react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)


react实战 系列

My Dashboard

上一篇我们在 spug 项目中模仿”任务计划“模块实现一个类似的一级导航页面(”My任务计划“),本篇,我们将模仿“Dashboard”来实现一个仪表盘“My Dashboard”。

主要涉及 antd 的 GridCardDescriptions等组件、bizcharts 的使用、moment 日期库和页面适配。



react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)


  • antd 的 GridCardDescriptions 描述列表 (文字长度不同,有时会感觉没对齐)
  • bizcharts 中的折线图、柱状图
  • moment(日期相关的库),比如按天、按月、最近 30 天都很方便

My Dashboard


react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)

react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)

react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)



  • @antv/data-set,柱状图和饼状图需要使用
  • bx-tooltip,自定义 bizcharts 中的 tooltip。折线图和柱状图的 tooltip 都使用了。
spug-study> npm i @antv/data-set  added 31 packages, and audited 1820 packages in 26s  107 packages are looking for funding   run `npm fund` for details  33 vulnerabilities (1 low, 16 moderate, 15 high, 1 critical)  To address issues that do not require attention, run:          npm audit fix  To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:       npm audit fix --force  Run `npm audit` for details. 
spug-study> npm i -D bx-tooltip  added 1 package, and audited 1821 packages in 9s  107 packages are looking for funding   run `npm fund` for details  33 vulnerabilities (1 low, 16 moderate, 15 high, 1 critical)  To address issues that do not require attention, run:   npm audit fix  To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:   npm audit fix --force  Run `npm audit` for details. 

package.json 变动如下:

"dependencies": {   "@antv/data-set": "^0.11.8", } "devDependencies": {   "bx-tooltip": "^0.1.6", } 


spug 中封装的表格组件,不支持 style和 size。替换一行,以及增加一行:

// src/components/TableCard.js  - <div ref={rootRef} className={styles.tableCard}> + <div ref={rootRef} className={styles.tableCard} style={{...props.customStyles}}>  <Table + size={props.size} 

准备 mock 数据

将 mydashboard 模块的的 mock 专门放入一个文件,并在 mock/index.js 中引入。

// srcmockindex.js  + import './mydashboard'  
// srcmockmydashboard.js  import Mock from 'mockjs'  // 开发环境引入 mock if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {      Mock.mock('/api/mdashboard/occupancy_rate/', 'get', () => (     {"data": [ {         month: "2022-01-01",         city: "城市-名字很长很长很长",         happiness: 10,         per: 90,         msg1: '信息xxx'     },     {         month: "2022-01-01",         city: "城市B",         per: 30,         happiness: 50,         msg1: '信息xxx'     },     {         month: "2022-02-01",         city: "城市-名字很长很长很长",         happiness: 20,         per: 40,         msg1: '信息xxx'     },          {         month: "2022-02-01",         city: "城市B",         happiness: 20,         per: 60,         msg1: '信息xxx'     },     {         month: "2022-03-01",         city: "城市-名字很长很长很长",         happiness: 30,         per: 80,         msg1: '信息xxx'     },], "error": ""}  ))  let mIdSeed = 1; Mock.mock('/api/mdashboard/table', 'get', () => ({     "data": [{ "id": mIdSeed++, "name": "苹果" + mIdSeed, address: '场地' +mIdSeed, time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() },     { "id": mIdSeed++, "name": "苹果" + mIdSeed, address: '场地' +mIdSeed, time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() },     { "id": mIdSeed++, "name": "苹果" + mIdSeed, address: '场地' +mIdSeed, time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() },     { "id": mIdSeed++, "name": "苹果" + mIdSeed, address: '场地' +mIdSeed, time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() },     { "id": mIdSeed++, "name": "苹果" + mIdSeed, address: '场地' +mIdSeed, time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() },     { "id": mIdSeed++, "name": "苹果" + mIdSeed, address: '场地' +mIdSeed, time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() },     { "id": mIdSeed++, "name": "苹果" + mIdSeed, address: '场地' +mIdSeed, time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() },     { "id": mIdSeed++, "name": "苹果" + mIdSeed, address: '场地' +mIdSeed, time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() },     { "id": mIdSeed++, "name": "苹果" + mIdSeed, address: '场地' +mIdSeed, time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() },     { "id": mIdSeed++, "name": "苹果" + mIdSeed, address: '场地' +mIdSeed, time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() },     { "id": mIdSeed++, "name": "苹果" + mIdSeed, address: '场地' +mIdSeed, time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() },     { "id": mIdSeed++, "name": "苹果" + mIdSeed, address: '场地' +mIdSeed, time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() },     { "id": mIdSeed++, "name": "苹果" + mIdSeed, address: '场地' +mIdSeed, time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() },     { "id": mIdSeed++, "name": "苹果" + mIdSeed, address: '场地' +mIdSeed, time: new Date().toLocaleTimeString() }, ] })) } 


