Android 分区和内存监控

Android 分区和内存监控


Android 设备包含两类分区:

  1. 一类是启动分区,对启动过程至关重要。
  2. 一类是用户分区,用于存储与启动无关的信息。


  • boot 分区

    一般的嵌入式Linux的设备中.bootloader,内核,根文件系统被分为三个不同分区。在Android做得比较复杂,从这个手机分区和来看,这里boot分区是把内核和[ramdisk file]( file&search_source=Entity&hybrid_search_source=Entity&hybrid_search_extra={"sourceType"%3A"answer"%2C"sourceId"%3A196267472})的根文件系统打包在一起了,是编译生成boot.img来烧录的。



  • system 分区。此分区包含 Android 框架。

    这里是挂载到/system目录下的分区。这里有 /system/bin 和 /system/sbin 保存很多系统命令。它是由编译出来的system.img来烧入。


  • odm 分区

    此分区包含原始设计制造商 (ODM) 对系统芯片 (SoC) 供应商板级支持包 (BSP) 的自定义设置。利用此类自定义设置,ODM 可以替换或自定义 SoC 组件,并在硬件抽象层 (HAL) 上为板级组件、守护程序和 ODM 特定的功能实现内核模块。此分区是可选的;通常情况下,它用于存储自定义设置,以便设备可以针对多个硬件 SKU 使用单个供应商映像。如需了解详情,请参阅 ODM 分区

  • recovery 分区。

    recovery 分区即恢复分区,在正常分区被破坏后,仍可以进入这一分区进行备份和恢复.我的理解是这个分区保存一个简单的OS或底层软件,在Android的内核被破坏后可以用bootloader从这个分区引导进行操作。


  • cache 分区。

    它将挂载到 /cache 目录下。这个分区是安卓系统缓存区,保存系统最常访问的数据和应用程序。擦除这个分区,不会影响个人数据,只是删除了这个分区中已经保存的缓存内容,缓存内容会在后续手机使用过程中重新自动生成。

  • userdata 分区

    此分区包含用户安装的应用和数据,包括自定义数据。它将挂载到 /data 目录下, 它是由编译出来的userdata.img来烧入。

    这个分区也叫用户数据区,包含了用户的数据:联系人、短信、设置、用户安装的程序。擦除这个分区,本质上等同于手机恢复出厂设置,也就是手机系统第一次启动时的状态,或者是最后一次安装官方或第三方ROM后的状态。在Recovery程序中进行的“data/factory reset ”操作就是在擦除这个分区。

  • vendor 分区

    此分区包含所有无法分发给 AOSP 的二进制文件。如果设备不包含专有信息,则可以忽略此分区。

  • radio 分区



cat /proc/partitions 
major minor  #blocks  name  179        0  153672 mmcblk0  179        1      104 mmcblk0p1  179        2      124 mmcblk0p2  179        3      140 mmcblk0p3  179        4      208 mmcblk0p4  179        5      892 mmcblk0p5  259        4      2040 mmcblk0p12  259        5      124 mmcblk0p13  259        6    30700 mmcblk0p14  259        7      4060 mmcblk0p15  259        8    8900 mmcblk0p16    259        9    8100 mmcblk0p17  259      10  13186048 mmcblk0p18  179      16      406 mmcblk0boot1  179        8      496 mmcblk0boot0   

第一个mmcblk0为emmc的块设备,大小为15388672 KB。

emmc : Embedded Multi Media Card : 内嵌式存储器标准规格。
是MMC协会订立、主要针对手机或平板电脑等产品的内嵌式存储器标准规格。NAND Flash+闪存控制芯片+标准接口封装。内置存储器的基础上,又额外加了一个控制芯片,最后再以统一的方式封装,并预留一个标准接口,以便手机客户拿来直接使用。

ls -l /dev/block/platform/soc/by-name 
lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 baseparam -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p5  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 bootargs -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p2  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 cache -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p17  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 deviceinfo -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p4  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 fastboot -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p1  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 fastplay -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p9  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 fastplaybak -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p10  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 kernel -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p11  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 logo -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p7  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 logobak -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p8  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 misc -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p12  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 pqparam -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p6  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 qbboot -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p13  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 qbdata -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p14  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 recovery -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p3  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 system -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p16  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 trustedcore -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p15  lrwxrwxrwx root    root              2019-03-13 16:38 userdata -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p18 

