











 1 import os  2 import random  3 from shutil import copy  4 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt  5 from keras import optimizers  6 from keras import models  7 from keras import layers  8 from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator  9 from keras.models import load_model 10 from PIL import Image


 1 # 女性图片训练集想保存到的根路径  2 woman_train_dir = r'sexfacestrainwoman'  3 # 女性图片验证集想保存到的根路径  4 woman_validation_dir = r'sexfacesvalidationwoman'  5 # 女性图片测试集想保存到的根路径  6 woman_test_dir = r'sexfacestestwoman'  7   8 # 男性图片训练集想保存到的根路径  9 man_train_dir = r'sexfacestrainman' 10 # 男性图片验证集想保存到的根路径 11 man_validation_dir = r'sexfacesvalidationman' 12 # 男性图片测试集想保存到的根路径 13 man_test_dir = r'sexfacestestman' 14  15 # 创建列表,保存上方6个路径 16 dir_list = [woman_train_dir, woman_validation_dir, woman_test_dir, 17             man_train_dir, man_validation_dir, man_test_dir] 18 # 如果目录不存在,则创建 19 for dir_child in dir_list: 20     if not os.path.isdir(dir_child): 21         os.makedirs(dir_child) 22  23 # 女性图片根路径 24 woman_path = r'sexfaceswoman' 25 # 获取 woman_path 下的文件夹列表 26 woman_path_list = os.listdir(woman_path) 27 # 遍历列表,取6000张图片加入训练集,3000张图片加入验证集,其余加入测试集 28 for i in range(len(woman_path_list)): 29     child_path = os.path.join(woman_path, woman_path_list[i]) 30     if i < 6000: 31         to_path = woman_train_dir 32     elif i < 9000: 33         to_path = woman_validation_dir 34     else: 35         to_path = woman_test_dir 36     copy(child_path, to_path) 37  38 # 男性图片根路径 39 man_path = r'sexfacesman' 40 # 获取 man_path 下的文件夹列表 41 man_path_list = os.listdir(man_path) 42 # 遍历列表,取6000张图片加入训练集,3000张图片加入验证集,其余加入测试集 43 for i in range(len(man_path_list)): 44     child_path = os.path.join(man_path, man_path_list[i]) 45     if i < 6000: 46         to_path = man_train_dir 47     elif i < 9000: 48         to_path = man_validation_dir 49     else: 50         to_path = man_test_dir 51     copy(child_path, to_path) 52  53 # 输出各目录中的文件数目 54 train_path = "sex/faces/train/" 55 print('total training woman images:', len(os.listdir(train_path+"woman"))) 56 print('total training man images:', len(os.listdir(train_path+"man"))) 57  58 valid_path = "sex/faces/validation/" 59 print('total validation woman images:', len(os.listdir(valid_path+"woman"))) 60 print('total validation man images:', len(os.listdir(valid_path+"man"))) 61  62 test_path = "sex/faces/test/" 63 print('total test woman images:', len(os.listdir(test_path+"woman"))) 64 print('total test man images:', len(os.listdir(test_path+"man")))



 1 # 查看图像以及对应的标签  2 fit, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=3, figsize=(10, 7))  3 # 查看图像的根路径  4 test_view_path = r'sexfacestestman'  5 # 获取 test_view_path 下的文件夹列表  6 test_view_list = os.listdir(test_view_path)  7 for i, a in enumerate(ax.flat):  8     view_path = os.path.join(test_view_path, test_view_list[i])  9     # 读取源图 10     a.imshow(plt.imread(view_path)) 11     # 添加图像名称 12     a.set_title(man_path_list[i]) 13 plt.tight_layout()  # 自动调整子图参数,使之填充整个图像区域 14 plt.show()



