里的作用就是延时。 
  1. 介绍到最后的jmpi 0,8代码最终跳到了哪个地址?为什么?
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最终跳到了 0 地址。由于目前 CPU 处于保护模式,8 现在是段选择子,含义是以 0环 权限使用索引为 1 的段描述符,是第二个,基址为 0 ,所以是 0 地址。 

当前 CPU 状态



  head.s程序在被编译生成目标文件后会与内核其他程序一起被链接成system模块,位于system模块的最前面开始部分。system模块将被放置在磁盘上setup模块之后开始的扇区中,即从磁盘上第6个扇区开始放置。一般情况下Linux 0.11内核的system模块大约有120 KB左右,因此在磁盘上大约占240个扇区。
  从此,CPU正式运行在保护模式了。汇编语法也变了,变成了比较麻烦的AT&T语法。对于AT&T汇编不熟悉的,可以参考我的 羽夏笔记—— AT&T 与 GCC ,别的教程也可。看明白后,回来继续。

gdt:     .word 0,0,0,0       ! dummy      .word 0x07FF        ! 8Mb - limit=2047 (2048*4096=8Mb)     .word 0x0000        ! base address=0     .word 0x9A00        ! code read/exec     .word 0x00C0        ! granularity=4096, 386      .word 0x07FF        ! 8Mb - limit=2047 (2048*4096=8Mb)     .word 0x0000        ! base address=0     .word 0x9200        ! data read/write     .word 0x00C0        ! granularity=4096, 386 


startup_32:     movl $0x10,%eax     mov %ax,%ds     mov %ax,%es     mov %ax,%fs     mov %ax,%gs     lss _stack_start,%esp     call setup_idt     call setup_gdt 


long user_stack [ PAGE_SIZE>>2 ] ;  struct {     long * a;     short b;     } stack_start = { & user_stack [PAGE_SIZE>>2] , 0x10 }; 


/*  *  setup_idt  *  *  sets up a idt with 256 entries pointing to  *  ignore_int, interrupt gates. It then loads  *  idt. Everything that wants to install itself  *  in the idt-table may do so themselves. Interrupts  *  are enabled elsewhere, when we can be relatively  *  sure everything is ok. This routine will be over-  *  written by the page tables.  */ setup_idt:     lea ignore_int,%edx     movl $0x00080000,%eax     movw %dx,%ax         /* selector = 0x0008 = cs */     movw $0x8E00,%dx        /* interrupt gate - dpl=0, present */      lea _idt,%edi     mov $256,%ecx rp_sidt:     movl %eax,(%edi)     movl %edx,4(%edi)     addl $8,%edi     dec %ecx     jne rp_sidt     lidt idt_descr     ret 

  ignore_int是一个函数,作用是打印Unknown interrupt这个字符串,然后结束。想看看的给你瞅一眼:

/* This is the default interrupt "handler" :-) */ int_msg:     .asciz "Unknown interruptnr" .align 2 ignore_int:     pushl %eax     pushl %ecx     pushl %edx     push %ds     push %es     push %fs     movl $0x10,%eax     mov %ax,%ds     mov %ax,%es     mov %ax,%fs     pushl $int_msg     call _printk     popl %eax     pop %fs     pop %es     pop %ds     popl %edx     popl %ecx     popl %eax     iret 


/*  *  setup_gdt  *  *  This routines sets up a new gdt and loads it.  *  Only two entries are currently built, the same  *  ones that were built in init.s. The routine  *  is VERY complicated at two whole lines, so this  *  rather long comment is certainly needed :-).  *  This routine will beoverwritten by the page tables.  */ setup_gdt:     lgdt gdt_descr     ret 


idt_descr:     .word 256*8-1       # idt contains 256 entries     .long _idt .align 2 .word 0 gdt_descr:     .word 256*8-1       # so does gdt (not that that's any     .long _gdt          # magic number, but it works for me :^)      .align 3 _idt: .fill 256,8,0     # idt is uninitialized  _gdt: .quad 0x0000000000000000      /* NULL descriptor */     .quad 0x00c09a0000000fff        /* 16Mb */     .quad 0x00c0920000000fff        /* 16Mb */     .quad 0x0000000000000000        /* TEMPORARY - don't use */     .fill 252,8,0                   /* space for LDT's and TSS's etc */ 


movl $0x10,%eax     # reload all the segment registers mov %ax,%ds         # after changing gdt. CS was already mov %ax,%es         # reloaded in 'setup_gdt' mov %ax,%fs mov %ax,%gs lss _stack_start,%esp xorl %eax,%eax 