可以看到 UserData 对应的分区是 mmcblk0p18 大小为 13186048KB = 12877 M = 12.5 G




在Android系统中,常用的存储介质是Nand Flash。系统的二进制镜像、Android的文件系统等通常都保存在Nand Flash 中。



们 可以通过这个服务获取Android设备上的所有存储设备。 系统提供了 StorageManager 类,它有一个方法叫getVolumeList(),这个方法的返回值是一个StorageVolume数组,StorageVolume类中封装了挂载路径,挂载状态,以及是否可以移除等信息。




Device storage monitor module is composed of device monitor service (Google default)The purposes of device storage monitor service are monitoring device storage status and handling low storage conditions.


// Create the system service manager. mSystemServiceManager = new SystemServiceManager(mSystemContext); ...  mSystemServiceManager.startService(DeviceStorageMonitorService.class); 


public SystemService startService(String className) {     final Class<SystemService> serviceClass;     try {         serviceClass = (Class<SystemService>)Class.forName(className);     } ...     return startService(serviceClass); }  public <T extends SystemService> T startService(Class<T> serviceClass) {     ...         final T service;         try {             Constructor<T> constructor = serviceClass.getConstructor(Context.class);             service = constructor.newInstance 	...         // 注册到ServiceManager中         mServices.add(service);                   try {             service.onStart();//启动服务         }  ... }  

其实就是用过反射获取实例,然后将Service注册添加到ServiceManager中, 最后调用了DSMS的onStart方法,那接下来就看看DSMS的构造方法 以及 onStart方法。

public DeviceStorageMonitorService(Context context) {          super(context);     	  // 初始化HandlerThread后台线程,做check()           mHandlerThread = new HandlerThread(TAG, android.os.Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND);           mHandlerThread.start();           mHandler = new Handler(mHandlerThread.getLooper()) {               @Override               public void handleMessage(Message msg) {                   switch (msg.what) {                       case MSG_CHECK:                           check();                           return;                   }               }           }; }  
    @Override     public void onStart() {         final Context context = getContext();         //获取通知服务,发送通知         mNotifManager = context.getSystemService(NotificationManager.class);          //cacheFile通知         mCacheFileDeletedObserver = new CacheFileDeletedObserver();         mCacheFileDeletedObserver.startWatching();          // Ensure that the notification channel is set up         PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager();          //addService到BinderService,也添加到LocalService         publishBinderService(SERVICE, mRemoteService);         publishLocalService(DeviceStorageMonitorInternal.class, mLocalService);          //开始check()         // Kick off pass to examine storage state         mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_CHECK);         mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_CHECK).sendToTarget();     }  


  //内部服务提供check():检测接口      //isMemoryLow:是否LowStorage    //getMemoryLowThreshold:data的低存储值     private final DeviceStorageMonitorInternal mLocalService = new DeviceStorageMonitorInternal() {         @Override         //发送Msg触发Handler,check()         public void checkMemory() {             // Kick off pass to examine storage state             mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_CHECK);             mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_CHECK).sendToTarget();         }          //data分区可使用空间<500M         @Override         public boolean isMemoryLow() {             return Environment.getDataDirectory().getUsableSpace() < getMemoryLowThreshold();         }          //500M,具体项目在看         @Override         public long getMemoryLowThreshold() {             return getContext().getSystemService(StorageManager.class)                     .getStorageLowBytes(Environment.getDataDirectory());         }     }; 