 1 # 图片预处理  2 # 批量大小  3 BATCH_SIZE = 20  4 # 输入图片的大小  5 IMG_SIZE = (150, 150)  6   7 # 归一化处理  8 train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255)  9 validation_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) 10 test_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) 11  12 train_dir = 'sex/faces/train'     # 指向训练集图片目录路径 13  14 train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_directory( 15     train_dir, 16     target_size=IMG_SIZE,  # 输入训练图像尺寸 17     batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, 18     color_mode='rgb', 19     class_mode='binary') 20  21 validation_dir = 'sex/faces/validation'  # 指向验证集图片目录路径 22  23 validation_generator = validation_datagen.flow_from_directory( 24     validation_dir, 25     target_size=IMG_SIZE, 26     batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, 27     color_mode='rgb', 28     class_mode='binary') 29  30 test_dir = 'sex/faces/test'  # 指向测试集图片目录路径 31  32 test_generator = test_datagen.flow_from_directory( 33     test_dir, 34     target_size=IMG_SIZE, 35     batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, 36     color_mode='rgb', 37     class_mode='binary')



 1 # 查看经过处理的图片以及它的binary标签  2 fit, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=3, figsize=(10, 7))  3   4 for i, a in enumerate(ax.flat):  5     img, label = test_generator.next()  6     a.imshow(img[0],)  7     a.set_title(label[0])  8   9 plt.tight_layout() 10 plt.show()



 1 # 构建神经网络  2 model = models.Sequential()  3   4 # 1.Conv2D层,32个过滤器。输出图片尺寸:150-3+1=148*148,参数数量:32*3*3*3+32=896  5 model.add(layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3),  6                         activation='relu',  7                         input_shape=(150, 150, 3)))  # 卷积层1  8 model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))  # 最大值池化层1。输出图片尺寸:148/2=74*74  9  10 # 2.Conv2D层,64个过滤器。输出图片尺寸:74-3+1=72*72,参数数量:64*3*3*32+64=18496 11 model.add(layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), 12                         activation='relu'))  # 卷积层2 13 model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))  # 最大值池化层2。输出图片尺寸:72/2=36*36 14  15 # 3.Conv2D层,128个过滤器。输出图片尺寸:36-3+1=34*34,参数数量:128*3*3*64+128=73856 16 model.add(layers.Conv2D(128, (3, 3), 17                         activation='relu'))  # 卷积层3 18 model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))  # 最大值池化层3。输出图片尺寸:34/2=17*17 19  20 # 4.Conv2D层,128个过滤器。输出图片尺寸:17-3+1=15*15,参数数量:128*3*3*128+128=147584 21 model.add(layers.Conv2D(128, (3, 3), 22                         activation='relu'))  # 卷积层4 23 model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))  # 最大值池化层4。输出图片尺寸:15/2=7*7 24  25 # 将输入层的数据压缩成1维数据,全连接层只能处理一维数据 26 model.add(layers.Flatten()) 27  28 # 全连接层 29 model.add(layers.Dense(512, 30                        activation='relu'))  # 全连接层1 31 model.add(layers.Dense(1, 32                        activation='sigmoid'))  # 全连接层2,作为输出层。sigmoid分类,输出是两类别 33  34 # 编译模型 35 # RMSprop 优化器。因为网络最后一层是单一sigmoid单元, 36 # 所以使用二元交叉熵作为损失函数 37 model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', 38               optimizer=optimizers.RMSprop(lr=1e-4), 39               metrics=['acc']) 40  41 # 看一下特征图的维度如何随着每层变化 42 model.summary()



1 # 训练模型50轮次 2 history_save = model.fit( 3                     train_generator, 4                     steps_per_epoch=100, 5                     epochs=50, 6                     validation_data=validation_generator, 7                     validation_steps=50) 8 # 将训练过程产生的数据保存为h5文件 9 model.save('sex/faces/sex_model.h5')



