



GithubEditor DEMO



  • 插件是一等公民,slate最重要的部分就是插件是一等公民实体,这意味着你可以完全定制编辑体验,去建立像Medium或是Dropbox这样复杂的编辑器,而不必对库的预设作斗争。
  • 精简的schema核心,slate的核心逻辑对你编辑的数据结构进行的预设非常少,这意味着当你构建复杂用例时,不会被任何的预制内容所阻碍。
  • 嵌套文档模型,slate文档所使用的模型是一个嵌套的,递归的树,就像DOM一样,这意味着对于高级用例来说,构建像表格或是嵌套引用这样复杂的组件是可能的,当然你也可以使用单一层次的结构来保持简单性。
  • DOM相同,slate的数据模型基于DOM,文档是一个嵌套的树,其使用文本选区selections和范围ranges,并且公开所有的标准事件处理函数,这意味着像是表格或者是嵌套引用这样的高级特性是可能的,几乎所有你在DOM中可以做到的事情,都可以在slate中做到。
  • 直观的指令,slate文档执行命令commands来进行编辑,它被设计为高级并且非常直观地进行编辑和阅读,以便定制功能尽可能地具有表现力,这大大的提高了你理解代码的能力。
  • 可协作的数据模型,slate使用的数据模型特别是操作如何应用到文档上,被设计为允许协同编辑在最顶层,所以如果你决定要实现协同编辑,不必去考虑彻底重构。
  • 明确的核心划分,使用插件优先的结构和精简核心,使得核心和定制的边界非常清晰,这意味着核心的编辑体验不会被各种边缘情况所困扰。



这是文档中演练最后实现的代码,可以简单了解一下slate的控制处理方案,可以看到块级元素即<CodeElement />的渲染是通过renderElement来完成的,行内元素即bold样式的渲染是通过renderLeaf来完成的,在onKeyDown中我们可以看到通过监听键盘的输入,我们对slate维护的数据通过Transforms进行了一些处理,通过匹配Nodeattributes写入了数据结构,然后通过两种renderprops将其渲染了出来,所以这就是slate的拓展机制与数据渲染分离结构。

const initialValue = [   {     type: 'paragraph',     children: [{ text: 'A line of text in a paragraph.' }],   }, ]  const App = () => {   const [editor] = useState(() => withReact(createEditor()))    const renderElement = useCallback(props => {     switch (props.element.type) {       case 'code':         return <CodeElement {...props} />       default:         return <DefaultElement {...props} />     }   }, [])    // Define a leaf rendering function that is memoized with `useCallback`.   const renderLeaf = useCallback(props => {     return <Leaf {...props} />   }, [])    return (     <Slate editor={editor} value={initialValue}>       <Editable         renderElement={renderElement}         // Pass in the `renderLeaf` function.         renderLeaf={renderLeaf}         onKeyDown={event => {           if (!event.ctrlKey) {             return           }            switch (event.key) {             case '`': {               event.preventDefault()               const [match] = Editor.nodes(editor, {                 match: n => n.type === 'code',               })               Transforms.setNodes(                 editor,                 { type: match ? null : 'code' },                 { match: n => Editor.isBlock(editor, n) }               )               break             }              case 'b': {               event.preventDefault()               Transforms.setNodes(                 editor,                 { bold: true },                 { match: n => Text.isText(n), split: true }               )               break             }           }         }}       />     </Slate>   ) }  const Leaf = props => {   return (     <span       {...props.attributes}       style={{ fontWeight: props.leaf.bold ? 'bold' : 'normal' }}     >       {props.children}     </span>   ) } 



  • key: 表示该插件的名字,一般不能够重复。
  • priority: 表示插件执行的优先级,通常用户需要包裹renderLine的组件。
  • command: 注册该插件的命令,工具栏点击或者按下快捷键需要执行的函数。
  • onKeyDown: 键盘事件的处理函数,可以用他来制定回车或者删除等操作的具体行为等。
  • type: 标记其是block或者是inline
  • match: 只有返回true即匹配到的插件才会执行。
  • renderLine: 用于block的组件,通常用作在其子元素上包裹一层组件。
  • render: 对于block组件具体渲染的组件由该函数决定,对于inline组件则与blockrenderLine表现相同。
type BasePlugin = {   key: string;   priority?: number; // 优先级越高 在越外层   command?: CommandFn;   onKeyDown?: (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => boolean | void; }; type ElementPlugin = BasePlugin & {   type: typeof EDITOR_ELEMENT_TYPE.BLOCK;   match: (props: RenderElementProps) => boolean;   renderLine?: (context: ElementContext) => JSX.Element;   render?: (context: ElementContext) => JSX.Element; }; type LeafPlugin = BasePlugin & {   type: typeof EDITOR_ELEMENT_TYPE.INLINE;   match: (props: RenderLeafProps) => boolean;   render?: (context: LeafContext) => JSX.Element; }; 