check() /data分区

    @WorkerThread     private void check() {         final StorageManager storage = getContext().getSystemService(StorageManager.class);         final int seq = mSeq.get();          //本地打印只有/data目录         // Check every mounted private volume to see if they're low on space         for (VolumeInfo vol : storage.getWritablePrivateVolumes()) {             final File file = vol.getPath();             final long fullBytes = storage.getStorageFullBytes(file);             final long lowBytes = storage.getStorageLowBytes(file);//500M              // Automatically trim cached data when nearing the low threshold;             // when it's within 150% of the threshold, we try trimming usage             // back to 200% of the threshold.             if (file.getUsableSpace() < (lowBytes * 3) / 2) {                 final PackageManagerService pms = (PackageManagerService) ServiceManager                         .getService("package");                 //lowBytes的1.5倍容量时触发freeStorage                 try {                     pms.freeStorage(vol.getFsUuid(), lowBytes * 2, 0);                 } catch (IOException e) {                     Slog.w(TAG, e);                 }             }              // Send relevant broadcasts and show notifications based on any             // recently noticed state transitions.             final UUID uuid = StorageManager.convert(vol.getFsUuid());             final State state = findOrCreateState(uuid);             final long totalBytes = file.getTotalSpace();//data总大小             final long usableBytes = file.getUsableSpace();//可使用大小              int oldLevel = state.level;             int newLevel;             //判断是LEVEL_LOW,LEVEL_FULL还是LEVEL_NORMAL             if (mForceLevel != State.LEVEL_UNKNOWN) {                 // When in testing mode, use unknown old level to force sending                 // of any relevant broadcasts.                 oldLevel = State.LEVEL_UNKNOWN;                 newLevel = mForceLevel;             } else if (usableBytes <= fullBytes) {                 newLevel = State.LEVEL_FULL;             } else if (usableBytes <= lowBytes) {                 newLevel = State.LEVEL_LOW;             } else if (StorageManager.UUID_DEFAULT.equals(uuid) && !isBootImageOnDisk()                     && usableBytes < BOOT_IMAGE_STORAGE_REQUIREMENT) {                 newLevel = State.LEVEL_LOW;             } else {                 newLevel = State.LEVEL_NORMAL;             }              // Log whenever we notice drastic storage changes             if ((Math.abs(state.lastUsableBytes - usableBytes) > DEFAULT_LOG_DELTA_BYTES)                     || oldLevel != newLevel) {                 //log                 EventLogTags.writeStorageState(uuid.toString(), oldLevel, newLevel,                         usableBytes, totalBytes);                 state.lastUsableBytes = usableBytes;             }             //发送通知             updateNotifications(vol, oldLevel, newLevel);             //发送广播             updateBroadcasts(vol, oldLevel, newLevel, seq);              state.level = newLevel;         }          //没有check消息,继续30s检测         // Loop around to check again in future; we don't remove messages since         // there might be an immediate request pending.         if (!mHandler.hasMessages(MSG_CHECK)) {             mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_CHECK),                     DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL);         }     }  


    private void updateBroadcasts(VolumeInfo vol, int oldLevel, int newLevel, int seq) {         if (!Objects.equals(StorageManager.UUID_PRIVATE_INTERNAL, vol.getFsUuid())) {             // We don't currently send broadcasts for secondary volumes             return;         }         //lowStorage广播action  ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_LOW         final Intent lowIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_LOW)                 .addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT                         | Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_INCLUDE_BACKGROUND                         | Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_VISIBLE_TO_INSTANT_APPS)                 .putExtra(EXTRA_SEQUENCE, seq);         //正常Storage广播action  ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_OK         final Intent notLowIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_OK)                 .addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT                         | Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_INCLUDE_BACKGROUND                         | Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_VISIBLE_TO_INSTANT_APPS)                 .putExtra(EXTRA_SEQUENCE, seq);                  if (State.isEntering(State.LEVEL_LOW, oldLevel, newLevel)) {             //  内存正在变得越来越小,只发送一次广播ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_LOW,粘性广播,进程注册肯定会收到广播             getContext().sendStickyBroadcastAsUser(lowIntent, UserHandle.ALL);         } else if (State.isLeaving(State.LEVEL_LOW, oldLevel, newLevel)) {             //内存正在变得越来越大,恢复正常移除lowIntent粘性广播,发送normal的普通广播             getContext().removeStickyBroadcastAsUser(lowIntent, UserHandle.ALL);             getContext().sendBroadcastAsUser(notLowIntent, UserHandle.ALL);         }          final Intent fullIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_FULL)                 .addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT)                 .putExtra(EXTRA_SEQUENCE, seq);         final Intent notFullIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_NOT_FULL)                 .addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT)                 .putExtra(EXTRA_SEQUENCE, seq);          //发送FULL Storage广播ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_FULL         if (State.isEntering(State.LEVEL_FULL, oldLevel, newLevel)) {             getContext().sendStickyBroadcastAsUser(fullIntent, UserHandle.ALL);         } else if (State.isLeaving(State.LEVEL_FULL, oldLevel, newLevel)) {             getContext().removeStickyBroadcastAsUser(fullIntent, UserHandle.ALL);             getContext().sendBroadcastAsUser(notFullIntent, UserHandle.ALL);         }     }  