 1 # 绘制损失曲线和精度曲线图  2 accuracy = history_save.history['acc']  # 训练集精度  3 loss = history_save.history['loss']  # 训练集损失  4 val_loss = history_save.history['val_loss']  # 验证集精度  5 val_accuracy = history_save.history['val_acc']  # 验证集损失  6 plt.figure(figsize=(17, 7))  7   8 # 训练集精度和验证集精度曲线图图  9 plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) 10 plt.plot(range(50), accuracy, 'bo', label='Training Accuracy') 11 plt.plot(range(50), val_accuracy, label='Validation Accuracy') 12 plt.title('Training and Validation Accuracy') 13 plt.legend(loc='center right') 14  15 # 训练集损失和验证集损失图 16 plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) 17 plt.plot(range(50), loss, 'bo', label='Training Loss') 18 plt.plot(range(50), val_loss, label='Validation Loss') 19 plt.title('Training and Validation Loss') 20 plt.legend(loc='center right') 21  22 # 训练集精度和损失散点图 23 plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) 24 plt.scatter(range(50), accuracy, label="Training Accuracy", color='b', s=25, marker="o") 25 plt.scatter(range(50), loss, label="Training Loss", color='r', s=25, marker="o") 26 plt.title('Training : Accuracy and Loss') 27 plt.legend(loc='center right') 28  29 # 验证集精度和损失散点图 30 plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) 31 plt.scatter(range(50), val_accuracy, label="Validation Accuracy", color='b', s=25, marker="o") 32 plt.scatter(range(50), val_loss, label="Validation Loss", color='r', s=25, marker="o") 33 plt.title('Validation : Accuracy and Loss') 34 plt.legend(loc='center right') 35  36 plt.show()



 1 train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255,  2                                    rotation_range=40,  # 将图像随机旋转40度  3                                    width_shift_range=0.2,  # 在水平方向上平移比例为0.2  4                                    height_shift_range=0.2,  # 在垂直方向上平移比例为0.2  5                                    shear_range=0.2,  # 随机错切变换的角度为0.2  6                                    zoom_range=0.2,  # 图片随机缩放的范围为0.2  7                                    horizontal_flip=True,  # 随机将一半图像水平翻转  8                                    fill_mode='nearest')  # 填充创建像素  9 validation_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) 10  11 train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_directory( 12     train_dir, 13     target_size=IMG_SIZE,  # 输入训练图像尺寸 14     batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, 15     class_mode='binary') 16  17 validation_generator = validation_datagen.flow_from_directory( 18     validation_dir, 19     target_size=IMG_SIZE, 20     batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, 21     class_mode='binary')







 1 # 将图片缩小到(150,150)的大小  2 def convertjpg(jpgfile, outdir, width=150, height=150):  3     img = Image.open(jpgfile)  4     try:  5         new_img = img.resize((width, height), Image.BILINEAR)  6         new_img.save(os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(jpgfile)))  7     except Exception as e:  8         print(e)  9  10 # 从测试集随机获取一张男性图片 11 man_test = r'sexfacestestman' 12 man_test_list = os.listdir(man_test) 13 key = random.randint(0, len(man_test_list)) 14 img_key = man_test_list[key] 15 jpg_file = os.path.join(man_test, img_key) 16 convertjpg(jpg_file, "sex/faces/test")  # 图像大小改变到(150,150) 17 img_scale = plt.imread('sex/faces/test/' + img_key) 18 plt.imshow(img_scale)  # 显示改变图像大小后的图片确实变到了(150,150)大小 19  20 # 调用训练模型结果进行预测 21 model = load_model('sex/faces/sex_model.h5') 22 img_scale = img_scale.reshape(1, 150, 150, 3).astype('float32') 23 img_scale = img_scale/255  # 归一化到0-1之间 24 result = model.predict(img_scale)  # 取图片信息 25 if result > 0.5: 26     print('该图片是女性的概率为:', result) 27 else: 28     print('该图片是男性的概率为:', 1-result) 29 plt.show()  # 打印尺寸改变后的图像



 1 # 从测试集随机获取一张女性图片  2 woman_test = r'sexfacestestwoman'  3 woman_test_list = os.listdir(woman_test)  4 key = random.randint(0, len(woman_test_list))  5 img_key = woman_test_list[key]  6 jpg_file = os.path.join(woman_test, img_key)  7 convertjpg(jpg_file, "sex/faces/test")  # 图像大小改变到(150,150)  8 img_scale = plt.imread('sex/faces/test/' + img_key)  9 plt.imshow(img_scale)  # 显示改变图像大小后的图片确实变到了(150,150)大小 10  11 # 调用训练模型结果进行预测 12 model = load_model('sex/faces/sex_model.h5') 13 img_scale = img_scale.reshape(1, 150, 150, 3).astype('float32') 14 img_scale = img_scale/255  # 归一化到0-1之间 15 result = model.predict(img_scale)  # 取图片信息 16 if result > 0.5: 17     print('该图片是女性的概率为:', result) 18 else: 19     print('该图片是男性的概率为:', 1-result) 20 plt.show()  # 打印尺寸改变后的图像