配置 /mdashboard/mydashboard 两个路由:

// srcApp.js  + import MDashboard from './pages/mdashboard/tIndex';  class App extends Component {   render() {     return (       <Switch>       //  无需权限       + <Route path="/mdashboard" exact component={MDashboard} />         <Route path="/" exact component={Login} />         <Route path="/ssh" exact component={WebSSH} />         <Route component={Layout} />       </Switch>     );   } } 
// srcroutes.js  + import MyDashboardIndex from './pages/mdashboard';  export default [   {icon: <DesktopOutlined/>, title: '工作台', path: '/home', component: HomeIndex},   {     icon: <DashboardOutlined/>,     title: 'Dashboard',     auth: 'dashboard.dashboard.view',     path: '/dashboard',     component: DashboardIndex   }, + // 我的仪表盘 + { +   icon: <DashboardOutlined />, +   title: 'MyDashboard', +   auth: 'mydashboard.mydashboard.view', +   path: '/mydashboard', +   component: MyDashboardIndex + }, 


// srcpagesmdashboardDashboard.js  import React from 'react'; export default function () {   return (     <div>仪表盘</div>   ) } 
// srcpagesmdashboardindex.js  import React from 'react'; import { AuthDiv } from 'components'; import Dashboard from './Dashboard';  export default function () {   return (     <section>       //  AuthDiv 是 spug 封装的与权限相关的组件       <AuthDiv auth="testdashboard.testdashboard.view">         <p>需要权限才能访问</p>         <Dashboard />       </AuthDiv>     </section>   ) } 
// srcpagesmdashboardtIndex.js  import React from 'react'; import Dashboard from './Dashboard';  export default function () {   return (     <section>         <p>无需权限也能访问</p>         <Dashboard />     </section>   ) } 


访问 /mydashboard
react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)

访问 /mdashboard
react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)


