




我们先来聊一聊最基本的节点点击选中以及拖拽的交互,而在聊具体的代码实现之前,我们先来看一下对于图形的绘制问题。在Canvas中我们绘制路径的话,我们可以通过fill来填充路径,也可以通过stroke来描边路径,而在我们描边的时候,如果不注意的话可能会陷入一些绘制的问题。假如此时我们要绘制一条线,我们可以分别来看下使用strokefill的绘制方法实现,此时如果在高清ctx.scale(devicePixel, devicePixel)情况下,则能明显地看出来绘制位置差0.5px,而如果基准为1px的话则会出现1px的差值以及色值偏差。

ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = "blue"; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.moveTo(5, 5); ctx.lineTo(100, 5); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.fillStyle = "red"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(100, 5); ctx.lineTo(200, 5); ctx.lineTo(200, 6); ctx.lineTo(100, 6); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); 

在先前的选中图形frame中,我们都是用stroke来实现的,然后最近我想将其真正作为外边框来绘制,然后就发现想绘制inside stroke确实不是一件容易的事。从MDN上阅读stroke的文档可以得到其是以路径的中心线为基准的,也就是说stroke是由基准分别向内外扩展的,那么问题就来了,假如我们绘制了一条线,而这条线本身是存在1px宽度的,那么初步理解按照文档所说其本身结构应该是以这1px本身的中心点也就是0.5px的位置为中心点向外发散,然而其实际效果是以1px的外边缘为基准发散,那么就会导致1px的线在stroke之后会多出0.5px的宽度,这个效果可以通过lineTo(0, 100)外加lineWith=1来测试,可以发现其可见宽度只有0.5px,这点可以通过再画一个1pxPath来对比。

ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = 6; ctx.strokeStyle = "blue"; ctx.moveTo(0, 0); ctx.lineTo(100, 0); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = "red"; ctx.moveTo(100, 3); ctx.lineTo(200, 3); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); 

那么这里的Strokes are aligned to the center of a path可能与我理解的center of a path并不相同,或许其只是想表达stroke是分别向两侧绘制描边的,而并不是解释其基准位置。关于这个问题我咨询了一下,这里主要是理解有偏差,在我们使用API绘制路径时,本身并没有设置宽度的信息,而坐标信息定义的是路径的轮廓或边界,因此我们在最开始定义的路径结构1px是不成立的。在图形学的上下文中,路径path通常是指一个几何形状的轮廓或线条,路径本身是数学上的抽象概念,没有宽度,只是一个由点和线段构成的轨迹,因此当我们提到描边stroke时,指的是一个可视化过程,即在路径的周围绘制有宽度的线条。

实际上这里如果仅仅是处理frame的问题的话,可能并没有太大的问题,然而在处理节点的时候,发现由于是使用stroke绘制的操作节点,那么实际上其总是会超出原始宽度的,也就是上边说的描边问题,而因为超出的这0.5px的边缘节点,使得我一直认为绘制节点的边缘与填充是没问题的,然而今天才发现这里的顺序反了,描边的内部会被填充覆盖掉,也就是说实现的border宽度总是会被除以2的,因此要先填充再描边才是正确的绘制方式。此外,无论是frame节点的绘制还是类似border的绘制,在Firefoxinside stroke总是会出现兼容性问题,仅有组合fill以及使用fill配合Path2D + clip才能绘制正常的inside stroke; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(70, 75, 50, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.stroke(); ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.fill(); ctx.closePath(); ctx.restore();; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(200, 75, 50, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); ctx.restore(); 

那么我们就可以利用三种方式绘制inside stroke,当然还有借助lineTo/fillRect分别绘制4条边的方式我们没有列举,因为这种方式自然不会出现什么问题,其本身就是使用fill的方式绘制的,而我们这里主要是讨论stroke的绘制问题,只是借助Path2D同样也是fill的方式绘制的,但是这里需要讨论一下clipfillRule-nonzero/evenodd的问题。那么借助stroke的特性,方式1是我们绘制两倍的lineWidth,然后裁剪掉外部的描边部分,这样就能够正确保留内部的描边了,方式2则是我们主动校准了描边的位置,将其向内缩小0.5px的位置,由此来绘制完整的描边,方式3是借助evenodd的填充规则,通过clip来生成规则保留内部的描边,再来实际填充即可实现。

<canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="800"></canvas> <script>   //   const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");   const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");   const devicePixelRatio = Math.ceil(window.devicePixelRatio || 1);   const width = canvas.clientWidth;   const height = canvas.clientHeight;   canvas.width = width * devicePixelRatio;   canvas.height = height * devicePixelRatio; = width + "px"; = height + "px";   ctx.scale(devicePixelRatio, devicePixelRatio);;   ctx.beginPath();   ctx.rect(10, 10, 150, 100);   ctx.clip();   ctx.closePath();   ctx.lineWidth = 2;   ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";   ctx.stroke();   ctx.restore();;   ctx.beginPath();   ctx.rect(170 + 0.5, 10 + 0.5, 150 - 1, 100 - 1);   ctx.closePath();   ctx.lineWidth = 1;   ctx.strokeStyle = "blue";   ctx.stroke();   ctx.restore();;   ctx.beginPath();   const region = new Path2D();   region.rect(330, 10, 150, 100);   region.rect(330 + 1, 10 + 1, 150 - 2, 100 - 2);   ctx.clip(region, "evenodd");   ctx.rect(330, 10, 150, 100);   ctx.closePath();   ctx.fillStyle = "blue";   ctx.fill();   ctx.restore(); </script> 