# 自定义一张男性图片进行预测 diy_img = 'sex/faces/man.jpg' convertjpg(diy_img, "sex")  # 图像大小改变到(150,150) img_scale = plt.imread('sex/man.jpg') plt.imshow(img_scale)  # 显示改变图像大小后的图片确实变到了(150,150)大小  # 调用数据增强后的训练模型结果进行预测 model = load_model('sex/faces/sex_model_idg.h5') img_scale = img_scale.reshape(1, 150, 150, 3).astype('float32') img_scale = img_scale/255  # 归一化到0-1之间 result = model.predict(img_scale)  # 取图片信息 if result > 0.5:     print('该图片是女性的概率为:', result) else:     print('该图片是男性的概率为:', 1-result) plt.show()  # 打印尺寸改变后的图像




 1 # 自定义一张女性图片进行预测  2 diy_img = 'sex/faces/woman_2.jpg'  3 convertjpg(diy_img, "sex")  # 图像大小改变到(150,150)  4 img_scale = plt.imread('sex/woman_2.jpg')  5 plt.imshow(img_scale)  # 显示改变图像大小后的图片确实变到了(150,150)大小  6   7 # 调用数据增强后的训练模型结果进行预测  8 model = load_model('sex/faces/sex_model.h5')  9 img_scale = img_scale.reshape(1, 150, 150, 3).astype('float32') 10 img_scale = img_scale/255  # 归一化到0-1之间 11 result = model.predict(img_scale)  # 取图片信息 12 if result > 0.5: 13     print('该图片是女性的概率为:', result) 14 else: 15     print('该图片是男性的概率为:', 1-result) 16 plt.show()  # 打印尺寸改变后的图像