APP 监听 lowStorage广播

    public void registerLowStorageBroadcast() {         IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();         filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_LOW);         filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_OK);         mContext.registerReceiver(mReceiver, filter);     }      /** Receives events that might indicate a need to clean up files. */     private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {         @Override         public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {             final String action = intent.getAction();             if (Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_LOW.equals(action)) {                 Log.i(TAG, "handleStorageLow storage Low");             } else if (Intent.ACTION_DEVICE_STORAGE_OK.equals(action)) {                 Log.i(TAG, "handleStorageLow storage Ok");             }         }     };  


目前Android 11 系统有存储满了的提示和界面, 现在提供兜底方案,防止Android Userdata分区被写满,导致Android无法启动。




经过上述内容可以了解到, Android 11 是存在自己的内存检查机制的,当内存解决低阈值时自动修剪缓存数据;


  1. Android 的原生阈值是多少呢?
  2. Android 原声的 内存检查机制能满足上述问题吗?

Android 的原生阈值是多少呢?

private static final int DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE = 5; private static final long DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_MAX_BYTES = DataUnit.MEBIBYTES.toBytes(500);  public long getStorageLowBytes(File path) {     final long lowPercent = Settings.Global.getInt(mResolver,                                                    Settings.Global.SYS_STORAGE_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE, DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_PERCENTAGE);     final long lowBytes = (path.getTotalSpace() * lowPercent) / 100;      final long maxLowBytes = Settings.Global.getLong(mResolver,                                                      Settings.Global.SYS_STORAGE_THRESHOLD_MAX_BYTES, DEFAULT_THRESHOLD_MAX_BYTES);      return Math.min(lowBytes, maxLowBytes);  } 

默认总内存的 5% 和 500M 选择最小的(可配置)

项目上 UserData 对应的分区是 mmcblk0p18 大小为 13186048KB = 12877 M = 12.5 G

12877 * 5% = 643.84 。 所以选500M 为阈值。


阈值 = 500M

Android 原声的内存检查机制能满足上述问题吗?


try {     pms.freeStorage(vol.getFsUuid(), lowBytes * 2, 0); } catch (IOException e) {     // 捕获异常未做处理     Slog.w(TAG, e); }