1:  incl %eax           # check that A20 really IS enabled     movl %eax,0x000000  # loop forever if it isn't     cmpl %eax,0x100000     je 1b 


/*  * NOTE! 486 should set bit 16, to check for write-protect in supervisor  * mode. Then it would be unnecessary with the "verify_area()"-calls.  * 486 users probably want to set the NE (#5) bit also, so as to use  * int 16 for math errors.  */     movl %cr0,%eax          # check math chip     andl $0x80000011,%eax   # Save PG,PE,ET /* "orl $0x10020,%eax" here for 486 might be good */     orl $2,%eax             # set MP     movl %eax,%cr0     call check_x87     jmp after_page_tables 


after_page_tables:     pushl $0        # These are the parameters to main :-)     pushl $0     pushl $0     pushl $L6       # return address for main, if it decides to.     pushl $_main     jmp setup_paging L6:     jmp L6          # main should never return here, but                     # just in case, we know what happens. 


setup_paging:     movl $1024*5,%ecx       /* 5 pages - pg_dir+4 page tables */     xorl %eax,%eax     xorl %edi,%edi          /* pg_dir is at 0x000 */     cld;rep;stosl     movl $pg0+7,_pg_dir     /* set present bit/user r/w */     movl $pg1+7,_pg_dir+4   /*  --------- " " --------- */     movl $pg2+7,_pg_dir+8   /*  --------- " " --------- */     movl $pg3+7,_pg_dir+12  /*  --------- " " --------- */     movl $pg3+4092,%edi     movl $0xfff007,%eax     /*  16Mb - 4096 + 7 (r/w user,p) */     std 1:  stosl                   /* fill pages backwards - more efficient :-) */     subl $0x1000,%eax     jge 1b     xorl %eax,%eax          /* pg_dir is at 0x0000 */     movl %eax,%cr3          /* cr3 - page directory start */     movl %cr0,%eax     orl $0x80000000,%eax     movl %eax,%cr0          /* set paging (PG) bit */     ret                     /* this also flushes    prefetch-queue */ 



  PG位是启用分页机制。在开启这个标志之前必须已经或者同时开启PE标志。PG = 0PE = 0,处理器工作在实地址模式下。PG = 0PE = 1,处理器工作在没有开启分页机制的保护模式下。PG = 1PE = 0,在PE没有开启的情况下无法开启PGPG = 1PE = 1,处理器工作在开启了分页机制的保护模式下。
  由于当前内存只有16 MB,所以它采用了10-10-12分页。setup_paging开始的代码将会在0地址开始设置页表,这会覆盖head.s的开头的代码。不过没关系,一切都在计算当中,并不会覆盖到当前要执行的代码。

/*  * I put the kernel page tables right after the page directory,  * using 4 of them to span 16 Mb of physical memory. People with  * more than 16MB will have to expand this.  */ .org 0x1000 pg0:  .org 0x2000 pg1:  .org 0x3000 pg2:  .org 0x4000 pg3: 

  为什么要按照0x1000都间隔进行分页呢?这个是由于CPU规定的,每个页表是0x1000字节的大小。这里一共分了4个页,对于16 MB内存足够了。



    movl $0xfff007,%eax     /*  16Mb - 4096 + 7 (r/w user,p) */     std 1:  stosl                   /* fill pages backwards - more efficient :-) */     subl $0x1000,%eax     jge 1b 




xorl %eax,%eax      /* pg_dir is at 0x0000 */ movl %eax,%cr3      /* cr3 - page directory start */ movl %cr0,%eax orl $0x80000000,%eax movl %eax,%cr0      /* set paging (PG) bit */ ret                 /* this also flushes prefetch-queue */ 





  1. 复习本篇分析的代码流程,熟悉分页和中断门的构造。
  2. 在分页代码分析部分,你是怎么知道是10-10-12分页,而不是2-9-9-12分页?
  3. 最后的代码到底返回到了哪里?
  4. 绘制当前system模块的内存分布。