  1 import os   2 import random   3 from shutil import copy   4 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt   5 from keras import optimizers   6 from keras import models   7 from keras import layers   8 from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator   9 from keras.models import load_model  10 from PIL import Image  11   12 # 女性图片训练集想保存到的根路径  13 woman_train_dir = r'sexfacestrainwoman'  14 # 女性图片验证集想保存到的根路径  15 woman_validation_dir = r'sexfacesvalidationwoman'  16 # 女性图片测试集想保存到的根路径  17 woman_test_dir = r'sexfacestestwoman'  18   19 # 男性图片训练集想保存到的根路径  20 man_train_dir = r'sexfacestrainman'  21 # 男性图片验证集想保存到的根路径  22 man_validation_dir = r'sexfacesvalidationman'  23 # 男性图片测试集想保存到的根路径  24 man_test_dir = r'sexfacestestman'  25   26 # 创建列表,保存上方6个路径  27 dir_list = [woman_train_dir, woman_validation_dir, woman_test_dir,  28             man_train_dir, man_validation_dir, man_test_dir]  29 # 如果目录不存在,则创建  30 for dir_child in dir_list:  31     if not os.path.isdir(dir_child):  32         os.makedirs(dir_child)  33   34 # 女性图片根路径  35 woman_path = r'sexfaceswoman'  36 # 获取 woman_path 下的文件夹列表  37 woman_path_list = os.listdir(woman_path)  38 # 遍历列表,取6000张图片加入训练集,3000张图片加入验证集,其余加入测试集  39 for i in range(len(woman_path_list)):  40     child_path = os.path.join(woman_path, woman_path_list[i])  41     if i < 6000:  42         to_path = woman_train_dir  43     elif i < 9000:  44         to_path = woman_validation_dir  45     else:  46         to_path = woman_test_dir  47     copy(child_path, to_path)  48   49 # 男性图片根路径  50 man_path = r'sexfacesman'  51 # 获取 man_path 下的文件夹列表  52 man_path_list = os.listdir(man_path)  53 # 遍历列表,取6000张图片加入训练集,3000张图片加入验证集,其余加入测试集  54 for i in range(len(man_path_list)):  55     child_path = os.path.join(man_path, man_path_list[i])  56     if i < 6000:  57         to_path = man_train_dir  58     elif i < 9000:  59         to_path = man_validation_dir  60     else:  61         to_path = man_test_dir  62     copy(child_path, to_path)  63   64 # 输出各目录中的文件数目  65 train_path = "sex/faces/train/"  66 print('total training woman images:', len(os.listdir(train_path+"woman")))  67 print('total training man images:', len(os.listdir(train_path+"man")))  68   69 valid_path = "sex/faces/validation/"  70 print('total validation woman images:', len(os.listdir(valid_path+"woman")))  71 print('total validation man images:', len(os.listdir(valid_path+"man")))  72   73 test_path = "sex/faces/test/"  74 print('total test woman images:', len(os.listdir(test_path+"woman")))  75 print('total test man images:', len(os.listdir(test_path+"man")))  76   77 # 查看图像以及对应的标签  78 fit, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=3, figsize=(10, 7))  79 # 查看图像的根路径  80 test_view_path = r'sexfacestestman'  81 # 获取 test_view_path 下的文件夹列表  82 test_view_list = os.listdir(test_view_path)  83 for i, a in enumerate(ax.flat):  84     view_path = os.path.join(test_view_path, test_view_list[i])  85     # 读取源图  86     a.imshow(plt.imread(view_path))  87     # 添加图像名称  88     a.set_title(man_path_list[i])  89 plt.tight_layout()  # 自动调整子图参数,使之填充整个图像区域  90 plt.show()  91   92 # 图片预处理  93 # 批量大小  94 BATCH_SIZE = 20  95 # 输入图片的大小  96 IMG_SIZE = (150, 150)  97   98 # 归一化处理  99 train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) 100 validation_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) 101 test_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) 102  103 train_dir = 'sex/faces/train'     # 指向训练集图片目录路径 104  105 train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_directory( 106     train_dir, 107     target_size=IMG_SIZE,  # 输入训练图像尺寸 108     batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, 109     color_mode='rgb', 110     class_mode='binary') 111  112 validation_dir = 'sex/faces/validation'  # 指向验证集图片目录路径 113  114 validation_generator = validation_datagen.flow_from_directory( 115     validation_dir, 116     target_size=IMG_SIZE, 117     batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, 118     color_mode='rgb', 119     class_mode='binary') 120  121 test_dir = 'sex/faces/test'  # 指向测试集图片目录路径 122  123 test_generator = test_datagen.flow_from_directory( 124     test_dir, 125     target_size=IMG_SIZE, 126     batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, 127     color_mode='rgb', 128     class_mode='binary') 129  130 # 查看经过处理的图片以及它的binary标签 131 fit, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=3, figsize=(10, 7)) 132  133 for i, a in enumerate(ax.flat): 134     img, label = test_generator.next() 135     a.imshow(img[0],) 136     a.set_title(label[0]) 137  138 plt.tight_layout() 139 plt.show() 140  141 # 构建神经网络 142 model = models.Sequential() 143  144 # 1.Conv2D层,32个过滤器。