/**        * Blocking call to clear various types of cached data across the system        * until the requested bytes are available.        */ public void freeStorage(String volumeUuid, long bytes, int storageFlags) throws IOException {     final StorageManager storage = mInjector.getStorageManager();     final File file = storage.findPathForUuid(volumeUuid);     if (file.getUsableSpace() >= bytes) return;      if (ENABLE_FREE_CACHE_V2) {         final boolean internalVolume = Objects.equals(StorageManager.UUID_PRIVATE_INTERNAL,volumeUuid);         final boolean aggressive = (storageFlags                                     & StorageManager.FLAG_ALLOCATE_AGGRESSIVE) != 0;         final long reservedBytes = storage.getStorageCacheBytes(file, storageFlags);          // 1. Pre-flight to determine if we have any chance to succeed         // 确定我们是否有机会成功         // 2. Consider preloaded data (after 1w honeymoon, unless aggressive)         if (internalVolume && (aggressive || SystemProperties                                .getBoolean("persist.sys.preloads.file_cache_expired", false))) {             // 删除预加载的文件             deletePreloadsFileCache();             if (file.getUsableSpace() >= bytes) return;         }          // 3. Consider parsed APK data (aggressive only)         // 已解析的APK数据         if (internalVolume && aggressive) {             FileUtils.deleteContents(mCacheDir);             if (file.getUsableSpace() >= bytes) return;         }          // 4. Consider cached app data (above quotas)         // 缓存的应用数据         try {             mInstaller.freeCache(volumeUuid, bytes, reservedBytes,                                  Installer.FLAG_FREE_CACHE_V2);         } catch (InstallerException ignored) {         }         if (file.getUsableSpace() >= bytes) return;          // 5. Consider shared libraries with refcount=0 and age>min cache period         // 共享库         if (internalVolume && pruneUnusedStaticSharedLibraries(bytes,                                                                android.provider.Settings.Global.getLong(mContext.getContentResolver(),                                                                                                         Global.UNUSED_STATIC_SHARED_LIB_MIN_CACHE_PERIOD,                                                                                                         DEFAULT_UNUSED_STATIC_SHARED_LIB_MIN_CACHE_PERIOD))) {             return;         }          // 6. Consider dexopt output (aggressive only)         // TODO: Implement          // 7. Consider installed instant apps unused longer than min cache period         // 考虑已安装的即时应用未使用时间超过最小缓存时间         if (internalVolume && mInstantAppRegistry.pruneInstalledInstantApps(bytes,                                                                             android.provider.Settings.Global.getLong(mContext.getContentResolver(),                                                                                                                      Global.INSTALLED_INSTANT_APP_MIN_CACHE_PERIOD,                                                                                                                      InstantAppRegistry.DEFAULT_INSTALLED_INSTANT_APP_MIN_CACHE_PERIOD))) {             return;         }          // 8. Consider cached app data (below quotas)         // 缓存的应用数据         try {             mInstaller.freeCache(volumeUuid, bytes, reservedBytes,                                  Installer.FLAG_FREE_CACHE_V2 | Installer.FLAG_FREE_CACHE_V2_DEFY_QUOTA);         } catch (InstallerException ignored) {         }         if (file.getUsableSpace() >= bytes) return;          // 9. Consider DropBox entries         // TODO: Implement          // 10. Consider instant meta-data (uninstalled apps) older that min cache period         // 未安装的应用程序         if (internalVolume && mInstantAppRegistry.pruneUninstalledInstantApps(bytes,                                                                               android.provider.Settings.Global.getLong(mContext.getContentResolver(),                                                                                                                        Global.UNINSTALLED_INSTANT_APP_MIN_CACHE_PERIOD,                                                                                                                        InstantAppRegistry.DEFAULT_UNINSTALLED_INSTANT_APP_MIN_CACHE_PERIOD))) {             return;         }     } else {         try {             mInstaller.freeCache(volumeUuid, bytes, 0, 0);         } catch (InstallerException ignored) {         }         if (file.getUsableSpace() >= bytes) return;     }      // 如果清除了所有缓存, 还不满足最, 抛出异常     throw new IOException("Failed to free " + bytes + " on storage device at " + file); } 


@Override public void deletePreloadsFileCache() {     mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(android.Manifest.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE,                                             "deletePreloadsFileCache");     File dir = Environment.getDataPreloadsFileCacheDirectory();     Slog.i(TAG, "Deleting preloaded file cache " + dir);     FileUtils.deleteContents(dir); } public static boolean deleteContents(File dir) {     File[] files = dir.listFiles();     boolean success = true;     if (files != null) {         for (File file : files) {             if (file.isDirectory()) {                 // 递归                 success &= deleteContents(file);             }             if (!file.delete()) {                 Log.w(TAG, "Failed to delete " + file);                 success = false;             }         }     }     return success; } 

