上一篇和大家一起分享了如何使用LabVIEW OpenCV dnn实现手写数字识别,今天我们一起来看一下如何使用LabVIEW OpenCV dnn实现图像分类。
示例:我们假定一个可能的类别集categories = {dog, cat, eagle},之后我们提供一张图片(下图)给分类系统。这里的目标是根据输入图像,从类别集中分配一个类别,这里为eagle,我们的分类系统也可以根据概率给图像分配多个标签,如eagle:95%,cat:4%,panda:1%
MobileNet:基本单元是深度级可分离卷积(depthwise separable convolution),其实这种结构之前已经被使用在Inception模型中。深度级可分离卷积其实是一种可分解卷积操作(factorized convolutions),其可以分解为两个更小的操作:depthwise convolution和pointwise convolution,如图1所示。Depthwise convolution和标准卷积不同,对于标准卷积其卷积核是用在所有的输入通道上(input channels),而depthwise convolution针对每个输入通道采用不同的卷积核,就是说一个卷积核对应一个输入通道,所以说depthwise convolution是depth级别的操作。而pointwise convolution其实就是普通的卷积,只不过其采用1x1的卷积核。图2中更清晰地展示了两种操作。对于depthwise separable convolution,其首先是采用depthwise convolution对不同输入通道分别进行卷积,然后采用pointwise convolution将上面的输出再进行结合,这样其实整体效果和一个标准卷积是差不多的,但是会大大减少计算量和模型参数量。
MobileNet的网络结构如表所示。首先是一个3x3的标准卷积,然后后面就是堆积depthwise separable convolution,并且可以看到其中的部分depthwise convolution会通过strides=2进行down sampling。然后采用average pooling将feature变成1x1,根据预测类别大小加上全连接层,最后是一个softmax层。如果单独计算depthwise convolution和pointwise convolution,整个网络有28层(这里Avg Pool和Softmax不计算在内)。
- 使用tensorflow.keras.applications获取模型(以mobilenet为例);
from tensorflow.keras.applications import MobileNet original_tf_model = MobileNet( include_top=True, weights="imagenet" )
- 把original_tf_model打包成pb
def get_tf_model_proto(tf_model): # define the directory for .pb model pb_model_path = "models" # define the name of .pb model pb_model_name = "mobilenet.pb" # create directory for further converted model os.makedirs(pb_model_path, exist_ok=True) # get model TF graph tf_model_graph = tf.function(lambda x: tf_model(x)) # get concrete function tf_model_graph = tf_model_graph.get_concrete_function( tf.TensorSpec(tf_model.inputs[0].shape, tf_model.inputs[0].dtype)) # obtain frozen concrete function frozen_tf_func = convert_variables_to_constants_v2(tf_model_graph) # get frozen graph frozen_tf_func.graph.as_graph_def() # save full tf model tf.io.write_graph(graph_or_graph_def=frozen_tf_func.graph, logdir=pb_model_path, name=pb_model_name, as_text=False) return os.path.join(pb_model_path, pb_model_name)
- 图像预处理(blob)
def get_preprocessed_img(img_path): # read the image input_img = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) input_img = input_img.astype(np.float32) # define preprocess parameters mean = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) * 127.5 scale = 1 / 127.5 # prepare input blob to fit the model input: # 1. subtract mean # 2. scale to set pixel values from 0 to 1 input_blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage( image=input_img, scalefactor=scale, size=(224, 224), # img target size mean=mean, swapRB=True, # BGR -> RGB crop=True # center crop ) print("Input blob shape: {}n".format(input_blob.shape)) return input_blob
- 调用pb模型进行推理
def get_tf_dnn_prediction(original_net, preproc_img, imagenet_labels): # inference preproc_img = preproc_img.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) print("TF input blob shape: {}n".format(preproc_img.shape)) out = original_net(preproc_img) print("nTensorFlow model prediction: n") print("* shape: ", out.shape) # get the predicted class ID imagenet_class_id = np.argmax(out) print("* class ID: {}, label: {}".format(imagenet_class_id, imagenet_labels[imagenet_class_id])) # get confidence confidence = out[0][imagenet_class_id] print("* confidence: {:.4f}".format(confidence))
3、实现图像分类 (代码汇总)