那么先前我们也提到了在Firefox浏览器的兼容性问题,那么我们将上述的实现方式在Firefox中进行测试,可以发现inside stroke的绘制是有些许问题的,第一个图形明显左上的线比右下的线细一些,第二个图形则明显会粗糙一些,第三个图形则看起来绘制更细致更符合1px的绘制。因此我们如果想要兼容绘制inside stroke的话最好的方式还是选择方式三,当然像最开始的实现中借助lineTo/fillRect分别绘制4条边的方式自然也是没问题的,两者的性能对比在后边也可以尝试实验一下。



// packages/core/src/canvas/dom/element.ts export class ElementNode extends Node {   protected onMouseDown = (e: MouseEvent) => {     this.editor.selection.setActiveDelta(;   }; } 


// packages/core/src/selection/index.ts export class Selection {   public set(range: Range | null) {     if (this.editor.state.get(EDITOR_STATE.READONLY)) return this;     const previous = this.current;     if (Range.isEqual(previous, range)) return this;     this.current = range;     this.editor.event.trigger(EDITOR_EVENT.SELECTION_CHANGE, {       previous,       current: range,     });     return this;   }    public setActiveDelta(...deltaIds: string[]) {;     deltaIds.forEach(id =>;     this.compose();   }    public compose() {     const active =;     if (active.size === 0) {       this.set(null);       return void 0;     }     let range: Range | null = null;     active.forEach(key => {       const delta = this.editor.deltaSet.get(key);       if (!delta) return void 0;       const deltaRange = Range.from(delta);       range = range ? range.compose(deltaRange) : deltaRange;     });     this.set(range);   } } 


// packages/core/src/canvas/dom/node.ts export class SelectNode extends Node {   protected onSelectionChange = (e: SelectionChangeEvent) => {     const { current, previous } = e;"Selection Change", current);     const range = current || previous;     if (range) {       const refresh = range.compose(previous).compose(current);       this.editor.canvas.mask.drawingEffect(refresh.zoom(RESIZE_OFS));     }   };    public drawingMask = (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => {     const selection = this.editor.selection.get();     if (selection) {       const { x, y, width, height } = selection.rect();       Shape.frame(ctx, { x, y, width, height, borderColor: BLUE_6 });     }   }; } 



// packages/core/src/canvas/dom/element.ts export class ElementNode extends Node {   protected onMouseDown = (e: MouseEvent) => {     if (e.shiftKey) {       this.editor.selection.addActiveDelta(;     } else {       this.editor.selection.setActiveDelta(;     }   }; } 


// packages/core/src/canvas/dom/frame.ts export class FrameNode extends Node {   private onRootMouseDown = (e: MouseEvent) => {     this.savedRootMouseDown(e);     this.unbindOpEvents();     this.bindOpEvents();     this.landing = Point.from(e.x, e.y);     this.landingClient = Point.from(e.clientX, e.clientY);   };    private onMouseMoveBridge = (e: globalThis.MouseEvent) => {     if (!this.landing || !this.landingClient) return void 0;     const point = Point.from(e.clientX, e.clientY);     const { x, y } = this.landingClient.diff(point);     if (!this.isDragging && (Math.abs(x) > SELECT_BIAS || Math.abs(y) > SELECT_BIAS)) {       // 拖拽阈值       this.isDragging = true;     }     if (this.isDragging) {       const latest = new Range({         startX: this.landing.x,         startY: this.landing.y,         endX: this.landing.x + x,         endY: this.landing.y + y,       }).normalize();       this.setRange(latest);       // 获取获取与选区交叉的所有`State`节点       const effects: string[] = [];       this.editor.state.getDeltasMap().forEach(state => {         if (latest.intersect(state.toRange())) effects.push(;       });       this.editor.selection.setActiveDelta(...effects);       // 重绘拖拽过的最大区域       const zoomed = latest.zoom(RESIZE_OFS);       this.dragged = this.dragged ? this.dragged.compose(zoomed) : zoomed;       this.editor.canvas.mask.drawingEffect(this.dragged);     }   };   private onMouseMoveController = throttle(this.onMouseMoveBridge, ...THE_CONFIG);    private onMouseUpController = () => {     this.unbindOpEvents();     this.setRange(Range.reset());     if (this.isDragging) {       this.dragged && this.editor.canvas.mask.drawingEffect(this.dragged);     }     this.landing = null;     this.isDragging = false;     this.dragged = null;     this.setRange(Range.reset());   };    public drawingMask = (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => {     if (this.isDragging) {       const { x, y, width, height } = this.range.rect();       Shape.rect(ctx, { x, y, width, height, borderColor: BLUE_5, fillColor: BLUE_6_6 });     }   }; } 