删除缓存的应用数据 缓存

系统缓存」由所有已安装应用的 /data/data/packagename/cache 文件夹和 /sdcard/Android/data/packagename/cache 文件夹组成。 public void freeCache(String uuid, long targetFreeBytes, long cacheReservedBytes, int flags)     throws InstallerException {     if (!checkBeforeRemote()) return;     try {         mInstalld.freeCache(uuid, targetFreeBytes, cacheReservedBytes, flags);     } catch (Exception e) {         throw InstallerException.from(e);     } }   private boolean checkBeforeRemote() {     if (mWarnIfHeld != null && Thread.holdsLock(mWarnIfHeld)) {, "Calling thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " is holding 0x"                  + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(mWarnIfHeld)), new Throwable());     }     if (mIsolated) {         Slog.i(TAG, "Ignoring request because this installer is isolated");         return false;     } else {         return true;     } }     

mInstalld.freeCache(uuid, targetFreeBytes, cacheReservedBytes, flags); 这个实际是调用

frameworks/native/cmds/installd/binder/android/os/IInstalld.aidl 中定义的方法。最后调用的是 InstalldNativeService.cpp

binder::Status InstalldNativeService::freeCache(const std::unique_ptr<std::string>& uuid,                                                 int64_t targetFreeBytes, int64_t    cacheReservedBytes, int32_t flags) {     ENFORCE_UID(AID_SYSTEM);     // 检查UUID     CHECK_ARGUMENT_UUID(uuid);     std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mLock);      auto uuidString = uuid ? *uuid : "";     const char* uuid_ = uuid ? uuid->c_str() : nullptr;     auto data_path = create_data_path(uuid_);     auto noop = (flags & FLAG_FREE_CACHE_NOOP);      // 确定的可释放的空间 = 还需要释放的空间     int64_t free = data_disk_free(data_path);     if (free < 0) {         return error("Failed to determine free space for " + data_path);     }      int64_t cleared = 0;     // 目标释放的目标空间 - 确定的可释放的空间 = 还需要释放的空间     int64_t needed = targetFreeBytes - free;     LOG(DEBUG) << "Device " << data_path << " has " << free << " free; requested "         << targetFreeBytes << "; needed " << needed;      // 确定的可释放的空间 > 目标释放的目标空间 return ok      if (free >= targetFreeBytes) {         return ok();     }      if (flags & FLAG_FREE_CACHE_V2) {         // This new cache strategy fairly removes files from UIDs by deleting         // files from the UIDs which are most over their allocated quota         // 这种新的缓存策略通过从UID中删除超出其分配配额最多的文件,从UID中公平地删除文件         // 1. Create trackers for every known UID         ATRACE_BEGIN("create");         std::unordered_map<uid_t, std::shared_ptr<CacheTracker>> trackers;         for (auto user : get_known_users(uuid_)) {             FTS *fts;             FTSENT *p;             auto ce_path = create_data_user_ce_path(uuid_, user);             auto de_path = create_data_user_de_path(uuid_, user);             auto media_path = findDataMediaPath(uuid, user) + "/Android/data/";             char *argv[] = { (char*) ce_path.c_str(), (char*) de_path.c_str(),                             (char*) media_path.c_str(), nullptr };             if (!(fts = fts_open(argv, FTS_PHYSICAL | FTS_NOCHDIR | FTS_XDEV, nullptr))) {                 return error("Failed to fts_open");             }             while ((p = fts_read(fts)) != nullptr) {                 if (p->fts_info == FTS_D && p->fts_level == 1) {                     uid_t uid = p->fts_statp->st_uid;                     if (multiuser_get_app_id(uid) == AID_MEDIA_RW) {                         uid = (multiuser_get_app_id(p->fts_statp->st_gid) - AID_EXT_GID_START)                             + AID_APP_START;                     }                     auto search = trackers.find(uid);                     if (search != trackers.end()) {                         search->second->addDataPath(p->fts_path);                     } else {                         auto tracker = std::shared_ptr<CacheTracker>(new CacheTracker(                             multiuser_get_user_id(uid), multiuser_get_app_id(uid), uuidString));                         tracker->addDataPath(p->fts_path);                         {                             std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(mQuotasLock);                             tracker->cacheQuota = mCacheQuotas[uid];                         }                         if (tracker->cacheQuota == 0) {                             #if MEASURE_DEBUG                             