输出图片尺寸:150-3+1=148*148,参数数量:32*3*3*3+32=896 145 model.add(layers.Conv2D(32, (3, 3), 146                         activation='relu', 147                         input_shape=(150, 150, 3)))  # 卷积层1 148 model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))  # 最大值池化层1。输出图片尺寸:148/2=74*74 149  150 # 2.Conv2D层,64个过滤器。输出图片尺寸:74-3+1=72*72,参数数量:64*3*3*32+64=18496 151 model.add(layers.Conv2D(64, (3, 3), 152                         activation='relu'))  # 卷积层2 153 model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))  # 最大值池化层2。输出图片尺寸:72/2=36*36 154  155 # 3.Conv2D层,128个过滤器。输出图片尺寸:36-3+1=34*34,参数数量:128*3*3*64+128=73856 156 model.add(layers.Conv2D(128, (3, 3), 157                         activation='relu'))  # 卷积层3 158 model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))  # 最大值池化层3。输出图片尺寸:34/2=17*17 159  160 # 4.Conv2D层,128个过滤器。输出图片尺寸:17-3+1=15*15,参数数量:128*3*3*128+128=147584 161 model.add(layers.Conv2D(128, (3, 3), 162                         activation='relu'))  # 卷积层4 163 model.add(layers.MaxPooling2D((2, 2)))  # 最大值池化层4。输出图片尺寸:15/2=7*7 164  165 # 将输入层的数据压缩成1维数据,全连接层只能处理一维数据 166 model.add(layers.Flatten()) 167  168 # 全连接层 169 model.add(layers.Dense(512, 170                        activation='relu'))  # 全连接层1 171 model.add(layers.Dense(1, 172                        activation='sigmoid'))  # 全连接层2,作为输出层。sigmoid分类,输出是两类别 173  174 # 编译模型 175 # RMSprop 优化器。因为网络最后一层是单一sigmoid单元, 176 # 所以使用二元交叉熵作为损失函数 177 model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', 178               optimizer=optimizers.RMSprop(lr=1e-4), 179               metrics=['acc']) 180  181 # 看一下特征图的维度如何随着每层变化 182 model.summary() 183 # 184  185 train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255, 186                                    rotation_range=40,  # 将图像随机旋转40度 187                                    width_shift_range=0.2,  # 在水平方向上平移比例为0.2 188                                    height_shift_range=0.2,  # 在垂直方向上平移比例为0.2 189                                    shear_range=0.2,  # 随机错切变换的角度为0.2 190                                    zoom_range=0.2,  # 图片随机缩放的范围为0.2 191                                    horizontal_flip=True,  # 随机将一半图像水平翻转 192                                    fill_mode='nearest')  # 填充创建像素 193 validation_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) 194  195 train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_directory( 196     train_dir, 197     target_size=IMG_SIZE,  # 输入训练图像尺寸 198     batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, 199     class_mode='binary') 200  201 validation_generator = validation_datagen.flow_from_directory( 202     validation_dir, 203     target_size=IMG_SIZE, 204     batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, 205     class_mode='binary') 206 # 207 # 训练模型50轮次 208 history_save = model.fit( 209                     train_generator, 210                     steps_per_epoch=100, 211                     epochs=50, 212                     validation_data=validation_generator, 213                     validation_steps=50) 214  215 # 将训练过程产生的数据保存为h5文件 216 model.save('sex/faces/sex_model.h5') 217 # 保存数据增强后的训练模型 218 model.save('sex/faces/sex_model_idg.h5') 219  220 # 绘制损失曲线和精度曲线图 221 accuracy = history_save.history['acc']  # 训练集精度 222 loss = history_save.history['loss']  # 训练集损失 223 val_loss = history_save.history['val_loss']  # 验证集精度 224 val_accuracy = history_save.history['val_acc']  # 验证集损失 225 plt.figure(figsize=(17, 7)) 226  227 # 训练集精度和验证集精度曲线图图 228 plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) 229 plt.plot(range(50), accuracy, 'bo', label='Training Accuracy') 230 plt.plot(range(50), val_accuracy, label='Validation