import os import cv2 import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras.applications import MobileNet from tensorflow.python.framework.convert_to_constants import convert_variables_to_constants_v2 def get_tf_model_proto(tf_model): # define the directory for .pb model pb_model_path = "models" # define the name of .pb model pb_model_name = "mobilenet.pb" # create directory for further converted model os.makedirs(pb_model_path, exist_ok=True) # get model TF graph tf_model_graph = tf.function(lambda x: tf_model(x)) # get concrete function tf_model_graph = tf_model_graph.get_concrete_function( tf.TensorSpec(tf_model.inputs[0].shape, tf_model.inputs[0].dtype)) # obtain frozen concrete function frozen_tf_func = convert_variables_to_constants_v2(tf_model_graph) # get frozen graph frozen_tf_func.graph.as_graph_def() # save full tf model tf.io.write_graph(graph_or_graph_def=frozen_tf_func.graph, logdir=pb_model_path, name=pb_model_name, as_text=False) return os.path.join(pb_model_path, pb_model_name) def get_preprocessed_img(img_path): # read the image input_img = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) input_img = input_img.astype(np.float32) # define preprocess parameters mean = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) * 127.5 scale = 1 / 127.5 # prepare input blob to fit the model input: # 1. subtract mean # 2. scale to set pixel values from 0 to 1 input_blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage( image=input_img, scalefactor=scale, size=(224, 224), # img target size mean=mean, swapRB=True, # BGR -> RGB crop=True # center crop ) print("Input blob shape: {}n".format(input_blob.shape)) return input_blob def get_imagenet_labels(labels_path): with open(labels_path) as f: imagenet_labels = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()] return imagenet_labels def get_opencv_dnn_prediction(opencv_net, preproc_img, imagenet_labels): # set OpenCV DNN input opencv_net.setInput(preproc_img) # OpenCV DNN inference out = opencv_net.forward() print("OpenCV DNN prediction: n") print("* shape: ", out.shape) # get the predicted class ID imagenet_class_id = np.argmax(out) # get confidence confidence = out[0][imagenet_class_id] print("* class ID: {}, label: {}".format(imagenet_class_id, imagenet_labels[imagenet_class_id])) print("* confidence: {:.4f}n".format(confidence)) def get_tf_dnn_prediction(original_net, preproc_img, imagenet_labels): # inference preproc_img = preproc_img.transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) print("TF input blob shape: {}n".format(preproc_img.shape)) out = original_net(preproc_img) print("nTensorFlow model prediction: n") print("* shape: ", out.shape) # get the predicted class ID imagenet_class_id = np.argmax(out) print("* class ID: {}, label: {}".format(imagenet_class_id, imagenet_labels[imagenet_class_id])) # get confidence confidence = out[0][imagenet_class_id] print("* confidence: {:.4f}".format(confidence)) def main(): # configure TF launching #set_tf_env() # initialize TF MobileNet model original_tf_model = MobileNet( include_top=True, weights="imagenet" ) # get TF frozen graph path full_pb_path = get_tf_model_proto(original_tf_model) print(full_pb_path) # read frozen graph with OpenCV API opencv_net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromTensorflow(full_pb_path) print("OpenCV model was successfully read. Model layers: n", opencv_net.getLayerNames()) # get preprocessed image input_img = get_preprocessed_img("yaopin.png") # get ImageNet labels imagenet_labels = get_imagenet_labels("classification_classes.txt") # obtain OpenCV DNN predictions get_opencv_dnn_prediction(opencv_net, input_img, imagenet_labels) # obtain TF model predictions get_tf_dnn_prediction(original_tf_model, input_img, imagenet_labels) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
三、使用LabVIEW dnn实现图像分类(callpb_photo.vi)
本博客中所用实例基于LabVIEW2018版本,调用mobilenet pb模型
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