LOG(WARNING) << "UID " << uid << " has no cache quota; assuming 64MB";                             #endif                             tracker-> cacheQuota = 67108864;                         }                         trackers[uid] = tracker;                     }                     fts_set(fts, p, FTS_SKIP);                 }             }             fts_close(fts);         }         ATRACE_END();          // 2. Populate tracker stats and insert into priority queue         ATRACE_BEGIN("populate");         int64_t cacheTotal = 0;         auto cmp = [](std::shared_ptr<CacheTracker> left, std::shared_ptr<CacheTracker> right) {             return (left->getCacheRatio() < right->getCacheRatio());         };         std::priority_queue<std::shared_ptr<CacheTracker>,         std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CacheTracker>>, decltype(cmp)> queue(cmp);         for (const auto& it : trackers) {             it.second->loadStats();             queue.push(it.second);             cacheTotal += it.second->cacheUsed;         }         ATRACE_END();          // 3. Bounce across the queue, freeing items from whichever tracker is         // the most over their assigned quota         // 在队列中跳跃,从超出其分配配额最多的跟踪器中释放项目         ATRACE_BEGIN("bounce");         std::shared_ptr<CacheTracker> active;         while (active || !queue.empty()) {             // Only look at apps under quota when explicitly requested             // 仅在明确请求时查看配额下的应用             if (active && (active->getCacheRatio() < 10000)                 && !(flags & FLAG_FREE_CACHE_V2_DEFY_QUOTA)) {                 LOG(DEBUG) << "Active ratio " << active->getCacheRatio()                     << " isn't over quota, and defy not requested";                 break;             }              // Only keep clearing when we haven't pushed into reserved area             if (cacheReservedBytes > 0 && cleared >= (cacheTotal - cacheReservedBytes)) {                 LOG(DEBUG) << "Refusing to clear cached data in reserved space";                 break;             }              // Find the best tracker to work with; this might involve swapping             // if the active tracker is no longer the most over quota             // 找到最佳的跟踪器;这可能涉及交换 如果活动跟踪器不再超出配额             bool nextBetter = active && !queue.empty()                 && active->getCacheRatio() <>getCacheRatio();             if (!active || nextBetter) {                 if (active) {                     // Current tracker still has items, so we'll consider it                     // again later once it bubbles up to surface                     queue.push(active);                 }                 active =; queue.pop();                 active->ensureItems();                 continue;             }              // If no items remain, go find another tracker             // 如果没有剩余项目,请查找另一个跟踪器             if (active->items.empty()) {                 active = nullptr;                 continue;             } else {                 auto item = active->items.back();                 active->items.pop_back();                  LOG(DEBUG) << "Purging " << item->toString() << " from " << active->toString();                 if (!noop) {                     item->purge();                 }                 active->cacheUsed -= item->size;                 needed -= item->size;                 cleared += item->size;             }              // Verify that we're actually done before bailing, since sneaky             // apps might be using hardlinks             // 验证我们在保释之前是否已经完成,因为偷偷摸摸的应用程序可能正在使用硬链接             if (needed <= 0) {                 free = data_disk_free(data_path);                 needed = targetFreeBytes - free;                 if (needed <= 0) {                     break;                 } else {                     LOG(WARNING) << "Expected to be done but still need " << needed;                 }             }         }         ATRACE_END();      } else {         return error("Legacy cache logic no longer supported");     }      free = data_disk_free(data_path);     if (free >= targetFreeBytes) {         return ok();     } else {         return error(StringPrintf("Failed to free up %" PRId64 " on %s; final free space %" PRId64,                                   targetFreeBytes, data_path.c_str(), free));     } } 

什么是Cache Tracker

第一种模式 加载轻量级的“统计数据”,
第二种模式 加载详细的“项目”