在具体的实现上,我们采用了实例化类的方式,当实例化之后我们可以不断add插件,因为toolbar等插件是负责执行命令的,所以需要首先获取前边注册完成的插件的命令,将其传入后再注册到插件当中,通过这种注册的机制实现了统一的插件管理,在apply之后,我们可以将返回的值传入到<Editable />中,就可以将插件正常的拓展到slate当中了。

const { renderElement, renderLeaf, onKeyDown, withVoidElements, commands } = useMemo(() => {   const register = new SlatePlugins(     ParagraphPlugin(),     HeadingPlugin(editor),     BoldPlugin(),     QuoteBlockPlugin(editor),     // ...   );    const commands = register.getCommands();   register.add(     DocToolBarPlugin(editor, props.isRender, commands),     // ...   ); return register.apply(); }, [editor, props.isRender]); 


slate中预留了比较好的类型拓展机制,可以通过TypeScript中的declare module配合interface来拓展BlockElementTextElement的类型,使实现插件的attributes有较为严格的类型校验。

// base export type BaseNode = BlockElement | TextElement; declare module "slate" {   interface BlockElement {     children: BaseNode[];     [key: string]: unknown;   }   interface TextElement {     text: string;     [key: string]: unknown;   }   interface CustomTypes {     Editor: BaseEditor & ReactEditor;     Element: BlockElement;     Text: TextElement;   } }  // plugin declare module "slate" {   interface BlockElement {     type?: { a: string; b: boolean };   }   interface TextElement {     type?: boolean;   } } 


在这里是具体的插件实现方案与示例,每个部分都是一种类型的插件的实现,具体的代码都可以在 Github 中找到。在插件实现方面,整体还是借助了HTML5的标签来完成各种样式,这样能够保持文档的标签语义完整性但是会造成DOM结构嵌套比较深。使用纯CSS来完成各种插件也是没问题的,而且实现上是更简单一些的,context提供classList来操作className,只不过纯CSS实现样式的话标签语义完整性就欠缺一些。这方面主要是个取舍问题,在此处实现的插件都是借助HTML5的标签以及一些自定义的交互策略来完成的,交互的执行上都是通过插件注册命令后触发实现的。


leaf类型的插件是行内的元素,例如加粗、斜体、下划线、删除线等等,在实现上只需要注意插件的命令注册与在该命令下如何渲染元素即可,下面是bold插件的实现,主要是注册了操作attributes的命令,以及使用<strong />作为渲染格式的标签。

declare module "slate" {   interface TextElement {     bold?: boolean;   } }  export const boldPluginKey = "bold"; export const BoldPlugin = (): Plugin => {   return {     key: boldPluginKey,     type: EDITOR_ELEMENT_TYPE.INLINE,     match: props => !!props.leaf[boldPluginKey],     command: (editor, key) => {       Transforms.setNodes(         editor,         { [key]: true },         { match: node => Text.isText(node), split: true }       );     },     render: context => <strong>{context.children}</strong>,   }; }; 