// srcpagesmdashboardindex.module.less  .tdashboardBox {     .react{         width: 10px;         height: 10px;         display: inline-block;         background: #52c41a; /* #00000040 */         margin-left: 30px;         margin-right: 10px;     }      // 参考:srccomponentsindex.module.less 中 global     :global(.trendBox .ant-card-head-wrapper) {         width: 100%;     } } 
// srcpagesmdashboardTable.js  import React from 'react'; import { observer } from 'mobx-react'; import { Descriptions } from 'antd'; import { TableCard } from 'components'; import store from './store';  @observer class ComTable extends React.Component {   // 默认值   static defaultProps = {     tableHeight: 353   }    // scrollY 以外的高度   excludeScrollY = 120;   componentDidMount() {     store.fetchRecords()   }    columns = [{     title: 'id',     dataIndex: 'id',   },{     title: '名称',     dataIndex: 'name',   }, {     title: '生产地',     dataIndex: 'address',   }, {     title: '时间',     dataIndex: 'time',   }];    handleExpand = record => {     return <Descriptions>       <Descriptions.Item label="真数据">{record.time}</Descriptions.Item>       <Descriptions.Item label="假数据">xxx</Descriptions.Item>       <Descriptions.Item label="假数据xxx">xxxxxx</Descriptions.Item>       <Descriptions.Item label="假数据xx">xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</Descriptions.Item>       <Descriptions.Item label="假数据xx">xxx</Descriptions.Item>       <Descriptions.Item label="假数据xxxxxx">         xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx       </Descriptions.Item>     </Descriptions>   }    render() {     console.log('this.props.tableHeight', this.props.tableHeight, 'y', this.props.tableHeight * this.scrollRadio)     return (       <TableCard       customStyles={{height: this.props.tableHeight}}         title="水果信息"         tKey="mt"         rowKey="id"         loading={store.isFetching}         dataSource={store.dataSource}         onReload={store.fetchRecords}         actions={[]}         scroll={{ y: this.props.tableHeight  - this.excludeScrollY  }}         expandable={{           expandedRowRender: this.handleExpand,           expandRowByClick: true         }}         size={'middle'}         // 设为 false 时不展示和进行分页         pagination={false}         columns={this.columns} />     )   } }  export default ComTable  
// srcpagesmdashboardTrend.js  import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { Card, DatePicker, Modal } from 'antd'; import { Chart, Geom, Axis, Tooltip, Legend } from 'bizcharts'; import { http } from 'libs'; import styles from './index.module.less' // 日期相关的库,比如最近30天等 import moment from 'moment';  /* bizcharts 官网: 通过bx-tooltip插件自定义  为了满足更灵活多变的Tooltip自定义需求,提供bx-tooltip插件来实现ReactNode渲染,摆脱HTML模板的繁琐和死板 */ import useCustTooltip from 'bx-tooltip'; import { Typography, Space } from 'antd'; import store from './store'  export default function (props = { cardBodyHeight: 450 }) {   // chart 高度占比   const chartHeightRatio = 0.888    const { Text, Link, Title } = Typography;   const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);   // 本月第一天 —— 本月最后一天   // const [duration, setDuration] = useState([moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')]);   // 最近三十天   const [duration, setDuration] = useState([moment().subtract(29, 'days'), moment()]);   const [res, setRes] = useState([]);    useEffect(() => {     const strDuration = => x.format('YYYY-MM-DD'))      setLoading(true);     http.get('/api/mdashboard/occupancy_rate/', { duration: strDuration })       .then(res => {         setRes(res)       })       .finally(() => setLoading(false))   }, [duration])    // bx-tooltip插件的使用   const [BxChart, CustTooltip] = useCustTooltip.create(Chart, Tooltip);    return (     // headStyle、bodyStyle 在这里都是用于适配(响应式)     <Card className="trendBox" loading={loading} title="居住趋势" headStyle={store.cardTitleStyle} bodyStyle={{ height: props.cardBodyHeight }} extra={(       <div>         <DatePicker.RangePicker allowClear={false} style={{ width: 250 }} value={duration} onChange={val => setDuration(val)} />       </div>     )}>        <BxChart height={props.cardBodyHeight * chartHeightRatio} data={res} padding={[30, 120, 20, 60]}         // 坐标轴展示不完整         scale={{ month: { range: [0.05, 0.99] }, per: { alias: '居住率', range: [0, 0.95], minTickInterval: 10, max: 100, min: 0 } }}         // 强制适应(PS:只会对宽度有响应式,高度没有)         forceFit       >         <Legend position="right-center" allowAllCanceled={true} itemFormatter={val => {           const maxNum = 10           return val.length > maxNum ? val.split('').slice(0, maxNum - 3).join('') + '...' : val         }} />         {/* x 坐标格式化 */}         <Axis name="month" label={{           formatter(text, item, index) {             // 格式化:2022-01-01 -> 0101             return `${text.split('-').slice(1).join('')}`;           }         }} />          <Axis name="per" title />          {/* 自定义 tooltip */}         <CustTooltip enterable >           {(title, items) => {             return <div>               {       , i) => {                   let oData = x.point._origin                   return <div>                     {, 0) && <Title level={5}>{oData.month}</Title>}                     <section style={{ marginTop: '20px' }}>                       <Title style={{ color: x.color, fontWeight: 'bold' }} level={5}>{}</Title>                       <Space direction="vertical" size={2}>                         <Text>幸福指数:{oData.happiness}</Text>                         <Link href="hello" target="_blank">                           跳转                         </Link>                         <Link onClick={() => {                 {                             title: 'title',                             content: oData.msg1                           });                         }}>                           详情                         </Link>                       </Space>                     </section>                   </div>                 })               }             </div>           }}         </CustTooltip>          <Geom type="line" position="month*per"           // 两条线           size={2}           // 使线条平滑           // shape={"smooth"}            color={"city"}         />       </BxChart>     </Card>   ) } 
// srcpagesmdashboardPieChart.js  import React from 'react'; import { Typography} from 'antd'; import {     Chart,     Geom,     Axis,     Tooltip,     Coord,     Label,     Legend } from 'bizcharts'; import DataSet from '@antv/data-set';  // chartHeight 默认高度 250px ,用于适配 export default function (props = {chartHeight: 250}) {     const { Text } = Typography;      const { DataView } = DataSet;     const data = [         {             item: '苹果',             count: 10,         },         {             item: '梨子',             count: 20,         },     ];     const dv = new DataView();     dv.source(data).transform({         type: 'percent',         field: 'count',         dimension: 'item',         as: 'percent',     });     const cols = {         percent: {             formatter: val => {                 val = val * 100 + '%';                 return val;             },         },     };     function getXY(c, { index: idx = 0, field = 'percent', radius = 0.5 }) {         const d = c.get('data');         if (idx > d.length) return;         const scales = c.get('scales');         let sum = 0;         for (let i = 0; i < idx + 1; i++) {             let val = d[i][field];             if (i === idx) {                 val = val / 2;             }             sum += val;         }         const pt = {             y: scales[field].scale(sum),             x: radius,         };         const coord = c.get('coord');         let xy = coord.convert(pt);         return xy;     }     return (         <section>             <Text>统计苹果和梨子</Text>             <Chart                 height={props.chartHeight}                 // 内容显示不完整(见 bizcharts 实战部分)                 padding={[20, 150, 20, 40]}                 data={dv}                 scale={cols}                 forceFit                 onGetG2Instance={c => {                     const xy = getXY(c, { index: 0 });                     c.showTooltip(xy);                 }}             >                 <Legend position="right-center" />                 <Coord type="theta" radius={1} />                 <Axis name="percent" />                 <Tooltip                     showTitle={false}                     itemTpl='<li><span style="background-color:{color};" class="g2-tooltip-marker"></span>{name}: {value}</li>'                 />                 <Geom                     type="intervalStack"                     position="percent"                     color="item"                     tooltip={[                         'item*percent',                         (item, percent) => {                             // 处理 33.33333333% -> 33.33                             percent = (percent * 100).toFixed(2) + '%';                             return {                                 name: item,                                 value: percent,                             };                         },                     ]}                     style={{                         lineWidth: 1,                         stroke: '#fff',                     }}                 >                     <Label                         content="count"                         formatter={(val, item) => {                             return item.point.item + ': ' + val;                         }}                     />                 </Geom>             </Chart>         </section>     ); } 