6   17  #ifndef ANDROID_INSTALLD_CACHE_TRACKER_H 18  #define ANDROID_INSTALLD_CACHE_TRACKER_H 19   20  #include <memory> 21  #include <string> 22  #include <queue> 23   24  #include <sys/types.h> 25  #include <sys/stat.h> 26   27  #include <android-base/macros.h> 28  #include <cutils/multiuser.h> 29   30  #include "CacheItem.h" 31   32  namespace android { 33  namespace installd { 34   35  /** 36   * Cache tracker for a single UID. Each tracker is used in two modes: first 37   * for loading lightweight "stats", and then by loading detailed "items" 38   * which can then be purged to free up space. 39   */      40  class CacheTracker { 41  public: 42      CacheTracker(userid_t userId, appid_t appId, const std::string& uuid); 43      ~CacheTracker(); 44   45      std::string toString(); 46   47      void addDataPath(const std::string& dataPath); 48   49      void loadStats(); 50      void loadItems(); 51   52      void ensureItems(); 53   54      int getCacheRatio(); 55   56      int64_t cacheUsed; 57      int64_t cacheQuota; 58   59      std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CacheItem>> items; 60   61  private: 62      userid_t mUserId; 63      appid_t mAppId; 64      bool mItemsLoaded; 65      const std::string& mUuid; 66   67      std::vector<std::string> mDataPaths; 68   69      bool loadQuotaStats(); 70      void loadItemsFrom(const std::string& path); 71   72      DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CacheTracker); 73  }; 74   75  }  // namespace installd 76  }  // namespace android 77   78  #endif  // ANDROID_INSTALLD_CACHE_TRACKER_H   

留下疑问:Cache Tracker的内存释放策略是什么样的,目前还未找到答案。


通过上述源码,了解到Android 会从以上空间帮我们释放内存:

  1. 删除预加载的文件
  2. 已解析的APK数据
  3. 缓存的应用数据
  4. 共享库
  5. 已安装的即时应用未使用时间超过最小缓存时间
  6. 缓存的应用数据
  7. 未安装的应用程序

但是如果清除了上述所有的地方 可用的内存空间 还是很小, 不满足 2 倍的阈值, 抛出

throw new IOException("Failed to free " + bytes + " on storage device at " + file); 
try {     pms.freeStorage(vol.getFsUuid(), lowBytes * 2, 0); } catch (IOException e) {     // 捕获异常未做处理     Slog.w(TAG, e); } 

我们看到 Android 在捕获到异常后未做任何处理。那内存极限紧张的情况下,Android是怎么处理的呢?


Android 分区和内存监控

开机前 Data分区容量

Total Used Available 阈值
774 M 378 M 364 M 774 * 5% = 38 M

目前还是大于阈值, 开始写入 380M 文件

dd if=/dev/block/dm-0 of=13gbFile bs=1024 count=68640

Android 分区和内存监控

Total Used Available 阈值
774 M 758 M 16M 774 * 5% = 38 M

现在已经小于阈值了, 重启后:

Android 分区和内存监控


Android 分区和内存监控

81253170 = 76M (阈值)= 38 * 2

我们可以看到当前已经没有办法清除到 2 倍的阈值, 并打印了Android 的原生log。 但是还是不影响系统启动。但是为了防止内存极端紧张的情况下系统,还是增加兜底方案。

在系统原有机制中,定制空间不足时,小于 lowBytes / 2 写一个属性 ,下次重启执行wipe data; 小于lowBytes / 3 M 直接清理 wipe dated。

try {     pms.freeStorage(vol.getFsUuid(), lowBytes * 2, 0); } catch (IOException e) {     Slog.w(TAG, e);     try {         if (file.getUsableSpace() < lowBytes / 2) {  // only 500M             if ( != null)                 Slog.w(TAG, "id = " +;             SystemProperties.set("", "true");         }         if (file.getUsableSpace() < lowBytes / 3) {  // only 166M, wipedata directly             SystemProperties.set("", "false");             Runtime.getRuntime().exec("reboot wipedata");         }     } catch (Exception e2) {         Slog.w(TAG, e2);     } } } 

开机 - 双清

static Result<Success> do_load_persist_props(const BuiltinArguments& args) {     load_persist_props();     if (::property_get_bool("", 0)) {         property_set("", "false");  // reset to false         property_set(ANDROID_RB_PROPERTY, "reboot,wipedata");     }     return Success(); } 


Android 分区和内存监控