declare module "slate" {   interface BlockElement {     heading?: { id: string; type: string };   } }  export const headingPluginKey = "heading"; const headingCommand: CommandFn = (editor, key, data) => {   if (isObject(data) && data.path) {     if (!isMatchedAttributeNode(editor, `${headingPluginKey}.type`, data.extraKey)) {       setBlockNode(editor, { [key]: { type: data.extraKey, id: uuid().slice(0, 8) } }, data.path);     } else {       setBlockNode(editor, getOmitAttributes([headingPluginKey]), data.path);     }   } };  export const HeadingPlugin = (editor: Editor): Plugin => {   return {     key: headingPluginKey,     type: EDITOR_ELEMENT_TYPE.BLOCK,     command: headingCommand,     match: props => !!props.element[headingPluginKey],     renderLine: context => {       const heading = context.props.element[headingPluginKey];       if (!heading) return context.children;       const id = heading.id;       switch (heading.type) {         case "h1":           return (             <h1 className="doc-heading" id={id}>               {context.children}             </h1>           );         case "h2":           return (             <h2 className="doc-heading" id={id}>               {context.children}             </h2>           );         case "h3":           return (             <h3 className="doc-heading" id={id}>               {context.children}             </h3>           );         default:           return context.children;       }     },     onKeyDown: event => {       if (         isMatchedEvent(event, KEYBOARD.BACKSPACE, KEYBOARD.ENTER) &&         isCollapsed(editor, editor.selection)       ) {         const match = getBlockNode(editor, editor.selection);          if (match) {           const { block, path } = match;           if (!block[headingPluginKey]) return void 0;            if (isSlateElement(block)) {             if (event.key === KEYBOARD.BACKSPACE && isFocusLineStart(editor, path)) {               const properties = getOmitAttributes([headingPluginKey]);               Transforms.setNodes(editor, properties, { at: path });               event.preventDefault();             }             if (event.key === KEYBOARD.ENTER && isFocusLineEnd(editor, path)) {               const attributes = getBlockAttributes(block, [headingPluginKey]);               if (isWrappedNode(editor)) {                 // 在`wrap`的情况下插入节点会出现问题 先多插入一个空格再删除                 Transforms.insertNodes(                   editor,                   { ...attributes, children: [{ text: " " }] },                   { at: editor.selection.focus, select: false }                 );                 Transforms.move(editor, { distance: 1 });                 Promise.resolve().then(() => editor.deleteForward("character"));               } else {                 Transforms.insertNodes(editor, { ...attributes, children: [{ text: "" }] });               }               event.preventDefault();             }           }         }       }     },   }; }; 



declare module "slate" {   interface BlockElement {     "quote-block"?: boolean;     "quote-block-item"?: boolean;   } }  export const quoteBlockKey = "quote-block"; export const quoteBlockItemKey = "quote-block-item"; const quoteCommand: CommandFn = (editor, key, data) => {   if (isObject(data) && data.path) {     if (!isMatchedAttributeNode(editor, quoteBlockKey, true, data.path)) {       if (!isWrappedNode(editor)) {         setWrapNodes(editor, { [key]: true }, data.path);         setBlockNode(editor, { [quoteBlockItemKey]: true });       }     } else {       setUnWrapNodes(editor, quoteBlockKey);       setBlockNode(editor, getOmitAttributes([quoteBlockItemKey, quoteBlockKey]));     }   } }; export const QuoteBlockPlugin = (editor: Editor): Plugin => {   return {     key: quoteBlockKey,     type: EDITOR_ELEMENT_TYPE.BLOCK,     match: props => !!props.element[quoteBlockKey],     renderLine: context => (       <blockquote className="slate-quote-block">{context.children}</blockquote>     ),     command: quoteCommand,     onKeyDown: event => {       if (         isMatchedEvent(event, KEYBOARD.BACKSPACE, KEYBOARD.ENTER) &&         isCollapsed(editor, editor.selection)       ) {         const quoteMatch = getBlockNode(editor, editor.selection, quoteBlockKey);         const quoteItemMatch = getBlockNode(editor, editor.selection, quoteBlockItemKey);         if (quoteMatch && !quoteItemMatch) setUnWrapNodes(editor, quoteBlockKey);         if (!quoteMatch && quoteItemMatch) {           setBlockNode(editor, getOmitAttributes([quoteBlockItemKey]));         }         if (!quoteMatch || !quoteItemMatch) return void 0;          if (isFocusLineStart(editor, quoteItemMatch.path)) {           if (             !isWrappedEdgeNode(editor, editor.selection, quoteBlockKey, quoteBlockItemKey, "or")           ) {             if (isMatchedEvent(event, KEYBOARD.BACKSPACE)) {               editor.deleteBackward("block");               event.preventDefault();             }           } else {             setUnWrapNodes(editor, quoteBlockKey);             setBlockNode(editor, getOmitAttributes([quoteBlockItemKey, quoteBlockKey]));             event.preventDefault();           }         }       }     },   }; }; 



declare module "slate" {   interface BlockElement {     "dividing-line"?: boolean;   } }  export const dividingLineKey = "dividing-line";  const DividingLine: React.FC = () => {   const selected = useSelected();   const focused = useFocused();   return <div className={cs("dividing-line", focused && selected && "selected")}></div>; }; export const DividingLinePlugin = (): Plugin => {   return {     key: dividingLineKey,     isVoid: true,     type: EDITOR_ELEMENT_TYPE.BLOCK,     command: (editor, key) => {       Transforms.insertNodes(editor, { [key]: true, children: [{ text: "" }] });       Transforms.insertNodes(editor, { children: [{ text: "" }] });     },     match: props => existKey(props.element, dividingLineKey),     render: () => <DividingLine></DividingLine>,   }; }; 