// srcpagesmdashboardBarChart.js  import React from "react"; import { Typography, Space } from 'antd' import {   Chart,   Geom,   Axis,   Tooltip,   Coord,   Legend, } from "bizcharts"; import useCustTooltip from 'bx-tooltip'; import DataSet from "@antv/data-set";  export default function (props = {barHeight: 240}) {   const [BxChart, CustTooltip] = useCustTooltip.create(Chart, Tooltip);   const { Text,Title } = Typography;   const retains = ["State", '总比例', 'bad', 'good', 'Total']   const fields = ["好的比例", "坏的比例"]   const data = [     {       State: "苹果(红富士、糖心苹果)",       good: 50,       bad: 150,       Total: 200,       好的比例: 25,       坏的比例: 75,       总比例: 100     },     {       State: "梨子(香梨)",       good: 75,       bad: 125,       Total: 200,       好的比例: 37.5,       坏的比例: 62.5,       总比例: 100     },   ];    const ds = new DataSet();   const dv = ds.createView().source(data);    dv.transform({     type: "fold",     fields: fields,     key: "比例",     value: "百分总计",     retains: retains // 保留字段集,默认为除fields以外的所有字段   });    return (     <section>       <Text>堆叠柱状图</Text>       <BxChart height={props.barHeight} data={dv} padding={[30, 80, 20, 40]} forceFit>         <Legend position="right-center" />         <Coord />         <Axis           name="State"           label={{             offset: 12,             formatter(text, item, index) {               // 最多显示 10 个,多余省略。详细的在 tooltip 中显示               const maxNum = 10               return text.length > maxNum ? text.split('').slice(0, maxNum - 3).join('') + '...' : text             }           }}         />         <CustTooltip enterable >           {(title, items) => {             return <div>               {       , i) => {                   // 取得原始数据                   let oData = x.point._origin                   return <div>                     {, 0) && <Title level={5}>{oData.State}</Title>}                     <section style={{ marginTop: '20px' }}>                       <Space direction="vertical" size={2}>                         <Text style={{ color: x.color, fontWeight: 'bold' }}>{oData['比例']}:{oData['百分总计']}%</Text>                         <Text>good数量:{oData['good']}</Text>                         <Text>bad数量:{oData['bad']}</Text>                         <Text>总数量:{oData['Total']}</Text>                       </Space>                     </section>                   </div>                 })               }             </div>           }}         </CustTooltip>         <Geom           type="intervalStack"           position="State*百分总计"           color={"比例"}         >         </Geom>       </BxChart>     </section>   ); } 
// srcpagesmdashboardstore.js  import { observable, computed } from 'mobx'; import http from 'libs/http';  const PADDING = 16 class Store {   // 表格数据   @observable records = [];    // 是否正在请求数据   @observable isFetching = false;    // 数据源   @computed get dataSource() {     return this.records   }    fetchRecords = () => {     this.isFetching = true;     http.get('/api/mdashboard/table')       // todo 接口格式或许会调整        .then(res => this.records = res)       .finally(() => this.isFetching = false)   };    /* 适配相关 */   // 盒子高度,padding 用于给顶部和底部留点空隙。   // 由于笔者没有设计,所以先用 px 实现,之后在在将固定高度改为响应式,937 是固定高度实现后测量出的高度。   @observable baseBoxHeight = 937 - PADDING   @observable padding = PADDING   // 需要用 this 调用 padding 变量,即 `this.padding`   @observable boxHeight = window.innerHeight - this.padding * 2    // 饼图高度比例   @observable pieBoxRatio = 0.20    // 柱状图高度比例   @observable barBoxRatio = 0.23    // “My Dashboard 我的仪表盘”    @computed get TitleHeight() {     const ratio = 80 / this.baseBoxHeight     return this.boxHeight * ratio   }   // 运行card高度   @computed get todayCardHeight() {     const ratio = 75 / this.baseBoxHeight     return this.boxHeight * ratio   }    // “饼图+描述列表+柱状图” body 高度   @computed get statisticBodyHeight() {     const ratio = 660 / this.baseBoxHeight     return this.boxHeight * ratio   }    // 居住趋势 body 的   @computed get trendBodyBodyHeight() {     const ratio = 385 / this.baseBoxHeight     return this.boxHeight * ratio   }    // 水果信息高度   @computed get configTableHeight() {     const ratio = 353 / this.baseBoxHeight     return this.boxHeight * ratio   }    // xys16 得用 computed 才会联动。下面这种写法不会联动   // @observable xys16 = (16 / this.baseBoxHeight) * this.boxHeight   @computed get xys16() {     return (16 / this.baseBoxHeight) * this.boxHeight   }    @computed get xys12() {     return (12 / this.baseBoxHeight) * this.boxHeight   }    @computed get xys36() {     return (36 / this.baseBoxHeight) * this.boxHeight   }    @computed get xys24() {     return (24 / this.baseBoxHeight) * this.boxHeight   }    @computed get xys78() {     return (78 / this.baseBoxHeight) * this.boxHeight   }    @computed get pieBoxHeight() {     return this.pieBoxRatio * this.boxHeight   }    @computed get barBoxHeight() {     return this.barBoxRatio * this.boxHeight   }    // card 的 header    @computed get cardTitleStyle() {     const cardTitleRatio = 57 / this.baseBoxHeight     return { display: 'flex', height: this.boxHeight * cardTitleRatio, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }   }   /* /适配相关 */ }  export default new Store() 