// packages/core/src/canvas/dom/element.ts export class ElementNode extends Node {   protected onMouseEnter = () => {     this.isHovering = true;     if (this.editor.selection.has( {       return void 0;     }     this.editor.canvas.mask.drawingEffect(this.range);   };    protected onMouseLeave = () => {     this.isHovering = false;     if (this.editor.selection.has( {       return void 0;     }     this.editor.canvas.mask.drawingEffect(this.range);   };    public drawingMask = (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => {     if (       this.isHovering &&       !this.editor.selection.has( &&       !this.editor.state.get(EDITOR_STATE.MOUSE_DOWN)     ) {       const { x, y, width, height } = this.range.rect();       Shape.frame(ctx, {         x: x,         y: y,         width: width,         height: height,         borderColor: BLUE_4,       });     }   }; } 


// packages/core/src/canvas/state/root.ts export class Root extends Node {   /** Hover 节点 */   public hover: ElementNode | ResizeNode | null;    private onMouseMoveBasic = (e: globalThis.MouseEvent) => {     // 非默认状态下不执行事件     if (!this.engine.isDefaultMode()) return void 0;     // 按事件顺序获取节点     const flatNode = this.getFlatNode();     let next: ElementNode | ResizeNode | null = null;     const point = Point.from(e, this.editor);     for (const node of flatNode) {       // 当前只有`ElementNode`和`ResizeNode`需要触发`Mouse Enter/Leave`事件       const authorize = node instanceof ElementNode || node instanceof ResizeNode;       if (authorize && node.range.include(point)) {         next = node;         break;       }     }     // 如果命中的节点与先前 Hover 的节点不一致     if (this.hover !== next) {       const prev = this.hover;       this.hover = next;       if (prev !== null) {         this.emit(prev, NODE_EVENT.MOUSE_LEAVE, MouseEvent.from(e, this.editor));         if (prev instanceof ElementNode) {           this.editor.event.trigger(EDITOR_EVENT.HOVER_LEAVE, { node: prev });         }       }       if (next !== null) {         this.emit(next, NODE_EVENT.MOUSE_ENTER, MouseEvent.from(e, this.editor));         if (next instanceof ElementNode) {           this.editor.event.trigger(EDITOR_EVENT.HOVER_ENTER, { node: next });         }       }     }   }; } 


// packages/core/src/canvas/dom/select.ts export class SelectNode extends Node {    private onMouseDownController = (e: globalThis.MouseEvent) => {     // 非默认状态下不执行事件     if (!this.editor.canvas.isDefaultMode()) return void 0;     // 取消已有事件绑定     this.unbindDragEvents();     const selection = this.editor.selection.get();     // 选区 & 严格点击区域判定     if (!selection || !this.isInSelectRange(Point.from(e, this.editor), this.range)) {       return void 0;     }     this.dragged = selection;     this.landing = Point.from(e.clientX, e.clientY);     this.bindDragEvents();     this.refer.onMouseDownController();   };    private onMouseMoveBasic = (e: globalThis.MouseEvent) => {     const selection = this.editor.selection.get();     if (!this.landing || !selection) return void 0;     const point = Point.from(e.clientX, e.clientY);     const { x, y } = this.landing.diff(point);     // 超过阈值才认为正在触发拖拽     if (!this._isDragging && (Math.abs(x) > SELECT_BIAS || Math.abs(y) > SELECT_BIAS)) {       this._isDragging = true;     }     if (this._isDragging && selection) {       const latest = selection.move(x, y);       const zoomed = latest.zoom(RESIZE_OFS);       // 重绘拖拽过的最大区域       this.dragged = this.dragged ? this.dragged.compose(zoomed) : zoomed;       this.editor.canvas.mask.drawingEffect(this.dragged);       const offset = this.refer.onMouseMoveController(latest);       this.setRange(offset ? latest.move(offset.x, offset.y) : latest);     }   };   private onMouseMoveController = throttle(this.onMouseMoveBasic, ...THE_CONFIG);    private onMouseUpController = () => {     this.unbindDragEvents();     this.refer.onMouseUpController();     const selection = this.editor.selection.get();     if (this._isDragging && selection) {       const rect = this.range;       const { startX, startY } = selection.flat();       const ids = [...this.editor.selection.getActiveDeltaIds()];       this.editor.state.apply(         new Op(OP_TYPE.MOVE, { ids, x: rect.start.x - startX, y: rect.start.y - startY })       );       this.editor.selection.set(rect);       this.dragged && this.editor.canvas.mask.drawingEffect(this.dragged);     }     this.landing = null;     this.dragged = null;     this._isDragging = false;   }; } 


在这里我们就依然在轻量级DOM的基础上,讨论了Canvas中描边与填充的绘制问题,以及inside stroke的实现方式,然后我们实现了基本的选中绘制以及拖拽多选的交互设计,并且实现了Hover的效果,以及拖拽节点的移动。那么在后边我们可以聊一下fillRule规则设计、按需绘制图形节点,也可以聊到更多的交互设计,例如Resize的交互设计、参考线能力的实现、富文本的绘制方案等等。