Accuracy') 231 plt.title('Training and Validation Accuracy') 232 plt.legend(loc='center right') 233  234 # 训练集损失和验证集损失图 235 plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) 236 plt.plot(range(50), loss, 'bo', label='Training Loss') 237 plt.plot(range(50), val_loss, label='Validation Loss') 238 plt.title('Training and Validation Loss') 239 plt.legend(loc='center right') 240  241 # 训练集精度和损失散点图 242 plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) 243 plt.scatter(range(50), accuracy, label="Training Accuracy", color='b', s=25, marker="o") 244 plt.scatter(range(50), loss, label="Training Loss", color='r', s=25, marker="o") 245 plt.title('Training : Accuracy and Loss') 246 plt.legend(loc='center right') 247  248 # 验证集精度和损失散点图 249 plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) 250 plt.scatter(range(50), val_accuracy, label="Validation Accuracy", color='b', s=25, marker="o") 251 plt.scatter(range(50), val_loss, label="Validation Loss", color='r', s=25, marker="o") 252 plt.title('Validation : Accuracy and Loss') 253 plt.legend(loc='center right') 254  255 plt.show() 256  257 # 将图片缩小到(150,150)的大小 258 def convertjpg(jpgfile, outdir, width=150, height=150): 259     img = Image.open(jpgfile) 260     try: 261         new_img = img.resize((width, height), Image.BILINEAR) 262         new_img.save(os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(jpgfile))) 263     except Exception as e: 264         print(e) 265  266 # 从测试集随机获取一张男性图片 267 man_test = r'sexfacestestman' 268 man_test_list = os.listdir(man_test) 269 key = random.randint(0, len(man_test_list)) 270 img_key = man_test_list[key] 271 jpg_file = os.path.join(man_test, img_key) 272 convertjpg(jpg_file, "sex/faces/test")  # 图像大小改变到(150,150) 273 img_scale = plt.imread('sex/faces/test/' + img_key) 274 plt.imshow(img_scale)  # 显示改变图像大小后的图片确实变到了(150,150)大小 275  276 # 调用训练模型结果进行预测 277 model = load_model('sex/faces/sex_model.h5') 278 img_scale = img_scale.reshape(1, 150, 150, 3).astype('float32') 279 img_scale = img_scale/255  # 归一化到0-1之间 280 result = model.predict(img_scale)  # 取图片信息 281 if result > 0.5: 282     print('该图片是女性的概率为:', result) 283 else: 284     print('该图片是男性的概率为:', 1-result) 285 plt.show()  # 打印尺寸改变后的图像 286  287 # 从测试集随机获取一张女性图片 288 woman_test = r'sexfacestestwoman' 289 woman_test_list = os.listdir(woman_test) 290 key = random.randint(0, len(woman_test_list)) 291 img_key = woman_test_list[key] 292 jpg_file = os.path.join(woman_test, img_key) 293 convertjpg(jpg_file, "sex/faces/test")  # 图像大小改变到(150,150) 294 img_scale = plt.imread('sex/faces/test/' + img_key) 295 plt.imshow(img_scale)  # 显示改变图像大小后的图片确实变到了(150,150)大小 296  297 # 调用训练模型结果进行预测 298 model = load_model('sex/faces/sex_model.h5') 299 img_scale = img_scale.reshape(1, 150, 150, 3).astype('float32') 300 img_scale = img_scale/255  # 归一化到0-1之间 301 result = model.predict(img_scale)  # 取图片信息 302 if result > 0.5: 303     print('该图片是女性的概率为:', result) 304 else: 305     print('该图片是男性的概率为:', 1-result) 306 plt.show()  # 打印尺寸改变后的图像 307  308 # 自定义一张男性图片进行预测 309 diy_img = 'sex/faces/man.jpg' 310 convertjpg(diy_img, "sex")  # 图像大小改变到(150,150) 311 img_scale = plt.imread('sex/man.jpg') 312 plt.imshow(img_scale)  # 显示改变图像大小后的图片确实变到了(150,150)大小 313  314 # 调用数据增强后的训练模型结果进行预测 315 model = load_model('sex/faces/sex_model_idg.h5') 316 img_scale = img_scale.reshape(1, 150, 150, 3).astype('float32') 317 img_scale = img_scale/255  # 归一化到0-1之间 318 result = model.predict(img_scale)  # 取图片信息 319 if result > 0.5: 320     print('该图片是女性的概率为:', result) 321 else: 322     print('该图片是男性的概率为:', 1-result) 323 plt.show()  # 打印尺寸改变后的图像 324  325 # 自定义一张女性图片进行预测 326 diy_img = 'sex/faces/woman_2.jpg' 327 convertjpg(diy_img, "sex")  # 图像大小改变到(150,150) 328 img_scale = plt.imread('sex/woman_2.jpg') 329 plt.imshow(img_scale)  # 显示改变图像大小后的图片确实变到了(150,150)大小 330  331 # 调用数据增强后的训练模型结果进行预测 332 model = load_model('sex/faces/sex_model.h5') 333 img_scale = img_scale.reshape(1, 150, 150, 3).astype('float32') 334 img_scale = img_scale/255  # 归一化到0-1之间 335 result = model.predict(img_scale)  # 取图片信息 336 if result > 0.5: 337     print('该图片是女性的概率为:', result) 338 else: 339     print('该图片是男性的概率为:', 1-result) 340 plt.show()  # 打印尺寸改变后的图像