// srcpagesmdashboardDashboard.js   import React, {useEffect, Fragment} from 'react'; import { Row, Col, Card, Descriptions, Typography, Divider } from 'antd'; import AlarmTrend from './Trend'; import Piechart from './PieChart' import CusTable from './Table'; import CusBarChart from './BarChart'; import Styles from './index.module.less' import { observer } from 'mobx-react'; import store from './store'  export default observer(function () {   // Typography排版   const { Text } = Typography;    useEffect(() => {     // 响应式     window.addEventListener("resize", function(){       // padding,用于留点间距出来       store.boxHeight = window.innerHeight - store.padding * 2     }, false);   }, [])    return (     // Fragment 用于包裹多个元素,却不会被渲染到 dom     <Fragment>       {/* 使用单一的一组 Row 和 Col 栅格组件,就可以创建一个基本的栅格系统,所有列(Col)必须放在 Row 内。 */}       <Row style={{ marginBottom: store.xys16 }}>         <Col span={24}>           {/* 可以省略 px */}           {/* 如果将字体和padding 改为响应式,height 设置或不设置还是有差别的,设置 height 会更准确 */}           <Card bodyStyle={{display: 'flex', height: store.TitleHeight, justifyContent: 'center', padding: store.xys12, fontSize: store.xys36, fontWeight: 700,  }}>             <Text>My Dashboard 我的仪表盘</Text>           </Card>         </Col>       </Row>       <Row gutter={16}>         <Col span={8}>           {/* gutter:水平垂直间距都是 响应式 16  */}           <Row gutter={[store.xys16, store.xys16]}>             {/* 24 栅格系统。 */}             <Col span={24}>               {/* 垂直居中 */}               <Card bodyStyle={{ display: 'flex', height: store.todayCardHeight, alignItems: 'center'}}>                 {/* 文字大小 */}                 <span>                 <Text style={{ fontSize: store.xys16}}>                   运行为绿色,否则为灰色:                   <span className={Styles.react}></span>                   <span>运行</span>                 </Text>                 </span>               </Card>             </Col>             <Col span={24}>               <Card title="饼图+描述列表+柱状图" headStyle={store.cardTitleStyle} bodyStyle={{height: store.statisticBodyHeight}}>                 <Piechart chartHeight={store.pieBoxHeight}/>                 <Divider style={{margin: `${store.xys12}px 0`}}/>                 {/* Descriptions描述列表,常见于详情页的信息展示。这里总是显示两列。 */}                 {/* spug 中“Dashboard”的“最近30天登录”是用的就是Descriptions,缺点是不像 table 对齐。当文字长度不同,会看起来错乱。 */}                 {/* 样式,用于适配,即垂直居中 */}                 <Descriptions column={2} style={{display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', minHeight: store.xys78}}>                   <Descriptions.Item label="Descriptions">描述列表</Descriptions.Item>                   <Descriptions.Item label="梨子">5个</Descriptions.Item>                   <Descriptions.Item label="购买时间">2022-04-21</Descriptions.Item>                   <Descriptions.Item label="购买途径">                     <Text                       style={{ width: 100 }}                       ellipsis={{ tooltip: '看不完整就将鼠标移上来' }}>                       看不完整就将鼠标移上来                       {/* 超A、超B、超C、超D, */}                     </Text>                   </Descriptions.Item>                 </Descriptions>                 <Divider style={{margin: `${store.xys12}px 0`}}/>                 <CusBarChart barHeight={store.barBoxHeight}/>               </Card>             </Col>           </Row>         </Col>         <Col span={16} >           <Row gutter={[store.xys16, store.xys16]}>             <Col span={24}>               <AlarmTrend cardBodyHeight={store.trendBodyBodyHeight}/>             </Col>             <Col span={24}>               <CusTable tableHeight={store.configTableHeight}/>             </Col>           </Row>         </Col>       </Row>     </Fragment>   ) }) 
// srcpagesmdashboardindex.js  import React from 'react'; import { AuthDiv } from 'components'; import Dashboard from './Dashboard'; import styles from './index.module.less'  export default function () {   return (     <section className={styles.tdashboardBox}>       <AuthDiv auth="testdashboard.testdashboard.view">         <Dashboard />       </AuthDiv>     </section>   ) } 
// srcpagesmdashboardtIndex.js  // 无需权限即可访问  import React from 'react'; import Dashboard from './Dashboard'; import store from './store'; import styles from './index.module.less'  export default function () {   return (     <section className={styles.tdashboardBox} style={{padding: `${store.padding}px 16px`, backgroundColor: 'rgb(125 164 222)', height: '100vh'}}>       <Dashboard/>     </section>   ) } 