const DocMenu: React.FC<{   editor: Editor;   element: RenderElementProps["element"];   commands: SlateCommands; }> = props => {   const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);    const affixStyles = (param: string) => {     setVisible(false);     const [key, data] = param.split(".");     const path = ReactEditor.findPath(props.editor, props.element);     focusSelection(props.editor, path);     execCommand(props.editor, props.commands, key, { extraKey: data, path });   };   const MenuPopup = (     <Menu onClickMenuItem={affixStyles} className="doc-menu-popup">       <Menu.Item key="heading.h1">         <IconH1 />         一级标题       </Menu.Item>       <Menu.Item key="heading.h2">         <IconH2 />         二级标题       </Menu.Item>       <Menu.Item key="heading.h3">         <IconH3 />         三级标题       </Menu.Item>       <Menu.Item key="quote-block">         <IconQuote />         块级引用       </Menu.Item>       <Menu.Item key="ordered-list">         <IconOrderedList />         有序列表       </Menu.Item>       <Menu.Item key="unordered-list">         <IconUnorderedList />         无序列表       </Menu.Item>       <Menu.Item key="dividing-line">         <IconEdit />         分割线       </Menu.Item>     </Menu>   );   return (     <Trigger       popup={() => MenuPopup}       position="bottom"       popupVisible={visible}       onVisibleChange={setVisible}     >       <span         className="doc-icon-plus"         onMouseDown={e => e.preventDefault()} // prevent toolbar from taking focus away from editor       >         <IconPlusCircle />       </span>     </Trigger>   ); };  const NO_DOC_TOOL_BAR = ["quote-block", "ordered-list", "unordered-list", "dividing-line"]; const OFFSET_MAP: Record<string, number> = {   "quote-block-item": 12, }; export const DocToolBarPlugin = (   editor: Editor,   isRender: boolean,   commands: SlateCommands ): Plugin => {   return {     key: "doc-toolbar",     priority: 13,     type: EDITOR_ELEMENT_TYPE.BLOCK,     match: () => true,     renderLine: context => {       if (isRender) return context.children;       for (const item of NO_DOC_TOOL_BAR) {         if (context.element[item]) return context.children;       }       let offset = 0;       for (const item of Object.keys(OFFSET_MAP)) {         if (context.element[item]) {           offset = OFFSET_MAP[item] || 0;           break;         }       }       return (         <Trigger           popup={() => <DocMenu editor={editor} commands={commands} element={context.element} />}           position="left"           popupAlign={{ left: offset }}           mouseLeaveDelay={200}           mouseEnterDelay={200}         >           <div>{context.children}</div>         </Trigger>       );     },   }; }; 



const SHORTCUTS: Record<string, string> = {   "1.": "ordered-list",   "-": "unordered-list",   "*": "unordered-list",   ">": "quote-block",   "#": "heading.h1",   "##": "heading.h2",   "###": "heading.h3",   "---": "dividing-line", };  export const ShortCutPlugin = (editor: Editor, commands: SlateCommands): Plugin => {   return {     key: "shortcut",     type: EDITOR_ELEMENT_TYPE.BLOCK,     match: () => false,     onKeyDown: event => {       if (isMatchedEvent(event, KEYBOARD.SPACE) && isCollapsed(editor, editor.selection)) {         const match = getBlockNode(editor);         if (match) {           const { anchor } = editor.selection;           const { path } = match;           const start = Editor.start(editor, path);           const range = { anchor, focus: start };           const beforeText = Editor.string(editor, range);           const param = SHORTCUTS[beforeText.trim()];           if (param) {             Transforms.select(editor, range);             Transforms.delete(editor);             const [key, data] = param.split(".");             execCommand(editor, commands, key, { extraKey: data, path });             event.preventDefault();           }         }       }     },   }; }; 




https://docs.slatejs.org/ https://github.com/ianstormtaylor/slate https://www.slatejs.org/examples/richtext http://t.zoukankan.com/kagol-p-14820617.html https://rain120.github.io/athena/zh/slate/Introduction.html https://www.wangeditor.com/v5/#%E6%8A%80%E6%9C%AF%E8%80%81%E6%97%A7 