react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)


bizcharts 是阿里的一个图表组件库。

:spug 项目中使用的版本是 3.x。参考文档时不要搞错。


上面我们安装的其中一个依赖包 bx-tooltip 就来自这里。

react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)


实战其实就是一些 bizcharts 使用上的一些答疑。例如“内容显示不完整”,有可能就是因为 padding 的原因。

react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)



react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)

react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)


bizcharts 有宽度自适应,但没有实现高度的自适应。
react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)

react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)


  1. 由于没有设计,故先用固定像素实现界面
  2. 取得浏览器的窗口高度 window.innerHeight,笔者这里是 937
  3. 将“标签盒子”、“卡片头部高度”、卡片 body 部分等全部改为百分比


// srcpagesmdashboardstore.js  const PADDING = 16 class Store {    @observable baseBoxHeight = 937 - PADDING    @observable padding = PADDING    // 仪表盘盒子高度   @observable boxHeight = window.innerHeight - this.padding * 2    // 饼图高度比例。根据之前的效果算出来的   @observable pieBoxRatio = 0.20    // 柱状图高度比例   @observable barBoxRatio = 0.23    // “My Dashboard 我的仪表盘” 高度   @computed get TitleHeight() {     const ratio = 80 / this.baseBoxHeight     return this.boxHeight * ratio   }   // 运行card高度   @computed get todayCardHeight() {     const ratio = 75 / this.baseBoxHeight     return this.boxHeight * ratio   }    // “饼图+描述列表+柱状图” body 高度   @computed get statisticBodyHeight() {     const ratio = 660 / this.baseBoxHeight     return this.boxHeight * ratio   }    // 居住趋势 body 的高度   @computed get trendBodyBodyHeight() {     const ratio = 385 / this.baseBoxHeight     return this.boxHeight * ratio   }    // xys16 得用 computed 才会联动。下面这种写法不会联动   @computed get xys16() {     return (16 / this.baseBoxHeight) * this.boxHeight   }    // 饼状图盒子高度   @computed get pieBoxHeight() {     return this.pieBoxRatio * this.boxHeight   }     // card 的 header 比例   @computed get cardTitleStyle() {     const cardTitleRatio = 57 / this.baseBoxHeight     return { display: 'flex', height: this.boxHeight * cardTitleRatio, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }   } } 


实现过程中出现如下两个问题:一个是折线图的 Y 轴乱序,一个是堆叠柱状图有一节空白
react实战系列 —— 我的仪表盘(bizcharts、antd、moment)



react实战 系列

